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Mafia Pizza Shop

Pavleena Naegele
January 03, 2024

Mafia Pizza Shop

Pavleena Naegele

January 03, 2024


  1. Scene 2 Panel 2 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    MOB BOSS Iʼm not going to ask again Johnny, whereʼd you put the money?
  2. Scene 2 Panel 3 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    JOHNNY I- I donʼt know, I lost it! You got to believe me! I told you everything- Everything I know!
  3. Scene 2 Panel 4 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    MOB BOSS Thatʼs not good enough Johnny.
  4. Scene 2 Panel 5 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    MOB BOSS (cont) Frankie! See if you can help Johnny here remember what happened to my money.
  5. Scene 2 Panel 6 / 69 Duration 01 00 Action

    Notes SFX Frankie cracks knuckles
  6. Scene 2 Panel 7 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    JOHNNY No- NO- NO! I SWEAR- I Swear I told you everything! Please- Please this isnʼt necessary-
  7. Scene 2 Panel 8 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    MOB BOSS It was nice knowing ya kid. Hate to see it end so early.
  8. Scene 2 Panel 9 / 69 Duration 01 00 Action

    Notes Frankie grabs Johnny by the collar, ready to punch him. SFX: Door dings
  9. Scene 2 Panel 19 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH Hi. Can I get a Deep Dish with extra pepperoni and cheese, some mushrooms and a dash of black olives. Not too many though.
  10. Scene 2 Panel 20 / 69 Duration 01 00 Action

    Notes Mob looks around at each other.
  11. Scene 2 Panel 21 / 69 Duration 01 00 Action

    Notes Rach looks up from her phone.
  12. Scene 2 Panel 23 / 69 Duration 01 00 Action

    Notes Mob Boss shoulders Tony.
  13. Scene 2 Panel 24 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    TONY Weʼre uh- weʼre closed for the night. Sorry.
  14. Scene 2 Panel 25 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH Well your sign outside says ‘openʼ.
  15. Scene 2 Panel 26 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH (cont) And your hours online say open till 2 am. And itʼs… .
  16. Scene 2 Panel 27 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH (cont) 1 34 right now!
  17. Scene 2 Panel 28 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    MOB BOSS We only do online take-out orders.
  18. Scene 2 Panel 29 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH (pointing at Johnny) What about that guy over there?
  19. Scene 2 Panel 32 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    MOB BOSS Storeʼs closed for a health inspection. Heʼs the inspector..
  20. Scene 2 Panel 33 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    MOB BOSS (cont) Frankie, Tony. Take the inspector to the back, see if you can get some answers.
  21. Scene 2 Panel 34 / 69 Duration 01 00 Action

    Notes Tony, Frankie, and Johnny (held at gunpoint) head to the back.
  22. Scene 2 Panel 35 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH Well since youʼre still open, Iʼll do the pizza.
  23. Scene 2 Panel 36 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    MOB BOSS We got bad reviews. Cockroaches. Rats. Ya donʼt want to eat here.
  24. Scene 2 Panel 37 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH (after scrolling) Actually, you have all 5-star reviews. See! Tony, Rocco, Frankie, and Vinnie all gave great reviews!
  25. Scene 2 Panel 38 / 69 Duration 01 00 Action

    Notes Mob Boss glares at Tony, Rocco, Frankie, and Vinnie who all cower.
  26. Scene 2 Panel 39 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    MOB BOSS Go somewhere else, kid. If ya know whatʼs good for ya.
  27. Scene 2 Panel 41 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH I just left a frat party where I was SO hungry I ate a chip off the floor.
  28. Scene 2 Panel 42 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH Iʼll take my chances with your pizza.
  29. Scene 2 Panel 43 / 69 Duration 01 00 Action

    Notes Mob Boss looks slightly concerned and scared.
  30. Scene 2 Panel 44 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH (cont) Besides, this is the only place open nearby.
  31. Scene 2 Panel 45 / 69 Duration 01 00 Action

    Notes Mob glances at each other
  32. Scene 2 Panel 46 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    MOB BOSS Our ovenʼs broken.
  33. Scene 2 Panel 47 / 69 Duration 01 00 Action

    Notes Over his shoulder Rach sees Frankie and Tony torturing Johnny near an open oven.
  34. Scene 2 Panel 48 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH Looks like they fixed it! How nice of the inspector!
  35. Scene 2 Panel 51 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH (cont) So thatʼs extra pepperoni and cheese, some mushrooms. And black olives. Actually- Iʼve changed my mind.
  36. Scene 2 Panel 53 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH (cont) Actually- Iʼve changed my mind.
  37. Scene 2 Panel 54 / 69 Duration 01 00 Action

    Notes (Sigh of relief from mob)
  38. Scene 2 Panel 55 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH (cont) I think Iʼll do a Hawaiian instead. Better make it a large too.
  39. Scene 2 Panel 57 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    MOB BOSS (cont) (coughs in disbelief) Pineapple on pizza! Never.
  40. Scene 2 Panel 58 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH Fine, fine. No Pineapple. Just cheese and pepperoni.
  41. Scene 2 Panel 59 / 69 Duration 01 00 Action

    Notes Mob Boss glares at her.
  42. Scene 2 Panel 60 / 69 Duration 01 00 Action

    Notes Mobsters reach for their guns.
  43. Scene 2 Panel 61 / 69 Duration 01 00 Action

    Notes TIME CUT. Timer dings.
  44. Scene 2 Panel 65 / 69 Duration 01 00 Action

    Notes Rach looks up from her phone to see Mob Boss in an apron coming out of the back with her pizza.
  45. Scene 2 Panel 66 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    MOB BOSS There ya go. One Pepperoni and cheese.
  46. Scene 2 Panel 68 / 69 Duration 01 00 Dialog

    RACH Thanks! Iʼll be sure to give you a good Yelp review!