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What's new with Angular 17

What's new with Angular 17

The New Features of Angular 17

Dany Paredes

November 22, 2023

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  1. Dany Paredes (he/him) Angular GDE / Senior Frontend Innoit Angular

    17 Angular renaissance “The Game Changer”
  2. About Me Dany Paredes 🏀 NBA, 🏆🅰ngular GDE Technical Writer

    for Telerik Google Dev Library http://danywalls.com
  3. September 2016 Angular 2 Complete rewrite from AngularJS, introducing a

    component-based architecture March 2017 Angular 4 Introducing HttpClient, a smaller, New router life cycle events for Guards and Resolvers. Nov 2017 & May 2019 Angular 5, 6, 7, 8 Angular in the Pre-React Era: Struggling to Hold Court
  4. February 2020 Angular 9 Ivy AOT Type checking June 2020-

    November 2021 A10- A11-A12-A13 The Comeback: Angular's Evolution Through Community Insight
  5. November 2022 Angular 15 Standalone Stable - Composition API Ng

    Optimized Image - Functional Guards May 2023 Angular 16 Signals (preview) Hydratation(preview) ESBuild Required Inputs The Comeback The Comeback: Angular's Evolution Through Community Insight June 2022 A14 Standalone Components (preview) Strict Typed Forms Angular Debug Extension
  6. Key Features of Angular 17 angular.dev Vite & esbuild DI

    Debugging Input Transform Built-In Control Flow Async Animations & View Transition API New Lifecycle Hooks Server Side Rendering Signals
  7. angular.dev New home page to learn and play with Angular

    Vite & esbuild Vite and esbuild ready DI Debugging Angular DevTools for application hierarchy for Angular 17 Angular 17
  8. Input Transform Transfom input and build in transformation for booleanAttribute

    and numberAttribute Custom transforms need to be statically analyzable by the compiler. Built-In Control Flow New syntax @for, @if @else @switch No imports NgFor, NgIf, NgSwitch Async Animations & View Transition API Loads Angulars Animations lazily and reduces your initial bundle size by 60KB Angular 17
  9. New Lifecycle Hooks afterNextRender & afterRender Server Side Rendering Angular

    17 comes with Vite and esbuild ready Signals Signals comes stable version. Angular 17
  10. What Next ? angular.dev Preconnect Image Directive Testing Styles and

    StylesUrl defer Effect ( developer preview) Material 3 Server Side Rendering hydratation