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King of Camping - COTC
September 05, 2024
King of Camping - COTC
September 05, 2024
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King of Camping Board by Dashawn Mahone
Scene 1 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE Alright we're
Scene 1 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE ready for camping now!
Scene 2 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE I can show you
Scene 2 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE How to pitch a
Scene 2 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE How to
Scene 2 Panel 4 Dialog DUANE Make a fire
Scene 2 Panel 5 Dialog DUANE then use a spit
to roast a meal
Scene 2 Panel 6 Dialog DUANE with your bare
Scene 2 Panel 7 Dialog DUANE hands!!
Scene 4 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Yeah! I can't wait
to use all the awesome nature skills
Scene 4 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG I've developed at the
Scene 4 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD Playing tag next to
a dirty stump isn't a real skill, Craig
Scene 4 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG You're just out of
touch with nature. Unlike me-
Scene 4 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG I can talk with
animals and they all say I'm cooler than you.
Scene 5 Panel 1 Dialog JESSICA Buckle up, small uncle,
I don't want you to get sick.
Scene 5 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA Hi daddy!
Scene 5 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE Listen, baby, I won't
be able to see behind me with all of small uncle's friends back here.
Scene 5 Panel 4 Dialog JESSICA You only need to
look forward. To all of the fun adventures we'll be having
Scene 5 Panel 5 Dialog DUANE Wow, You're right! No
looking back
Scene 5 Panel 6 Dialog HONK HONK
Scene 6 Panel 1 Dialog NICOLE Oh-
Scene 6 Panel 2 Dialog NICOLE There's my ride!
Scene 7 Panel 1 Dialog NICOLE Y'all have fun camping!
Scene 7 Panel 2 Dialog NICOLE I love you!
Scene 7 Panel 3 Dialog NICOLE blows kiss
Scene 7 Panel 4 Dialog NICOLE blows kiss
Scene 8 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE Have fun
Scene 8 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE at the bachelorette party!
Scene 8 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE Tell Rhonda she still
owes me five dollars!
Scene 8 Panel 4 Dialog DUANE Tell Rhonda she still
owes me five dollars!
Scene 9 Panel 1 Dialog NICOLE She owes everybody 5
dollars, I don't know how this party's gonna work-
Scene 9 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 9 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 9 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 10 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE I hope you kids
Scene 10 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE ready for the best
camping trip ever!
Scene 10 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE ready for the best
camping trip ever!
Scene 10_A Panel 1 Dialog DUANE With the king of
Scene 11 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG?BERNARD/JESSICA Yeah! Yes. Yay!
Scene 11 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 11 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 11 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 12 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 12 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 13 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Dad?
Scene 13 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Uh...
Scene 13 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Where's the trailer?
Scene 14 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE I guess I was
too busy looking forward... I didn't notice it was gone...
Scene 14 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD Nooo!
Scene 15 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD My portable charger was
in there!
Scene 15 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Our everything was in
Scene 15 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Tents. Food. Water!
Scene 15 Panel 4 Dialog JESSICA How's small uncle's friends
gonna eat?!
Scene 16 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE Did we pull off
without the trailer?
Scene 16 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE Naw, no, I attached
Scene 16 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE Did I attach it?
Scene 16 Panel 4 Dialog sfx: loud engine
Scene 16 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 16 Panel 6 Dialog
Scene 17 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 17 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 18 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 18 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 18 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 18 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 19 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 19 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 20 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD Woah.
Scene 21 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 21 Panel 2 Dialog DARNELL What's up, family!?
Scene 21 Panel 3 Dialog DARNELL Where my hugs at!?
Scene 22 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE Oh here he goes
Scene 22 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG & JESSICA Uncle Darnell!!
Scene 22 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG & JESSICA Uncle Darnell!!
Scene 23 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 23 Panel 2 Dialog BRYSON <inhales>
Scene 23 Panel 3 Dialog BRYSON <exhales> Ahh, the great
Scene 23 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 23 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 23 Panel 6 Dialog JASMINE Oh, unh-unh
Scene 23 Panel 7 Dialog JASMINE Get outta here!
