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6. Change Detection

March 06, 2017

6. Change Detection


March 06, 2017


  1. zone.js • Monkey patches the world - every single async

    api • Provides context The zone is an execution context that is passed to the callback function of the async operation and when the callback is executed the zone is alerted about the change.
 ($digest) https://github.com/angular/zone.js/blob/master/lib/browser/browser.ts
  2. zone.js Usually we don't need to care about zones but

    there are times when we need to like when we are doing a complex animation or third party services
  3. Change Detection Change Detection mechanism detects when data changes, and

    then automatically re-renders the view to reflect that change.
  4. Application State Change • Events - click, submit, … •

    XHR (Ajax) - Fetching data from a remote server • Timers - setTimeout(), setInterval()
  5. Change Detection Mechanism Every Component has an change detector and

    what it does is: 1. When a change occurs the change detector compares for each expression in the template the current value of the property used in the expression with the previous value. 2. If the property value before and after is different, it sets isChanged to true.
  6. Angular 2 generates Virtual Machine (VM) friendly code so it

    can perform thousands of Change Detection Runs in milliseconds.
  7. Change Detection Strategies • ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush 
 The change detector's mode

    will be set to CheckOnce during hydration (It compares values by reference) • ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default 
 The change detector's mode will be set to CheckAlways during hydration
  8. Content Projection Content projection is a way to import HTML

    content from outside the component and insert that content into the component's template in a designated spot. 
  9. AfterViewInit and AfterContentInit Hooks • The AfterView hooks concern ViewChildren,

    the child components whose element tags appear within the component's template. • The AfterContent hooks concern ContentChildren, the child components that Angular projected into the component.