Bienestaris (@bienestaris)

9 Follows

David Warner


Greetings, design aficionados and Speaker Deck community! As your architectural storyteller, let me introduce you to ...

1 follower 1 deck

Jaha Bekker


There are a number of top-rated betting sites in Kenya. These sites offer players a wide variety of games, and the sp...

9 followers 0 decks
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Dụng Cụ Vàng


Công ty TNHH TM SKYTOOLS được thành lập vào ngày 4/8/2020 với tên gọi khác là Dụng Cụ Vàng do Ông Vũ Thế Bảo điều hàn...

3 followers 0 decks
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Rio Salazar


I love smiling a lot :)

3 followers 0 decks
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I am a developer with three years of experience in site building, and frontend and backend development. I secured two...

3 followers 0 decks
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John Nunemaker


I helped make this thing.

34 followers 30 decks