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October 23, 2021




October 23, 2021


  1. ςετͷՄಡੑ group('[Increment Button]', () { group('label shows "0"', () {

    testWidgets('label shows "1"', (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); group('label shows "1"', () { testWidgets('label shows "2"', (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); });
  2. ςετͷՄಡੑ group('[Decrement Button]', () { group('label shows "1"', () {

    testWidgets('label shows "0"', (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); group('label shows "2"', () { testWidgets('label shows "1"', (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); });
  3. ςετͷՄಡੑ group('[Increment Button]', () { group('label shows "0"', () {

    testWidgets('label shows "1"', (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); group('label shows "1"', () { testWidgets('label shows "2"', (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); });
  4. ςετͷՄಡੑ group('[Increment Button]', () { ← describe group('label shows "0"',

    () { ← context testWidgets('label shows "1"' ← it, (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); group('label shows "1"', () { testWidgets('label shows "2"', (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); });
  5. ςετͷՄಡੑ w 34QFDͰ࠾༻͞Ε͍ͯΔه๏ w EFTDSJCF ɹςετର৅ w DPOUFYU ɹςετΛߦ͏લఏ৚݅ w

  6. ςετͷՄಡੑ group('[Increment Button]', () { ← describe group('label shows "0"',

    () { ← context testWidgets('label shows "1"' ← it, (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); group('label shows "1"', () { testWidgets('label shows "2"', (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); });
  7. ςετͷՄಡੑ group('[Increment Button]', () { ← describe group('label shows "0"',

    () { ← context testWidgets('label shows "1"' ← it, (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); group('label shows "1"', () { testWidgets('label shows "2"', (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); });
  8. ςετͷՄಡੑ group('[Increment Button]', () { ← describe group('label shows "0"',

    () { ← context testWidgets('label shows "1"' ← it, (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); group('label shows "1"', () { testWidgets('label shows "2"', (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); });
  9. ςετͷՄಡੑ group('[Increment Button]', () { group('label shows "0"', () {

    testWidgets('label shows "1"', (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); group('label shows "1"', () { testWidgets('label shows "2"', (WidgetTester tester) async { }); }); });
  10. ςετͷՄಡੑ HJWFO@XIFO@UIFO testWidgets('label shows "1"', harness((given, when, then) async {

    { await given.pumpMyApp(); given.canFindZero(); given.cannotFindOne(); } { await when.userTapsIncrementButton(); } { then.cannotFindZero(); then.canFindOne(); } }), );
  11. ςετͷՄಡੑ HJWFO@XIFO@UIFO testWidgets('label shows "1"', harness((given, when, then) async {

    { await given.pumpMyApp(); given.canFindZero(); given.cannotFindOne(); } { await when.userTapsIncrementButton(); } { then.cannotFindZero(); then.canFindOne(); } }), ); ͕දࣔ͞Ε͍ͯΔ࣌ʹ
  12. ςετͷՄಡੑ HJWFO@XIFO@UIFO testWidgets('label shows "1"', harness((given, when, then) async {

    { await given.pumpMyApp(); given.canFindZero(); given.cannotFindOne(); } { await when.userTapsIncrementButton(); } { then.cannotFindZero(); then.canFindOne(); } }), ); ϓϥεϘλϯ͕ԡ͞ΕͨΒ ͕දࣔ͞Ε͍ͯΔ࣌ʹ
  13. ςετͷՄಡੑ HJWFO@XIFO@UIFO testWidgets('label shows "1"', harness((given, when, then) async {

    { await given.pumpMyApp(); given.canFindZero(); given.cannotFindOne(); } { await when.userTapsIncrementButton(); } { then.cannotFindZero(); then.canFindOne(); } }), ); ϓϥεϘλϯ͕ԡ͞ΕͨΒ ͕දࣔ͞Ε͍ͯΔ࣌ʹ ͕දࣔ͞Ε͍ͯͯཉ͍͠
  14. ςετͷՄಡੑ HJWFO@XIFO@UIFO testWidgets('label shows "1"', harness((given, when, then) async {

    { await given.pumpMyApp(); given.canFindZero(); given.cannotFindOne(); } { await when.userTapsIncrementButton(); } { then.cannotFindZero(); then.canFindOne(); } }), );
  15. ςετͷՄಡੑ HJWFO@XIFO@UIFO extension MyAppGiven on WidgetTestGiven<_MyAppTestHarness> { Future<void> pumpMyApp() async

    { await tester.pumpWidget(const MyApp()); } Future<void> increment() async { await tester.tap(find.byKey(incrementKey)); } Future<void> pump() async { await tester.pump(); } void canFindZero() { expect(find.text('0'), findsOneWidget); } void cannotFindZero() { expect(find.text('0'), findsNothing); }}
  16. ςετͷՄಡੑ HJWFO@XIFO@UIFO extension MyAppWhen on WidgetTestWhen<_MyAppTestHarness> { Future<void> userTapsIncrementButton() async

