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Daichi Hirata
September 25, 2013


Daichi Hirata

September 25, 2013


  1. describe Stack do context '৽ن࡞੒ͷ৔߹' do before { @stack =

    Stack.new } subject { @stack } its(:empty?) { should be_true } end context 'ۭͷ৔߹' do before { @stack = Stack.new } describe '#size' do subject { @stack.size } it { should == 0 } end describe '#pop' do subject { lambda { @stack.pop } } it { should raise_error(Stack::EmptyError) } end describe '#push' do subject { lambda { @stack.push(Object.new) } } it { should change(@stack, :size).by(1) } end end end
  2. pry(main)> cd FileUtils pry(FileUtils):1> show-method rm From: /opt/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/fileutils.rb @ line

    556: Number of lines: 10 Owner: FileUtils def rm(list, options = {}) fu_check_options options, OPT_TABLE['rm'] list = fu_list(list) fu_output_message "rm#{options[:force] ? ' -f' : ''} #{list.join ' '}" if options[:verbose] return if options[:noop] list.each do |path| remove_file path, options[:force] end end pry(FileUtils):2>
  3. require 'pry' class Hello attr_reader :message def initialize @message =

    "Hello Variable!" end def say_hello puts @message end end describe Hello do it "has a say_hello method" do binding.pry subject.respond_to?(:say_hello) end end