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Beginner’s Guide to advertising on Facebook and Track your different WooCommerce store activity with Facebook

Beginner’s Guide to advertising on Facebook and Track your different WooCommerce store activity with Facebook

check out this set of guides for beginner advertisers on Facebook and learn how to track your different WooCommerce store activity with Facebook like Standard Events, Custom Events and build custom conversions using events.


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  1. Today's Learning 1. How to create first facebook ads? 2.

    How many way you can promote your services or and business? 3. what is facebook pixel? 4. How to track your WooCommerce store events? 3
  2. Why Facebook? ◉ Largest social networking site in the world

    ◉ 1.74 billion active users world wide ◉ 320 Millions active users in india ◉ 62% People use facebook daily ◉ 5 new profiles are created every second ◉ Every 60 seconds on Facebook ◦ 5 Lakhs comments are posted ◦ 3 Lakhs statuses are updated ◦ 1.5 Lakhs photos are uploaded 6
  3. 7 ways to Promote your Business on Facebook with NO

    COST ◉ Create a personal Profile ◉ Business Page ◉ Join Facebook groups ◉ Create your own group ◉ Create an event page and invite friends ◉ Facebook Live ◉ Create a community 7
  4. Facebook Ads Guide 1. Develop your strategy first 2. Choose

    Your Objective 3. Target Your Audience 4. Choose where you want your Ad to be displayed 5. Set your budget 6. Choose your Ad format 7. Monitor Your Ads Carefully 8
  5. 1. Develop your strategy first ◉ What product or services

    your are promoting? ◉ Whom am I targeting? ◉ What is their pain point? ◉ What is the goal of the campaign? ◉ Do I want leads, brand awareness, site traffic, sales, or something else? 9
  6. 3. Target your audience 11 • Custom audiences • Lookalike

    audiences • Location targeting • Interest/behavior targeting
  7. What is facebook pixel? 18 The Facebook pixel is code

    that you place on your website. It collects data that helps you track conversions from Facebook ads, optimize ads, build targeted audiences for future ads ◉ Standard Events ◉ Custom Events
  8. How Create Custom Conversions 27 • You have do some

    code to pass different parameter in fbq() • Each time the pixel loads, it automatically calls fbq('track', 'PageView') to track a PageView standard event.