. “ Hipster Hobos Page 1 Scene 1 Shot 6 “Hipster Hobos. They find hip places with free wifi . . .” Shot 7 “Don’t they have anything better to do?” “No . . . This is their life . . . “ Shot 8 “Well . . . It’s not cool. I’m a tired mom . . .”
sit with her really quiet . . .” Hipster Hobos Page 1 Scene 1 Shot 9 “I think that one ran out of battery . . .” Shot 7 “It’s a vicious cycle. This restaurant wants to appear hip . . .” Shot 8 “I have an idea.”
Apple store?!” Hipster Hobos Page 1 Scene 1 Shot 6 Hipsters start to take interest Shot 10 “The iPid?” “What’s an iPid?” Shot 11 “I need one!” “Me too!”
away to the first 100 people in line.” Hipster Hobos Page 1 Scene 1 Shot 6 Shot 10 “They don’t open until morning so you’ll have to wait in line all night.” Shot 12 “I always stay in line the night before . . .” Hipsters start to pack up in a hurry