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Inside Blockchain #2 (parte 2) - Talent Garden ...

Inside Blockchain #2 (parte 2) - Talent Garden Poste Italiane (23/04/18)

Secondo Talk presso Talent Garden Poste Italiane al secondo appuntamento del meetup "Inside Blockchain"
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  1. Because it’s scalable Meat Fish Wood Iron Apples Meat -

    2 0.25 0.2 10 Fish 0.5 - 3 2 8 Wood 4 0.33 - 0.8 6 Iron 5 0.5 1.25 - 20 Apples 0.1 0.125 0.166 0.05 - Barter prices Money n-1 prices Meat 4 Fish 5 Wood 7 Iron - Apples 0.5 −
  2. Credit notes A Jiaozi credit note, the world first paper

    money. Sichuan region, Song Dynasty (960–1279 CE)
  3. What makes a good money? • Store of value •

    Medium of exchange • Unit of account
  4. Store of value Gold supply 0 20000 40000 60000 80000

    100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 1900 1904 1908 1912 1916 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1940 1944 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008
  5. Store of value -00 5,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 0 105000

    210000 315000 420000 525000 630000 735000 840000 945000 1050000 1155000 1260000 1365000 1470000 1575000 1680000 1785000 1890000 1995000 2100000 2205000 2310000 2415000 2520000 2625000 2730000 2835000 Bitcoin supply model
  6. Medium of exchange • Cost of carrying/ storing (weight/value ratio,

    durability) • Cost of validating a transaction (time, energy)
  7. Payments are slow 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

    18/10/2017 18/11/2017 18/12/2017 18/01/2018 18/02/2018 18/03/2018 Median Confirmation Time minutes
  8. Verification is expensive 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

    140 160 180 5/14 7/14 9/14 11/14 1/15 3/15 5/15 7/15 9/15 11/15 1/16 3/16 5/16 7/16 9/16 11/16 1/17 3/17 5/17 7/17 9/17 11/17 1/18 3/18 GIGABYTES Blockchain Size
  9. Payments are expensive 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

    35 40 07/16 08/16 09/16 10/16 11/16 12/16 01/17 02/17 03/17 04/17 05/17 06/17 07/17 08/17 09/17 10/17 11/17 12/17 01/18 02/18 03/18 04/18 Average Transaction Fee USD
  10. Bitcoin is an amazing protocol, but it has one major

    weakness THE BLOCKCHAIN So let’s get rid of the blockchain
  11. What’s wrong with the blockchain? • Everything must be verified

    by everyone, not really scalable • It has to be slow to allow proper coordination among a large network
  12. What’s wrong with the blockchain? • Everything must be verified

    by everyone, not really scalable • It has to be slow to allow proper coordination among a large network • Past history has to be stored forever
  13. What’s wrong with the blockchain? • Everything must be verified

    by everyone, not really scalable • It has to be slow to allow proper coordination among a large network • Past history has to be stored forever • Not even p2p, more like peer-to-everyone else
  14. Blockchain scalability problem SCALE CONSENSUS DECENTRALIZED Scale: ability to handle

    the demand of any competing system Consesus: collective decision making process to update the state of the system Decentrilized: no single point of failure PICK TWO
  15. Off-chain payment channels 1 BTC <Alice PubKey> OP_CHECKSIG 1 BTC

    <Bob PubKey> OP_CHECKSIG 2 BTC OP_2 <Alice PubKey> <Bob PubKey> OP_2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
  16. Off-chain payment channels 2 BTC OP_2 <Alice PubKey> <Bob PubKey>

  17. Off-chain payment channels 2 BTC OP_2 <Alice PubKey> <Bob PubKey>

    OP_2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG Alice 1 BTC Bob 1 BTC Alice 1.3 BTC Bob 0.7 BTC
  18. Off-chain payment channels 2 BTC OP_2 <Alice PubKey> <Bob PubKey>

    OP_2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG Alice 1 BTC Bob 1 BTC Alice 1.3 BTC Bob 0.7 BTC Alice 1.5 BTC Bob 0.5 BTC
  19. Off-chain payment channels 2 BTC OP_2 <Alice PubKey> <Bob PubKey>

    OP_2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG Alice 1 BTC Bob 1 BTC Alice 1.3 BTC Bob 0.7 BTC Alice 1.5 BTC Bob 0.5 BTC Alice 0.9 BTC Bob 1.1 BTC
  20. Off-chain payment channels 2 BTC OP_2 <Alice PubKey> <Bob PubKey>

    OP_2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG Alice 1 BTC Bob 1 BTC Alice 1.3 BTC Bob 0.7 BTC Alice 1.5 BTC Bob 0.5 BTC Alice 0.9 BTC Bob 1.1 BTC 0.9 BTC <Alice PubKey> OP_CHECKSIG 1.1 BTC <Bob PubKey> OP_CHECKSIG
  21. Bad unit of account 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5%

    6% 7% 8% 9% Bitcoin Price Volatility
  22. Keys to Bitcoin success • Social scalability • Trust minimization

    • Censorship-resistance • Intolerant minority vs indifferent majority
  23. Keys to Bitcoin success • Social scalability • Trust minimization

    • Censorship-resistance • Intolerant minority vs indifferent majority • Possibility to add extra features (eg privacy)