    { await tester.tap(find.byKey(incrementKey)); await tester.pump(); } Future<void> userTapsDecrementButton() async { await tester.tap(find.byKey(decrementKey)); await tester.pump(); } }
  17. ςετͷՄಡੑ HJWFO@XIFO@UIFO extension MyAppThen on WidgetTestThen<_MyAppTestHarness> { void canFindZero() {

    expect(find.text('0'), findsOneWidget); } void cannotFindZero() { expect(find.text('0'), findsNothing); } void canFindOne() { expect(find.text('1'), findsOneWidget); } void cannotFindOne() { expect(find.text('1'), findsNothing); } void canFindTwo() { expect(find.text('2'), findsOneWidget); } void cannotFindTwo() { expect(find.text('2'), findsNothing); } }
  18. ςετͷՄಡੑ HJWFO@XIFO@UIFO testWidgets('label shows "1"', harness((given, when, then) async {

    { await given.pumpMyApp(); given.canFindZero(); given.cannotFindOne(); } { await when.userTapsIncrementButton(); } { then.cannotFindZero(); then.canFindOne(); } }), );
  19. ςετͷՄಡੑ HJWFO@XIFO@UIFO testWidgets('label shows "2"', harness((given, when, then) async {

    { await given.pumpMyApp(); await given.increment(); await given.pump(); given.canFindOne(); given.cannotFindTwo(); } { await when.userTapsIncrementButton(); } { then.cannotFindOne(); then.canFindTwo(); } }));
  20. testWidgets('label shows "1"', harness((given, when, then) async { { await

    given.pumpMyApp(); await given.increment(); await given.increment(); await given.pump(); given.canFindTwo(); given.cannotFindOne(); } { await when.userTapsDecrementButton(); } { then.cannotFindTwo(); then.canFindOne(); } })); ςετͷՄಡੑ HJWFO@XIFO@UIFO
  21. ςετͷՄಡੑ HJWFO@XIFO@UIFOͷ؆қ൛ testWidgets('label shows "1"', (WidgetTester tester) async { //

    given { await tester.pumpWidget(const MyApp()); expect(find.text('0'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('1'), findsNothing); } // when { await tester.tap(find.byKey(incrementKey)); await tester.pump(); } // then { expect(find.text('0'), findsNothing); expect(find.text('1'), findsOneWidget); } });
  22. ςετͷՄಡੑ GMVUUFS@UFTU@VJ void main() { setUpUI((tester) async { await tester.pumpWidget(const

    MyApp()); }); testUI('label shows "1"', harness((given, when, then) async { { given.canFindZero(); given.cannotFindOne(); } { await when.userTapsIncrementButton(); } { then.cannotFindZero(); then.canFindOne(); } })); }
  23. ςετͷՄಡੑ GMVUUFS@UFTU@VJ testWidgets('label shows "1"', harness((given, when, then) async {

    { await given.pumpMyApp(); given.canFindZero(); given.cannotFindOne(); } { await when.userTapsIncrementButton(); } { then.cannotFindZero(); then.canFindOne(); } }), );
  24. ςετͷՄಡੑ HJWFO@XIFO@UIFO testWidgets('label shows "1"', harness((given, when, then) async {

    { await given.pumpMyApp(); given.canFindZero(); given.cannotFindOne(); } { await when.userTapsIncrementButton(); } { then.cannotFindZero(); then.canFindOne(); } }), );
  25. ςετͷՄಡੑ GMVUUFS@UFTU@VJ void main() { setUpUI((tester) async { await tester.pumpWidget(const

    MyApp()); }); testUI('label shows "1"', harness((given, when, then) async { { given.canFindZero(); given.cannotFindOne(); } { await when.userTapsIncrementButton(); } { then.cannotFindZero(); then.canFindOne(); } })); }
  26. ςετͷՄಡੑ GMVUUFS@UFTU@VJ void main() { setUpUI((tester) async { await tester.pumpWidget(const

    MyApp()); }); testUI('label shows "1"', harness((given, when, then) async { { given.canFindZero(); given.cannotFindOne(); } { await when.userTapsIncrementButton(); } { then.cannotFindZero(); then.canFindOne(); } })); }
  27. ςετͷՄಡੑ GMVUUFS@UFTU@VJ void main() { setUpUI((tester) async { await tester.pumpWidget(const

    MyApp()); }); testUI('label shows "1"', harness((given, when, then) async { { given.canFindZero(); given.cannotFindOne(); } { await when.userTapsIncrementButton(); } { then.cannotFindZero(); then.canFindOne(); } })); }
  28. group('label shows "2"', () { setUpUI((tester) async { await tester.tap(find.byKey(incrementKey));

    await tester.tap(find.byKey(incrementKey)); await tester.pump(); }); testUI('label shows "1"', harness((given, when, then) async { { given.canFindTwo(); given.cannotFindOne(); } { await when.userTapsDecrementButton(); } { then.cannotFindTwo(); then.canFindOne(); } })); }); ςετͷՄಡੑ GMVUUFS@UFTU@VJ
  29. ฐࣾͰͷϏϑΥʔΞϑλʔ Ξϑλʔ final apiClient = baseApiClient.appending( responder: (request) { if

    (request is UsersRequest) { return _Fixtures.createUser( id: 'some_user_id', ); } }, );

    w CEE@XJEHFU@UFTU w PHVSFUT ঺հ͖͠Εͳ͔ͬͨύοέʔδͨͪ