Scene 23 Panel 8 Dialog JASMINE You know what? I'm
going back inside
Scene 23 Panel 9 Dialog
Scene 23 Panel 10 Dialog
Scene 24 Panel 1 Dialog DARNELL Craig you gettin dem
Scene 24 Panel 2 Dialog DARNELL Whatup Big bro CRAIG
Scene 24 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE Heyyy! BRYSON Craig, what
up cuz
Scene 24 Panel 4 Dialog DUANE Heyyy! BRYSON Craig, what
up cuz
Scene 24 Panel 5 Dialog DUANE Heyyy! BRYSON Craig, what
up cuz
Scene 25 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Nothing much!
Scene 25 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Just pumped to camp!
Scene 25 Panel 3 Dialog BRYSON Yeah, it's so cool
being out here in nature. I feel like my senses are in over drive since I left the city.
Scene 25 Panel 4 Dialog BRYSON sniff sniff
Scene 25 Panel 5 Dialog BRYSON You using a new
shampoo, Jessi-cuz?
Scene 25 Panel 6 Dialog JESSICA No
Scene 25 Panel 7 Dialog BRYSON Ah, ya see?
Scene 25 Panel 8 Dialog BRYSON Also, check it out,
I brought my outdoor shoes!
Scene 26 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Wow, how'd they get
even more complicated??
Scene 26 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Wow, how'd they get
even more complicated??
Scene 27 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE You went all out
for this trip, Darnell.
Scene 27 Panel 2 Dialog DARNELL Yeah, went ahead and
bought this RV, you know it ain't no thing
Scene 27 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE You rented it
Scene 27 Panel 4 Dialog DARNELL Yeah that's what I
Scene 27 Panel 5 Dialog DARNELL I bought it
Scene 27 Panel 6 Dialog DARNELL Temporarily
Scene 28 Panel 1 Dialog DARNELL But listen this baby
has the works!
Scene 28 Panel 2 Dialog DARNELL Canopy, full kitchen, state
of the art speakers, a projector
Scene 28 Panel 3 Dialog DARNELL And of course, all
of it is connected through wifi
Scene 29 Panel 1 Dialog DARNELL (O.S) But I know
you're like captain planet,
Scene 29 Panel 2 Dialog DARNELL (O.S.) so this ain't
all that impressive to you
Scene 30 Panel 1 Dialog DARNELL Lemme see what y'all
Scene 30 Panel 2 Dialog DARNELL Lemme see what y'all
Scene 30 Panel 3 Dialog DARNELL Lemme see what y'all
Scene 30 Panel 4 Dialog DARNELL Wait, where's your trailer?
Scene 31 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Dad forgot it
Scene 31 Panel 2 Dialog DARNELL Ha ha HA!
Scene 31 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE No, no, this is
all part of my camping plan
Scene 31 Panel 4 Dialog BERNARD You did this!?
Scene 32 Panel 1 Dialog DARNELL Well, when your engine
goes out from roastin squirrels on it all day, y'all are more than welcome to camp with us.
Scene 32 Panel 2 Dialog DARNELL If you admit that
I'm the true king of camping
Scene 33 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE You!?
Scene 33 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE King of camping!?
Scene 34 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE (O.S.) Thanks, but no
Scene 35 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE My family is fine
Scene 35 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE toughing it out.
Scene 35 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Yeah!
Scene 36 Panel 1 Dialog JESSICA What's the
Scene 36 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA Wifi password?
Scene 37 Panel 1 Dialog DARNELL (o.s) Oh it's Kingofcamp,
baby girl
Scene 37 Panel 2 Dialog DARNELL (o.s) All one
Scene 37 Panel 3 Dialog DARNELL (o.s) word
Scene 37 Panel 4 Dialog DUANE No
Scene 37 Panel 5 Dialog DUANE No
Scene 37 Panel 6 Dialog DUANE It's fine!
Scene 38 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE It'll just be me
and my boys-
Scene 38 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD Jasmine texted me and
Scene 38 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD said there's an outlet
Scene 38 Panel 4 Dialog BERNARD (O.S) On the RV
Scene 39 Panel 1 Dialog DARNELL Looks like you're running
out of kids
Scene 40 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE Then I guess I'll
take YOURS! C'mon, Jasmine! C'mon, Bryson!
