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King of Camping - COTC

September 05, 2024

King of Camping - COTC


September 05, 2024


  1. Scene 4 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Yeah! I can't wait

    to use all the awesome nature skills
  2. Scene 4 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD Playing tag next to

    a dirty stump isn't a real skill, Craig
  3. Scene 4 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG You're just out of

    touch with nature. Unlike me-
  4. Scene 4 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG I can talk with

    animals and they all say I'm cooler than you.
  5. Scene 5 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE Listen, baby, I won't

    be able to see behind me with all of small uncle's friends back here.
  6. Scene 5 Panel 4 Dialog JESSICA You only need to

    look forward. To all of the fun adventures we'll be having
  7. Scene 9 Panel 1 Dialog NICOLE She owes everybody 5

    dollars, I don't know how this party's gonna work-
  8. Scene 14 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE I guess I was

    too busy looking forward... I didn't notice it was gone...
  9. Scene 25 Panel 3 Dialog BRYSON Yeah, it's so cool

    being out here in nature. I feel like my senses are in over drive since I left the city.
  10. Scene 27 Panel 2 Dialog DARNELL Yeah, went ahead and

    bought this RV, you know it ain't no thing
  11. Scene 28 Panel 3 Dialog DARNELL And of course, all

    of it is connected through wifi
  12. Scene 31 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE No, no, this is

    all part of my camping plan
  13. Scene 32 Panel 1 Dialog DARNELL Well, when your engine

    goes out from roastin squirrels on it all day, y'all are more than welcome to camp with us.
  14. Scene 40 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE Then I guess I'll

    take YOURS! C'mon, Jasmine! C'mon, Bryson!
  15. Scene 45 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE I think the king

    of camping can work with this!
  16. Scene 64 Panel 9 Dialog DUANE Really? Cuz my dad's

    been saying he was the king of camping, for like, the whole ride here
  17. Scene 64 Panel 11 Dialog DUANE It was I who

    got the official title when we were kids
  18. Scene 65 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE (O.S) it was a

    camping trip similar to this one
  19. Scene 68 Panel 2 Dialog EARL Don't you get the

    fire going while I catch us some dinner?
  20. Scene 70 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE (V.O) I must've tried

    for hours to get that fire started!