topic that you love to do. × So you don’t give up on it easily. × So that you will always have content idea. × Things that you love to do. × Things that you would like to do. × Things that you are already good at. × Your hobbies are the best choice for a blog niche. × You already love it, and have things to talk about it. 4
things that you would love to learn and pick up as a hobby. × Do not need to be a professional to start a blog, just share your learning experience. × If you do not have any hobbies or interests, you can go with your job. × At least you have things and knowledge of that niche topic. 5
a niche topic, consider the contents that you can create for your readers. × What can you write? × How to articles? Reviews? Solve their problems? × The key here is to create content that are useful to your readers. × If you cannot find or think of useful content, it is better to choose another niche. 6
niche? × How well established are they? × There will be competition in every niche. Competition research is not to give up when you cannot beat them. × The key here is not to outdo them, but to be better for yourself. × Use the research to generate better content ideas. 7
released these awesome resources for free: × Presentation template by SlidesCarnival × Photographs by Unsplash × Watercolor textures by GraphicBurguer 10