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Kickstarting your tech career

April 06, 2024

Kickstarting your tech career

Finding your tech career by defining your ikigai


April 06, 2024


  1. Ikigai for Techies What are you good at? What the

    world needs? What you love? What can you be paid for? What societal needs are you building for? How is your code improving our day to day lives? What’s your passion in code? Problem-solving? Turning ideas to realities with code? Protecting users information? Vocation: This is where your skills meets the industry demand. Learning marketable skills is essential. Profession: Master your craft, Know the ins and outs of the career path picked.
  2. Some Tech career paths DevOps, cloud Web Development Mobile Data

    / AI /ML Front-End Dev creates the UI or client-side, Back-End Dev builds for server-side while Fullstack Dev can build for both. Skills: Javascript, ruby, html/css , python, Go Native, Cross platform, no-code Skills: swift|csharp, java|koltin,flutter|kmm|xamarin|Reactjs, glide|zapier Leverage data to build programs that can predict trends. Skills: Math, statistical programming, ML Algorithms, data visualisation tools Small talk and making connections leads to deeper, more meaningful relationships.
  3. Some Tech career paths Product Management UI/UX CyberSecurity PMs oversee

    a company’s product lifecycle. TechPM, GrowthPM, DataPM Passion for design and user experience. CyberSec is all about information security. Ethical hacker, engineering&architecture, incident response.
  4. Tips Be Resilient and persistent Be consistent in learning and

    unlearning Don't get stuck in tutorial hell: Practise building without the tutorial Set a clear goal on what you want to achieve eg App, company Learn in public: build and share on your professional social networks: Network: Leverage social media to build a strong professional network. Attend meetups and tech groups
  5. Roadmap.sh https://www.alxafrica.com/programme/career-ready-sk ills-training/ youtube.com Online learning platforms: pluralsight, coursera,udemy andela.com/alc

    Moringa school https://dev.to/unicodeveloper/who-is-speaking-on-your -behalf-2c5e https://dev.to/petermilovcik/unlocking-the-software-en gineers-true-purpose-the-ikigai-blueprint-2d2d Resources