Natan Lopes (@natanprog)

8 Follows

Igor Duarte


Engenheiro de Software, pós graduando em engenharia de software, graduado em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, e...

5 followers 17 decks

Vinicius Dias


Zend Certified Engineer. PHP, Design Patterns and Best Practices Lover. I also care very much for Linux and Shell Scr...

2 followers 12 decks

Marcel dos Santos


Tech passionate programmer, web lover, PHP & JavaScript coder, interested in architecture & DDD, FP enthusiast, ex-FE...

27 followers 28 decks

Er Galvão Abbott


Er Galvão Abbott works for more than 18 years developing web-interfaced systems and applications, being 11 of those w...

3 followers 32 decks

Alexandre Gaigalas


Trabalho num time sensacional do Yahoo! Brasil e ainda ganho pra isso.

1 follower 24 decks