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Powerful Applications with AngularJS

Powerful Applications with AngularJS

Anna Filina

May 30, 2015

More Decks by Anna Filina

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Objectives • More advanced front-end. • Maintainable code with fewer

    bugs. • AngularJS site in 30 minutes. • Inspire to build great apps. 3
  2. The problem with JS • Messy content updates. • HTML

    tangled with JS. • Hard to keep everything in sync. 4
  3. AngularJS • Automatic content updates. • HTML separated from JS

    logic. • Everything automatically in sync. 5
  4. Inside the DIV <div ng-controller="ProductsCtrl"> <div ng-repeat="item in products"> <img

    ng-src="{{ item.image }}"> <p>{{ item.name }}</p> </div> </div> 9
  5. Javascript function ProductsCtrl($scope) { $scope.products = [ { "id": "product-1",

    "name": "Skyrim", "description": "Short product description.", "image": "http:...", "price": 19.99, "stock": 10 }]; $scope.showDetails = function(item) { $scope.selectedProduct = item; }; }; 11
  6. Data flow 12 $scope.products $scope.showDetails $scope.selectedProduct <div ng-repeat="item in products">

    <a ng-click="showDetails(item)"> <h2>{{ selectedProduct.name }}</h2>
  7. Javascript $scope.query = ''; $scope.minPrice = 1; $scope.maxPrice = 20;

    $scope.updateResults = function() { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.products.length; i++) { var product = $scope.products[i]; product.hidden = true; [...] if (matchesQuery && matchesPrice) { product.hidden = false; } }; } 17
  8. Javascript var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngResource']); app.controller('ProductsCtrl', function($scope, $resource) {

    var url = 'http://api.shop.dev/v1.0/products'; $resource(url).get({}, function(response) { $scope.products = response.data; }); }); 21
  9. Services • Development: PHP, JS, etc. • Fix problems: bugs,

    performance, etc. • Workshops: AngularJS, testing, Symfony, etc. • Advisor: testing strategy, architecture, etc. 25