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1. NG Introduction

February 07, 2017

1. NG Introduction


February 07, 2017


  1. Course Schedule 1. Introduction: Concepts of Angular 2. Introduction to

    TypeScript, Component Basics and Build-in Directives. Inputs and Outputs. 2. Functional Programming & Reactive Programming: Reactive Extensions for JS. 3. Angular CLI. Custom Directives. Renderer: Templates, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef (Dynamic Component Loader - entryComponents) 4. Dependency Injection. Providers and Injectors: Services. 5. Change Detection and Component / Directive Lifecycle. Advanced Components: OnPush, Observable.fromEvent, Content Projection, ViewChildren, ContentChildren 6. Predictable Reactive State Management - NGRX 7. Forms and validations Pt. 1 8. Forms and validations Pt. 2 - Multi-Providers, Custom Controls, Template driven custom validators 9. Routing and Navigation. Lazy Loading. 10.Protecting Routes. Pipes. Angular 4 and beyond.
  2. Course Organization • Presentation: Lecture / Code Overview / Live

    Coding ~ 1h • Exercise: Solving tasks / Answering Questions ~ 2h • Tasks & Lectures: Uploaded on • Solutions: Fork course repo and commit them to gain points
  3. Today's Schedule 1. JavaScript - Quick Overview 2. The Evolution

    of JavaScript and the Web. 3. Concepts of Angular 2. 4. Things we should know before we start. 5. Creating components and using build-in directives.
  4. Interpreter • Doesn't do any processing on the program before

    execution • Translates (interprets) program code line by line and executes it • The only result is the output data
  5. Compiler • Translates the program written in a high-level language

    to the machine language of a computer • Data is passed to the executable
  6. V8 JavaScript Engine Is an open source JavaScript engine developed

    by The Chromium Project for the Google Chrome web browser. V8 compiles JavaScript to native machine code before executing it. The compiled code is additionally optimized (and re-optimized) dynamically at runtime.
  7. Transpiler (compiler) An example of a transpiler is tsc (typescript

    compiler). It transpiles (compiles) TypeScript code into JavaScript A famous traspiler is
  8. The Evolution of JS and the Web. 1. ECMAScript 6

    (ES2015) 2. Web Components 3. Web Workers 4. TypeScript
  9. ECMAScript ECMAScript (ES) is a trademarked scripting-language specification standardized by

    Ecma International. The ECMAScript specification is a standardized specification of a scripting language developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape. Initially it was named Mocha, later LiveScript, and finally JavaScript.
  10. ECMAScript 2015 (ES 6) ECMAScript 2015, was finalized in June

    2015. It adds significant new syntax for writing complex applications.
  11. Web Components Bring component-based software engineering to the World Wide

    Web • Allow us to write reusable widgets • The Component model allows encapsulation
  12. Web Components • Custom Elements - APIs to define new

    HTML elements • Shadow DOM - Encapsulated DOM and styling, with composition • HTML Imports - Declarative methods of importing HTML documents into other documents • HTML Templates - The <template> tag, which allows documents to contain inert chunks of DOM
  13. Web Workers A web worker is a JavaScript that runs

    in the background, independently of other scripts, without affecting the performance of the page
  14. TypeScript Developed by Microsoft, TypeScript is a strict superset of

    JavaScript, and adds optional static typing and class-based object- oriented programming to the language TypeScript is designed for development of large applications and (trans | com)piles to JavaScript. As TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, any existing JavaScript programs are also valid TypeScript programs.
  15. About Angular • It's Fast (5 times faster than Angular

    1) • Uses Typescript • Supports server side pre-rendering (Angular Universal) • Most of our code and Angular can be configured to run in a Web Worker • Supports Lazy Loading • It has Native App Support (NativeScript)
  16. Server side pre-rendering preboot.js - library to to help manage

    the transition of state (i.e. events, focus, data) from a server- generated web view to a client- generated web view
  17. Angular Universal NodeJS Server ASP.NET Core Server
 Angular CLI support

    coming soon Current State: Merging Universal into Angular core
  18. Concepts • Directives (structural / attribute) - custom html tags

    / attributes that contain / add some logic. • Components (smart / dumb) - Directives with a View (template) • Component Tree - root component containing other components • Input and Output Properties - Sending data from parent to child component via Inputs and from child to parent via output. • Lifecycle - Special events that we can tap into. • Services - Communication and data manipulation channels
  19. Components • Container (Smart) - Concerned with how things work.

    • Presentational (Dumb) - Concerned with how things look.
  20. Angular Compilation Before rendering the app the HTML templates are

    converted to executable JavaScript by the Angular compiler.
 2. Instantiation 1. Parsing
  21. Parser The parser starts reading each character from our templates.

    It instantiates the objects using special data structures. In their constructor the DOM element that they represent is created. They are all put into a Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
  22. Compilation • Just In Time (JIT) - Compiled at runtime

    in the browser when loading the application.
 *slower performance 
 *bigger application
 • Ahead Of Time (AOT) - Compiling at build time.
 *render the application immediately, without waiting to compile
  23. TypeScript Decorators Using Decorators we can annotate and modify classes

    and properties at design time.
 We can add both annotations and a meta-programming syntax for class declarations and members.
  24. What is a decorator 1. A decorator is an expression

    2. that evaluates to a function 3. that takes the target, name, and decorator descriptor as arguments 4. and optionally returns a decorator descriptor to install on the target object
  25. TypeScript Decorators Decorators provide a way to Decorators are a

    stage 1 proposal for JavaScript and are available as an experimental feature of TypeScript (+ reflect-metadata library).
  26. TypeScript Decorators Decorator can be attached to a class declaration,

    method, accessor, property, or parameter. Decorators use the form @expression, where expression must evaluate to a function that will be called at runtime with information about the decorated declaration.
  27. Angular Dependencies • core-js / es6-shim (https://unpkg.com/core-js@2.4.1/client/shim.min.js) • reflect-metadata (https://unpkg.com/reflect-metadata@0.1.3/Reflect.js)

    • zone.js (https://unpkg.com/zone.js/dist/zone.js) • RxJS (https://unpkg.com/rxjs) • systemjs / webpack (https://unpkg.com/systemjs@0.19.31/dist/system.js)
  28. Angular App Main Structure • main.js - Bootstraps the app

    for the current platform • app.module.ts - Bootstraps the main component and its dependencies • app.component.ts - Main component. • app.component.html - Main component template.
  29. Structuring Our App When components, directives, pipes, services belong together

    we should extract them to a separate module - Feature Module
  30. Core Feature Module Consider collecting numerous, auxiliary, single-use classes inside

    a core module to simplify the apparent structure of a feature module. 
 Only the root AppModule should import the CoreModule.
  31. Shared Feature Module Declare components, directives, and pipes in a

    shared module when those items will be re-used and referenced by the components declared in other feature modules.
  32. Template reference variables • Using a hash (#) prefix we

    can defining a template variable. • We can use a template reference variable on the same element, on a sibling element, or on any child elements.