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SEO Benelux Chantal Smink - Clusterfucks in SEO

Chantal Smink
October 15, 2024

SEO Benelux Chantal Smink - Clusterfucks in SEO

Chantal Smink

October 15, 2024


  1. Indexing is not free, it’s very costful. It makes sense

    if Google puts a limit to indexing too much of our crap
  2. My thoughts: If you are not an EEAT, it doesn’t

    matter how much content you push into this world
  3. Content SEO-content Helpful content What Google could recognize in the

    past What Google can recognize nowadays What Google can recognize in the future The quality of your content Very bad Very good
  4. Your coworker from social media is in the same shitty

    position as you are: less and less traffic and visibility is depending on algo’s (not on followers)
  5. Facts are everywhere. Google doesn’t need to show your site

    if you are offering the same information
  6. Find a way to add value on top of what

    Google can make themselves, don’t create more of what they already know
  7. You don’t need to have nightmares already, but be ware

    they are answering machines not traffic referring machines
  8. Google is deciding where generic traffic goes: to PDP’s. It’s

    about prices and delivery time. But how easy it in your site to navigate from products to relevant overview pages?
  9. Key issue: the way we think SEO/the internet works and

    what we get in return is changing. Big tech is not here to drive traffic to your site.
  10. Helpful content Doing online research and use that info The

    same as the current op 10 Based on keywords and what we need to rank Checked or reviewed by experts Textual content for websites New information, new knowledge, new insights Adding value to what already is available Based on ICP needs (QPAFFCGMIM) Produced by experts In shape and size your customers wants to see it
  11. Start thinking about your role: You need to think beyond

    textual content on websites and tracking rankings. Create helpful content that makes impact, build EEAT and integrate all organic channels. Visibility in search engines will be a logical result. Only in this way, the investment to create content can be justified