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What the best shops do best - Kevin Indig @Reco...

Kevin Indig
March 14, 2024

What the best shops do best - Kevin Indig @Recommerce

Kevin Indig

March 14, 2024


  1. 2

  2. 3

  3. 4 “The 4 winds” G. marketplace Search engine -> marketplace

    Paid Surge Paid channels = +$$$ Stressed consumers AI disruption AI softens competitive advantages 3rd Wave New competition from Chinese retailers
  4. 13

  5. 14 Less, later, lower Amazon ad spent: +30%, CPC: +18%,

    ROAS: -8% / -5% https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/growth-marketing-and-sales/our-insights/the-great-uncertainty-us-consumer-confidence-and-behavior-during-inflationary-times https://news.adobe.com/news/news-details/2023/Media-Alert-Adobe-Cyber-Monday-Surges-to-12.4-Billion-in-Online-Spending-Breaking-E-Commerce-Record/default.aspx
  6. 18 That’s because this new generative AI shopping experience is

    built on Google’s Shopping Graph, which has more than 35 billion product listings — making it the world’s most comprehensive dataset of constantly-changing products, sellers, brands, reviews and inventory out there. In fact, every hour, more than 1.8 billion listings are refreshed in our Shopping Graph to give people fresh, reliable results. https://blog.google/products/search/generative-ai-search/
  7. 25 Shein outruns fast fashion competitors Amazon Temu Shein $40

    billion $16 billion $700 billion TikTok $20 billion
  8. 26 Temu’s impression share already on par with Walmart and

    Target Source: https://content.tinuiti.com/rs/006-GWW-889/images/Tinuiti%20-%20Google%20Report%20-%20Q1%202022.pdf
  9. 38 Merchant center optimization Product info - GTIN number -

    In / out of stock - Product category Shipping - Return policy - Shipping times Tech - Exact product match - No eligibility issues - Link to checkout - Thumbnail optimization Reputation - Top quality badge - Seller rating Promotions - Discounts
  10. 39 Merchant Feed a/b testing Image credit: Feedonomics Include important

    attributes in your title, such as strong brand names, age group, gender, size, color, size type, or personalization options. Provide customers with the most relevant information about your product to better match search queries and drive performance lift. Put key details at the front of your product title, especially if they’re not visible in the image. Product titles are truncated in most ad formats, so show your most relevant and compelling content at the beginning of the title to inform customers before they click through to your site. From: https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/7380908?hl=en
  11. 49 Interlink content and product pages Links to content on

    category pages Product carousels in blog articles
  12. 54 01 Divided focus The best merchants optimize for classic

    search AND marketplace 02 Facets + content Progressive facet indexing PLUS editorial content 03 Run lean High page/quality ratio
  13. 55 “The best newsletter on SEO growth and insider case

    studies. A must for any SEO professional looking to level up!” - Adam Gent Go to www.growth-memo.com 1 2 3 Enter your email Hit “subscribe”
  14. 56 Go to LINK 1 2 3 Download the deck

    Block an hour time for brainstorming 4 Test these ideas
  15. 58

  16. 60 What does it take? 01 Divided focus The best

    merchants pay attention to classic search and test marketplace features 02 03
  17. 61 01 Divided focus The best merchants pay attention to

    classic search and test marketplace features 02 Facets + content A mix of longtail query targeting and editorial content with a high page/quality ratio What does it take?
  18. 62 01 Divided focus The best merchants pay attention to

    classic search and test marketplace features 02 Facets + content A mix of longtail query targeting and editorial content with a high page/quality ratio 03 Branding Video + 3rd party reviews What does it take?
  19. 64 Factors: • Reviews • Material • Pros / cons

    • Availability • Material • Color • Size • Images • Descriptions • Youtube videos SGE + shopping graph
  20. 69 +50% of Amazon’s 3rd party sellers are from China

  21. 70 Remember the 4 P’s? Old New Price Supply chain,

    marketing, margin, retail markup, perceived value CAC vs. LTV Product Who needs it and why? Reviews Place Brick & Mortar Shipping Promotion Advertising, PR discounts, PLAs, thumbnails