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Optimizing Numeric Data Types in Oracle to Post...

Deepak Mahto
June 12, 2024

Optimizing Numeric Data Types in Oracle to PostgreSQL Migration

The talk I gave at PGConf India 2023 was focused on providing a guide for organizations migrating from the legacy commercial engine (Oracle) to Google Cloud, with a specific emphasis on the NUMBER data type. The key takeaways were as follows:

Providing guidance on best practices for data types during the migration process of relational databases
Enabling customers to refactor schema during the conversion phase by selecting the optimal numeric family and avoiding failure in later stages
Demonstrating an automated method for obtaining recommended data types from Oracle when the number declaration lacks precision or scale.

Deepak Mahto

June 12, 2024


  1. Don’t let Number data type be the villain in your

    migrating journey. Deepak Mahto Feb 2023
  2. Number Recommender - Metadata based Oracle Data type Oracle PRECISION(p)

    Oracle SCALE(s) PostgreSQL NUMBER(p) p < 5 0 OR NULL SMALLINT NUMBER(p) p >=5 and p<10 0 OR NULL INTEGER NUMBER(p) p >=10 and p<19 0 OR NULL BIGINT NUMBER(p) p>=19 and P < 30 0 OR NULL NUMERIC(p) NUMBER(p) p>=30 0 OR NULL NUMERIC(p) NUMBER(p,s) p is not null s < 10 NUMERIC(p,s) NUMBER(p,s) p is not null s > 10 NUMERIC(p,s)
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    length calculated Data value sampled PostgreSQL Data Type NUMBER 0 BETWEEN -9223372036854775808 AND 9223372036854775807 BIGINT NUMBER max_left_significant_digit + max_right_significant_digit <=15 DOUBLE PRECISION NUMBER > 38 NOT NULL NUMERIC NUMBER <10 NOT NULL NUMERIC NUMBER >10 NOT NULL NUMERIC NUMBER NULL NULL DOUBLE PRECISION
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