build platforms Flutter release workflows execute only after multiple engineers approve Scripted build process Multi-party approval with audit logging This means trusted sources with expected contents built the framework release artifacts Provenance Flutter supports SLSA level 1 (Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts, security features)
pruned unused glyphs from both Material and Cupertino Chromium-based browsers can use an even smaller custom Canvas Kit “flavor”. Improved load times CanvasKit reduced size You can embed a Flutter web app into any HTML element of your web page, with flutter.js and the hostElement engine initialization parameter Element embedding Custom shaders can be used to provide rich graphical effects Shader support Pwani First framework architecturally designed for these structures eg. Rive
the Dart thread to avoid delaying vsync events from the platform thread An inefficient strategy for identifier lookups in app bundles increased app startup latency Eliminating Jank Reducing iOS startup latency Flutter uses SkParagraph as the default library for text shaping, layout, and rendering Reducing Size enabled an Android feature late in the rendering pipeline. This Android feature used advanced GPU driver features. These driver features repaint less of the screen when only one “dirty” region changes Stability Pwani Performance
support • Adaptive checkbox and radio • Refining Cupertino animations, transitions and colors • PlatformView performance • macOS and iOS can use shared code in plugins iOS Pwani
tools for Dart and Flutter. - The DevTools UI uses Material 3 - The DevTools console supports evaluations for a running app in debug mode - An embedded Perfetto trace viewer replaces the previous timeline trace viewer DevTools Pwani
Flutter ecosystem🔥 - There are over 500,000 Flutter apps already in production - There are over 33,000 packages published on The Community Pwani