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Good Products Start Within

Lauren Dorman
August 17, 2017

Good Products Start Within

Talk was given at CONFRONT in Malmö, Sweden on August 17th, 2017.

Lauren Dorman

August 17, 2017


  1. Good Products Start Within @LaurenDorman Hi, I’m Lauren. Queer Woman

    of Color. Software Developer. Sometimes Designer. From the Midwest. Leads with empathy.
  2. Good Products Start Within @LaurenDorman noun | em·pa·thy the ability

    to understand another person's experiences and emotions1 Empathy 1 Adapted from Marriam-Webster
  3. – Ryan Page, Capital One “We see our greatest successes

    when we involve the right people along the way.” Good Products Start Within @LaurenDorman
  4. Good Products Start Within @LaurenDorman When we put our attention

    only on the functionality of the product and neglect the user, we tend to only focus on what the product is, instead of who it’s for. Build for people.
  5. Good Products Start Within @LaurenDorman 1. Understanding Others 2. Developing

    Others 3. Having a Service Orientation 4. Leveraging Diversity 5. Political Awareness The five key elements of empathy.2 2 Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence
  6. – Dr. Cornel West “Empathy is not simply a matter

    of trying to imagine what others are going through, but having the will to muster enough courage to do something about it. In a way, empathy is predicated upon hope.” Good Products Start Within @LaurenDorman
  7. Good Products Start Within @LaurenDorman -Reflect on your processes -Unlearn

    what doesn’t serve you others -Be curious, not critical, of others work -Consider how words effect people Dig deep.
  8. Good Products Start Within @LaurenDorman -Make a connection -Be inquisitive

    -Listen -No, really... Listen -Key into the needs of others Empathy can be taught.
  9. Good Products Start Within @LaurenDorman -Collaborate more effectively -Communicate with

    clarity -Increase happiness -Make damn good products Why it’s important…