Scene 40 Panel 2 Dialog phone vibrate
Scene 40 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 40 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 40 Panel 5 Dialog DUANE C'mon, Bryson!
Scene 40 Panel 6 Dialog BRYSON I'm right here, uncle
Scene 40 Panel 7 Dialog DUANE Good. We have work
Scene 40 Panel 8 Dialog DUANE to do
Scene 40 Panel 9 Dialog DUANE to do
Scene 41 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 43 Panel 1 Dialog BRYSON So, we gonna sleep
on these rocks?
Scene 43 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Well, we can build
somewhere to sleep,
Scene 43 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG like how we build
stuff at the creek.
Scene 43 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG We at least have
some pillows in the car.
Scene 44 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 44 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 44 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 45 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE Yeah...
Scene 45 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE I think the king
of camping can work with this!
Scene 46 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 46 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 46 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 48 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 48 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 48 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 49 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 49 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 50 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 50 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 50 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 51 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 51 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 51 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 51 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 52 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 52 Panel 2 Dialog BRYSON sniffs
Scene 52 Panel 3 Dialog BRYSON You've been through a
lot, haven't you?
Scene 53 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 53 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 53 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 54 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 54 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 54 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 54 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG There!
Scene 55 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Camp
Scene 55 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Williams!
Scene 56 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE And not a bad
looking one at that!
Scene 56 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE Now what do y'all
say we get started
Scene 56 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE on a seep well
Scene 57 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG A seep
Scene 57 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG well?
Scene 58 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE Yeah,
Scene 58 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE so we can have
Scene 58 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE drinkable water
Scene 60 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE You just place some
Scene 60 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE In here
Scene 60 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE Like
Scene 60 Panel 4 Dialog DUANE This
Scene 61 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE You see that stream
Scene 61 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE right over there?
Scene 62 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE (O.S) The rocks will
Scene 62 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE (O.S)
help filter fresh water
Scene 62 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE (O.S)
water through the ground
Scene 62 Panel 4 Dialog DUANE (O.S) And into our
Scene 63 Panel 1 Dialog BOYS WOAH!
Scene 63 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Dad, how do you
know all of this!?
Scene 64 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 64 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE Heh
Scene 64 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE Because
Scene 64 Panel 4 Dialog DUANE I
Scene 64 Panel 5 Dialog DUANE am the true
Scene 64 Panel 6 Dialog DUANE KING
Scene 64 Panel 7 Dialog DUANE OF
Scene 64 Panel 8 Dialog DUANE CAMPING!!!
Scene 64 Panel 9 Dialog DUANE Really? Cuz my dad's
been saying he was the king of camping, for like, the whole ride here
Scene 64 Panel 10 Dialog DUANE In his dreams
Scene 64 Panel 11 Dialog DUANE It was I who
got the official title when we were kids
Scene 65 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG & BRYSON Kids??
Scene 65 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE (O.S) Yeah,
Scene 65 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE (O.S) it was a
camping trip similar to this one
Scene 67 Panel 1 Dialog EARL Alright you two
Scene 67 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 68 Panel 1 Dialog EARL Why
Scene 68 Panel 2 Dialog EARL Don't you get the
fire going while I catch us some dinner?
Scene 69 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE Yes
Scene 69 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE Sir!
Scene 70 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE (V.O) I must've tried
for hours to get that fire started!
Scene 70 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 71 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE (V.O) Twisting that stick!
Scene 71 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 72 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE Back
Scene 72 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE and
Scene 72 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE forth!
Scene 73 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE Until finally-
Scene 73 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 74 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE (V.O.) I got it!
Scene 74 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE (V.O.) I got it!
Scene 74 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE Darnell, look-
Scene 74 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 75 Panel 1 Dialog DARNELL snoring
Scene 75 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 76 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 76 Panel 2 Dialog EARL That's a mighty fine
flame you got there, son!
Scene 76 Panel 3 Dialog EARL Or should I
Scene 76 Panel 4 Dialog EARL say-
Scene 77 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 77 Panel 2 Dialog EARL King of camping!!