non-rent seeking protocol that facilitates trustless, low friction exchange of Ethereum-based assets. Developers can use 0x as a platform to build exchange applications on top of (0x.js is a Javascript library for interacting with the 0x protocol). For end users, 0x will be the infrastructure of a wide variety of user-facing applications i.e. 0x Portal, a decentralized application that facilitates trustless trading of Ethereum-based tokens between known counterparties.” 0xはオープンで使用料をとらないトラストレスでフリクションの少ない Ethereumベースのアセット交 換所。開発者 0x.jsというライブラリーを用いて 0xのプラットフォーム上にアプリケーションを作成す ることができる。エンドユーザーにとっては、 0xは多種のアプリケーションのインフラとなる。 0xが解く問題とは? “Rapid iteration and a lack of best practices have left the blockchain scattered with proprietary and application-specific implementations. As a result, end users are exposed to numerous smart contracts of varying quality and security, with unique configuration processes and learning curves, all of which implement the same functionality. This approach imposes unnecessary costs on the network by fragmenting end users according to the particular dApp each user happens to be using, eliminating valuable network effects around liquidity. 0x is the solution to this problem by acting as modular, unopinionated building blocks that may be assembled and reconfigured.” 4 Conventional Exchangeと何が違うのか? • 0xは交換所の為のプロトコルでありアプリケーションではない • 0xは分散化され、トランストレスである。故にハッキングを受けることが ない • 0xは公共のインフラであり、使用料がかからない。営利目的のアプリ ケーションをその上に構築することはできる どの様なアセットが扱えるようになるのか? “0x supports all Ethereum-based assets that adhere to the ERC20 token standard. There are many ERC20 tokens, worth a combined $2.2B, and more tokens are created each month. We believe that, by 2020, thousands of assets will be tokenized and moved onto the Ethereum blockchain including traditional securities such as equities, bonds and derivatives, fiat currencies and scarce digital goods such as video game items. In the future, cross-blockchain solutions such asCosmos and Polkadot will allow cryptocurrencies to freely move between blockchains and, naturally, currencies such as Bitcoin will end up being represented as ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.” 0x v1ではERC20トークンのみであったが v2ではERC721のトークンもサポートした。 今後はERCトークンのマーケットの拡大から証券やエクイティー、債権、デリバティ ブ、法定通貨、ゲームのアイテムなど様々なアセットを取引可能にする予定。 出典: