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"Sound design for mobile Apps: bebop, do-bop, d...

"Sound design for mobile Apps: bebop, do-bop, do it, damn it..." by Karen Sawrey

Karen is a tech writer at Cossack Labs, freelance sound designer for various mobile developers and girl who'll bust the myth that sound is only about mobile games. Her talk will contain much fun, interaction and of course much of useful info. You will know about the things you can do by yourself, and what you should delegate to experts.

This talk was made for CocoaHeads Kyiv #12 which took place July 22 2017.

CocoaHeads Ukraine

July 22, 2017

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  1. THE SOUND... + Sets the mood supporting a brand +

    Informs about the task status + Rewards for a job well done
  2. “So how do we add sound without a sound designer?

    - We don’t”. (c) Ressa Schwarzwald, sound designer @TinyBuild, Belarus
  3. + Asset stores + Stocks + “Siri, find me some

    royalty-free audio/music…” BUY LEGAL
  4. + GarageBand (iOS, OS X) + Reaper (OS X) +

    Audacity (OS X) + Ardour (OS X) WITH FREE EDITORS:
  5. + Choose the correct format: Lossless vs. Lossy Mono vs.

    Stereo - wav\mp3\ogg - aac\alac\ale THE FINAL COUNTDOWN:
  6. + WAV and AIFF - uncompressed audio files (encapsulate the

    data on a CD in a way that the files can be read on a computer). + Apple Lossless - lossless format, which retains the full quality of the uncompressed audio, yet uses much less space (about 40-60 % less than WAV or AIFF files). + AAC and MP3 - lossy compressed formats (AAC is actually the MP4 standard, the successor to MP3).
  7. STAY AWAY FROM: + Sound “for kids” + “Legacy” soundtracks

    (esp. historic) + Creation of sound effects when the soundtrack is ready + Working with middleware (WWISE, FMOD)
  8. AND WHERE TO FIND THEM: + Gamedev communities, forums +

    Gaming and IT events + Freelance sites (Upwork, Fiverr) + Blogs
  9. REMEMBER! + Provide references + Really - references + Provide

    context + Communicate! + Don’t overlook technical requirements (i.e. target format)