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Bitcoin & Blockchain (parte 2) - Università deg...

Bitcoin & Blockchain (parte 2) - Università degli Studi Roma Tre (10/04/18)

Talk presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Università degli Studi di Roma Tre
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  1. Roadmap 1. Scalability limits of Bitcoin 2. What is a

    Bitcoin transaction a. Spending conditions b. Scripts in Bitcoin transactions 3. Using scripts to create payment channels a. General idea b. Protocol 4. Network of payments
  2. Scalability limits of BITCOIN Limited block size: 1 MB Block

    time: 10 minutes Average tx in a block: 2000
  3. Under the hood: Transactions What is a BITCOIN transaction? Output

    indicating conditions to be spent Checks whether who’s spending actually has the right to do so.
  4. Transactions validation process Properties we want to guarantee: 1. The

    money spent by the transaction has not been already spent (double spending) 2. Check whether who’s spending actually has the right to spend 3. Money spent in the tx actually exist
  5. Transactions validation process How we guarantee them: 1. Check the

    blockchain (keep an updated UTXO) 2. Run the scriptSig providing the spending conditions and run the scriptPubkey that should enforce them 3. Recursively check backwards which outputs are spent by the tx until you get to a coinbase tx (actually, keeping an updated UXTO solves this as well)
  6. Transactions validation process How we guarantee them: 1. Check the

    blockchain (keep an updated UTXO) 2. Run the scriptSig providing the spending conditions and run the scriptPubkey that should enforce them 3. Recursively check backwards which outputs are spent by the tx until you get to a coinbase tx (actually, keeping an updated UXTO solves this as well)
  7. Transaction chains TX K TX L Alice to Bob: 3

    BTC Bob to Carol: 2 BTC TX M Carol to Eve: 4 BTC
  8. Validation – Scripts TX Validation is done through BITCOIN scripting

    language: Not turing-complete (luckily!) Stack based: stacks used to manipulate data Both inputs and outputs include a script
  9. Validation Process 1. 1. Run scriptSig 2. 2. With the

    same stack, run scriptPubKey This pretty much means: scriptSig pushes some data onto the stack, scriptPubKey uses those data to check if the spending conditions are met
  10. Transactions - Validation Outputs: specify the spending conditions (scriptPubKey) 1.

    “Only the owner of private key matching public key K 1 can redeem” 2. “Only the owner of the private key whose public key’s hash is f2ceacda3dc98cab00091d8d6422aeb57bb7db77 can redeem” 3. “Only the owners of private keys matching public keys K 1 and K 2 can redeem” 4. “Either the owners of private keys matching public keys K 1 and K 2 can redeem right away, or the owner of the private key matching public key K 3 can redeem after 3 months have passed”
  11. Transactions - Validation Inputs: provide data that matches conditions in

    the output (scriptSig) 1. “Signature of a hash of the transaction with private key k 1 ” 2. “Public key K 2 and a signature of the hash of the transaction with private key k 2 ” 3. “Two signatures of a hash of the transaction with private keys k 1 and k 2 ” 4. “Signature of a hash of the transaction with private key k 3 after the expiration of 3 months”
  12. Lightning payment channels block n Tx 1 From: Alice To:

    Bob Tx 2 From: Bob To: Chuck OFF-CHAIN
  13. Lightning payment channels block n block n+1 Tx 1 From:

    Alice To: Bob Tx 2 From: Bob To: Chuck Tx 3 From: Chuck To: Dave OFF-CHAIN
  14. Lightning payment channels block n block n+1 block n+2 Tx

    1 From: Alice To: Bob Tx 2 From: Bob To: Chuck Tx 3 From: Chuck To: Dave Tx 20 From: Ken To: Eve Tx (…) From: (…) To: (…) OFF-CHAIN
  15. Lightning payment channels block n block n+1 block n+2 Tx

    1 From: Alice To: Bob Tx 2 From: Bob To: Chuck Tx 3 From: Chuck To: Dave Tx 20 From: Ken To: Eve Tx 21 From: Eve To: Bob Tx (…) From: (…) To: (…) OFF-CHAIN
  16. Lightning payment channels block n block n+1 block n+2 block

    n+3 Tx 1 From: Alice To: Bob Tx 2 From: Bob To: Chuck Tx 3 From: Chuck To: Dave Tx 20 From: Ken To: Eve Tx 21 From: Eve To: Bob Tx 22 From: Bob To: Ted Tx (…) From: (…) To: (…) OFF-CHAIN OPENING CHANNEL CLOSING CHANNEL
  17. Payment channels in depth MULTISIG 2-2 FUNDING TX (NOT ON

  18. Payment channels in depth MULTISIG 2-2 FUNDING TX BROADCASTED! ALICE

  19. Updating state of channels OLD STATE When exchanging new state,

    they share previous state’ secret ALICE CREATES SEC A’ BOB CREATES SEC B’ They exchange txs NEW STATE
  20. Payment networks Establishment of network between all channels Possible to

    route payments through other channels: A wants to send money to C, but no channel between them HOWEVER: A has a channel with B, so payment can pass through their channel, NO NEED for a channel with C A
  21. Payment networks Establishment of network between all channels Possible to

    route payments through other channels: A wants to send money to C, but no channel between them HOWEVER: A has a channel with B, so payment can pass through their channel, NO NEED for a channel with C A B
  22. Payment networks Establishment of network between all channels Possible to

    route payments through other channels: A wants to send money to C, but no channel between them HOWEVER: A has a channel with B, so payment can pass through their channel, NO NEED for a channel with C A B C
  23. Summary • The blockchain is useful but highly inefficient •

    Scalability must be achieved by avoiding the blockchain • Bitcoin’s powerful scripting language can be used to scale off-chain
  24. If you feel like experimenting We recently released an open

    source Python3 library to create complex Bitcoin scripts: https://github.com/chainside/btcpy OR pip3 install chainside-btcpy