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Angular 17 And Signals

Angular 17 And Signals

Recap about Angular Changes overtime and how Angular 17 comes as game changer with Signals

Dany Paredes

December 02, 2023

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  1. @angular Defer views in Angular Dany Paredes GDE / Technical

    Writer Kendo Telerik Angular Reactivity with Signals
  2. About Me Dany Paredes 🏀 NBA, 🏆🅰ngular GDE Technical Writer

    for Telerik Google Dev Library http://danywalls.com
  3. October, 2010 AngularJS two-way data binding, revolutionizing how web applications

    were built. I wish a Happy 2013!😉 The Early Days: AngularJS
  4. September 2016 Angular 2 Complete rewrite from AngularJS, introducing a

    component-based architecture March 2017 Angular 4 Introducing HttpClient, a smaller, New router life cycle events for Guards and Resolvers. Nov 2017 & May 2019 Angular 5, 6, 7, 8 Angular in the Pre-React Era: Struggling to Hold Court
  5. February 2020 Angular 9 Ivy AOT Type checking June 2020-

    November 2021 A10- A11-A12-A13 The Comeback: Angular's Evolution Through Community Insight
  6. November 2022 Angular 15 Standalone Stable - Composition API Ng

    Optimized Image - Functional Guards May 2023 Angular 16 Signals (preview) Hydratation(preview) ESBuild Required Inputs The Comeback The Comeback: Angular's Evolution Through Community Insight June 2022 A14 Standalone Components (preview) Strict Typed Forms Angular Debug Extension
  7. export class App { ngZone = inject(NgZone); name = 'Angular';

    click() { //other code… this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => { console.log("Hello Vienna"); } ); } } decoded Cipher
  8. Key Features of Angular 17 angular.dev Vite & esbuild DI

    Debugging Input Transform Built-In Control Flow Async Animations & View Transition API New Lifecycle Hooks Server Side Rendering
  9. What Next ? Preconnect Image Directive Testing Styles and StylesUrl

    defer Material 3 Server Side Rendering hydratation
  10. Momentum forwards v15 v16 v17+ Angular Release User research and

    prototyping GitHub RFCs (Request for Comments)
  11. Developer Preview Momentum forwards v15 v16 v17+ Angular Release User

    research and prototyping GitHub RFCs (Request for Comments) Signal-based APIs
  12. Developer Preview Momentum forwards v15 v16 v17+ Angular Release User

    research and prototyping GitHub RFCs (Request for Comments) Support for inputs, outputs and queries Signal-based APIs
  13. Developer Preview Momentum forwards v15 v16 v17+ Angular Release User

    research and prototyping GitHub RFCs (Request for Comments) Fully zoneless apps Support for inputs, outputs and queries Signal-based APIs
  14. Reactivity Everywhere Precision Updates Lightweight Dependencies Signal primitives let you

    react to state changes anywhere in your code, not just components. Signals unlocks better performance- by-default - by minimizing the work Angular performs to keep your DOM up-to-date with precise writes. Signals are ~2KB* and fast. With no requirement to load third-party dependencies and no up-front startup cost when your page first loads. Build Faster Apps By Default
  15. signal A value that can tell Angular when it changes

    capable of notifying its context of future changes in its value Signal
  16. signal A value that can tell Angular when it changes

    capable of notifying its context of future changes in its value Signal
  17. First Last Full Name Emma Twersky Emma Twersky Dany Paredes

    Dany Paredes firstName = signal("Dany"); lastName = signal("Paredes");
  18. First Last Full Name Emma Twersky Emma Twersky Simona Cotin

    Simona Cotin firstName = signal("Simona"); lastName = signal("Cotin"); fullName = computed(() => firstName()+ " " + lastName());
  19. effect computed signal An effect is a side-effectful operation which

    reads the value of zero or more signals Automatically scheduled to be re-run whenever any of those signals is notified of a change 3. Effect
  20. export class App implements OnInit { count = signal(0); limitMessage

    = 'Feel free to click!'; constructor(): void { effect(() => { if (this.count() == 10) { this.limitMessage = 'You reached the limit, sorry'; } }); }
  21. Injection Context Effects is that they can only be used

    in an injection context Effects runInjectionContext
  22. injector = inject(Injector); ngOnInit(): void { runInInjectionContext(this.injector, () => {

    effect(() => { console.log(this.lastClient()); }) }); } Effects and Injection Context
  23. @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class CardsService { cards =

    signal<Card[]>([]); cardSlots = signal<number>(3); lastClient = signal('No clients yet!'); add(holder: string) { const card = { id: Math.random().toFixed(), holder, status: 'pending', }; this.cards.update((p) => [...p, card]); this.cardSlots.update((p) => p - 1); this.lastClient.set(`Thanks ${holder}`!!); } } decoded Cipher
  24. @Component({ selector: 'my-app', standalone: true, imports: [CommonModule], template: ` <h1>{{title}}</h1>

    <h3>We have {{cardSlots()}} slots </h3> <p>{{lastClient()}}</p> <input type="text" #holder [disabled]="soldOut()"/> <button (click)="add(holder)" [disabled]="soldOut()">Save</button> <div *ngFor="let card of cards()"> {{card.holder}} {{card.id}} </div> `, }) decoded Cipher
  25. export class App { private cardsService = inject(CardsService); cards =

    this.cardsService.cards; cardSlots = this.cardsService.cardSlots; soldOut = this.cardsService.soldOut; lastClient = this.cardsService.lastClient; add(holder: HTMLInputElement) { this.cardsService.add(holder.value); holder.value = ''; } } decoded Cipher
  26. toSignal toObservable takeUntilDestroyed Get the current value of an Observable

    as a reactive Signal. Exposes the value of an Angular Signal as an RxJS Observable. Completes the Observable when the calling context (component, directive, service, etc) is destroyed. RxJS Interop