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BrightonSEO 2023 - Focus on SEO won't make you ...

Chantal Smink
October 15, 2024

BrightonSEO 2023 - Focus on SEO won't make you an EEAT

Chantal Smink

October 15, 2024

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  1. Why focussing on SEO will not help you to become

    an E-E-A-T Chantal Smink chantalsmink.nl chantalsmink.nl/brighton @chantal_smink
  2. @chantal_smink chantal-smink @chantalsminknl NOT YOUR TYPICAL SEO What we SEO's

    do Helpful content around keywords Maybe buy some better links? sorry, can’t show this image Showing authors & creating author bio's
  3. @chantal_smink chantal-smink @chantalsminknl NOT YOUR TYPICAL SEO E-E-A-T is not

    just about showing authors E-E-A-T is not just about author bio's E-E-A-T is not just about using creditable copywriters E-E-A-T is not just about showing your address E-E-A-T is not just about the 'about us' page
  4. @chantal_smink chantal-smink @chantalsminknl NOT YOUR TYPICAL SEO Google just wants

    to know who the true authorities are Content: are you adding value to the web with what you are saying Reputation: do people think you are the go to person in an area
  5. @chantal_smink chantal-smink @chantalsminknl NOT YOUR TYPICAL SEO The links that

    you can buy, are (in 90% of the cases) not the links that will make you an E-E-A-T
  6. @chantal_smink chantal-smink @chantalsminknl NOT YOUR TYPICAL SEO • Image of

    SEO • Expectations • Money • It's just too big A PERFECT WEBSITE sorry, can’t show this image
  7. @chantal_smink chantal-smink @chantalsminknl NOT YOUR TYPICAL SEO I didn't do

    things for SEO, but the result is visible in SEO. I created helpful content and got other experts talking about me
  8. @chantal_smink chantal-smink @chantalsminknl NOT YOUR TYPICAL SEO Your task: How

    can I brand my company (with content) in a way that will make other experts talk about me online?
  9. @chantal_smink chantal-smink @chantalsminknl NOT YOUR TYPICAL SEO When done right:

    Helpful content Happy visitor Brand preference Increase branded & direct traffic True Genuine E-E-A-T Useful content for all channels
  10. @chantal_smink chantal-smink @chantalsminknl NOT YOUR TYPICAL SEO For you to

    think about: what kind of content do you want to produce? sorry, can’t show this image