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Introduction To Firebase - GDGMaiduguri

November 08, 2021

Introduction To Firebase - GDGMaiduguri


November 08, 2021


  1. ❖ Frontend developer ❖ Everything JavaScript ❖ Organizer JSMinna ❖

    Co-organizer GDGBida ❖ Core Team Member GDGMinna ❖ Wannabe gamer and football lover ABDULQUDUS ABUBAKRE ibn_abubakre abdulqudus001
  2. What is Firebase Firebase is many things. It is authentication,

    it is a database, it is a cloud storage etc. To sum it all, firebase can be seen as a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS)
  3. Backend-as-a-Service(BaaS) Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) is a cloud service model in which

    developers outsource all the behind-the-scenes (backend) aspects of an application so that they only have to focus on the user facing side.
  4. Features Of Firebase ❖ Cloud firestore ❖ Real time database

    ❖ Cloud functions ❖ Authentication ❖ Hosting ❖ Cloud storage ❖ Performance monitoring ❖ Google analytics etc
  5. Why use firebase? ❖ Realtime database ❖ Static file hosting

    ❖ You don’t have to worry about infrastructure ❖ Ready-made API ❖ Email & Password, Google, facebook and github authentication
  6. Firebase: cons ❖ It’s difficult to make complex queries ❖

    Data migration can be difficult as all the data is hosted on firebase ❖ Not completely iOS friendly