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Monika Kumar Jethani
October 14, 2018


Monika Kumar Jethani

October 14, 2018


  1. Leveraging the power of Arrow to build Android(Kotlin) apps using

    Functional Programming MONIKA KUMAR JETHANI
  2. Agenda 1- Overview of Functional Programming 2- Functional Constructs of

    Kotlin 3- Introduction to Arrow 4- Deep dive into Arrow Data Types: Option, Either, Try 5- Deep dive into Arrow Type Classes: Functor, Monad, Applicative 6- More FP Concepts 7- Sample Apps
  3. What is Functional Programming??? Functional Programming is a programming paradigm—a

    style of building the structure and elements of computer programs—that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data. Its main focus is on “what to solve” in contrast to an imperative style where the main focus is “how to solve”. Source: Wikipedia
  4. Defining a Pure Function Input Output F Characteristics of a

    Pure function: 1- Provides the same output for the same input at all times. 2- Works only on the parameters supplied to it, doesn’t modify anything outside function.
  5. Advantages of Functional Programming over OOP  Brevity  Modularization

    of code  Easier to test  Code becomes predictable  Encourages safe programming by providing constructs such as immutability and pure functions.
  6. Functional Programming Languages  Any Language that treats functions as

    first class citizens.  Functions can be passed to other functions, returned from other functions and functions can be assigned to a variable.  Examples: Scala, Haskell, Kotlin.
  7. Functional Constructs of Kotlin  Immutability  Higher-Order Functions 

    Lambdas  Lazy Evaluation  Tail Call Recursion  Extension Functions  Null Safety  Pattern Matching
  8. Arrow  Functional Companion to Kotlin’s standard library.  Library

    that provides Typed Functional Programming in Kotlin.  Introduced in 2017.  Fusion of 2 most popular Kotlin libraries: Kategory and funcKTionale.  Documentation available at : https://arrow-kt.io/  Latest release: 0.7.3
  9. Option Option<A> is a container for an optional value of

    type A. If the value of type A is present, the Option<A> is an instance of Some<A>, containing the present value of type A. If the value is absent, the Option<A> is the object None.
  10. Use case for Option  A Registration form filled by

    users where entities like Name, Date-of-Birth are optional. Searching the user by name, would results in a type Optional.  Can also be used in when clause of Kotlin.
  11. Either  As its name implies, Either uses either of

    the two values.  By convention, right hand side of Either holds successful values and the left side holds the exceptional case.
  12. Use case for Either Displaying Validation Messages: A form contains

    valid patterns for email, phone, name. The input entered by the user can be either valid or invalid.
  13. Try  Try checks if a particular value exists and

    then routes towards success or failure.  A Try instance where the operation has been successful, which is represented as Success<A>  a Try instance where the computation has failed is represented with a Throwable, which represents Failure.
  14. Use case for Try Catching exceptions- User pass two values

    to the function for divide. Either the function would return the result or throw an exception.
  15. Functor Allow us to apply a function to a wrapped

    value using map. Here, ‘f’ is a function transforming the wrapped value. And map() returns the transformed value wrapped in same context. Present at: Arrow.typeclasses.Functor
  16. How Functor works? fmap :: (a -> b) -> f(a)

    -> f(b) fmap takes a Function And a Functor And returns a new Functor
  17. How Functor works? Continued… 2 (+3) 2 5 5 Unwrap

    value from Context. Apply Function. Rewrap value in Context. No value. (+3) Don’t apply function. End up with Nothing.
  18. Functor applied to Array (+3) (+3) (+3) 2 4 6

    5 7 9 Apply the function to each value.
  19. How Applicative works? (+3) <*> 2 5 Function wrapped in

    a Context Value in a Context (+3) 2 Unwrap both and apply the function to the value New value in a context
  20. Applicative Builder Preserves Type Information when computing over different Option

    types. Callback is invoked when all values are completed, if all values are Some.
  21. Monads Monads apply a wrapped value to a function that

    returns a wrapped value using flatMap.
  22. How does Monad work? (>>=) :: ma -> (a ->

    mb) -> mb >>= takes a Monad And a function that returns a Monad And it returns a Monad
  23. Function Composition  Process of building a function using existing

    functions.  Compose is an infix function.  Compose takes the value from the function on the right, applies it to the function on the left and continues to pass it to the left.
  24. Piping  Reverse of ‘compose’.  Takes a value from

    the function on the left and sequentially applies it to the function on the right.
  25. Memoization  A technique to cache results of pure functions.

     A function that is memorized behaves as a normal function, but stores the result of previous computations associated with the parameters supplied to produce that result.
  26. Best practices when using Arrow for Android  Push side

    effects to a single point on your system to keep the rest of the architecture completely pure.  Be clear on the concepts of different data types and their differences.  Be clear on the concepts of different type classes and incorporate them in your computations accordingly.
  27. Projects using Arrow  raulh82vlc/FunctionalKotlin  dcampogiani/AndroidFunctionalValidation  47deg/helios You

    can check the projects that are being done/have being done using Arrow here: https://arrow-kt.io/docs/quickstart/projects/