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The Future is Cardboard - COTC
September 06, 2024
The Future is Cardboard - COTC
September 06, 2024
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The Future is Cardboard by Dashawn Mahone
Scene 1 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG/KELSEY/JP <Playing walla>
Scene 1 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG/KELSEY/JP <Playing walla>
Scene 1 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG/KELSEY/JP <Playing walla>
Scene 2 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG I think the Legx-tenders
were a success!
Scene 2 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 2 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 2 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 2 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 2 Panel 6 Dialog JP WOOHOO!
Scene 2 Panel 7 Dialog
Scene 2 Panel 8 Dialog JP I'm a giant!
Scene 2 Panel 9 Dialog
Scene 3 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 3 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 3 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 3 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 3 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 3 Panel 6 Dialog
Scene 3 Panel 7 Dialog
Scene 3 Panel 8 Dialog
Scene 3 Panel 9 Dialog KELSEY Ha-haaah!
Scene 3 Panel 10 Dialog KELSEY "Is this what it's
like to touch the clouds?" thought Kelsey. Although she was perfectly fine with her height, it was nice just to be tall-ish
Scene 3 Panel 11 Dialog JP (offscreen) Woah, Kels
Scene 4 Panel 1 Dialog JP You're like the same
size as me
Scene 4 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 4 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY Craig, I need more
Scene 5 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG If I give you
any more, you might fall off
Scene 5 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG And the whole point
of the legx-tenders is so that we don't get our feet wet in the creek
Scene 5 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Because, man, my dad
said if I come home with my feet wet one more time
Scene 5 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG Because, man, my dad
said if I come home with my feet wet one more time
Scene 5 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 5 Panel 6 Dialog
Scene 6 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY Well!?
Scene 6 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG I don't know! That's
all he said!
Scene 6 Panel 3 Dialog JP I'm going for the
speed record!
Scene 6 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 6 Panel 5 Dialog JP Woah!
Scene 6 Panel 6 Dialog
Scene 6 Panel 7 Dialog <laughter walla>
Scene 6 Panel 8 Dialog <laughter walla>
Scene 6 Panel 9 Dialog <laughter walla>
Scene 6 Panel 10 Dialog <laughter walla>
Scene 6 Panel 11 Dialog
Scene 6 Panel 12 Dialog JP I win!
Scene 7 Panel 1 Dialog JP I'm really glad we
live in a time where a T-rex can be a ninja
Scene 7 Panel 2 Dialog JP I'm really glad we
live in a time where a T-rex can be a ninja
Scene 7 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Me too!
Scene 8 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY (Offscreen) Hey!-
Scene 8 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 9 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY Does the post office
know where we play?
Scene 9 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 9 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY Because there's a box
near the stump!
Scene 10 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Box near the stump?
Scene 10 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 11 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 11 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 11 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Whoa, where'd this come
Scene 12 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 12 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 12 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Huh,
Scene 12 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG it says "build me."
Scene 13 Panel 1 Dialog JP Maybe it's a stray?
Scene 13 Panel 2 Dialog JP Maybe it's a stray?
Scene 13 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY It could be
Scene 13 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 13 Panel 5 Dialog KELSEY A trap!-
Scene 13 Panel 6 Dialog
Scene 13 Panel 7 Dialog CRAIG Nothing inside
Scene 13 Panel 8 Dialog KELSEY <effort walla>
Scene 13 Panel 9 Dialog
Scene 13 Panel 10 Dialog CRAIG But, look at it
Scene 14 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 14 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 14 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 14 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG So smooth!
Scene 15 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 15 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG So box-y!
Scene 15 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 15 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 16 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 16 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 16 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG It's so-
Scene 16 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 17 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Perfect!
Scene 17 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 17 Panel 3 Dialog JP Yeah-
Scene 17 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 17 Panel 5 Dialog JP -for KICKIN!
Scene 17 Panel 6 Dialog JP -for KICKIN!
Scene 18 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 18 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 18 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Ah!!
Scene 19 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 19 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 19 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 19 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 19 Panel 5 Dialog KELSEY/JP <Playful walla>
Scene 19 Panel 6 Dialog KELSEY/JP <Playful walla>
Scene 19 Panel 7 Dialog
Scene 19 Panel 8 Dialog
Scene 20 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 20 Panel 2 Dialog KELSEY <effort walla>
Scene 21 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 21 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Ack!
Scene 22 Panel 1 Dialog JP Meow
Scene 22 Panel 2 Dialog JP Meow
Scene 22 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 22 Panel 4 Dialog JP Im a cat looking
for a home!!
Scene 22 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 22 Panel 6 Dialog
Scene 22 Panel 7 Dialog
Scene 23 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 23 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Oooo!
Scene 24 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY/JP Toi-
Scene 24 Panel 2 Dialog KELSEY/JP -let!
Scene 24 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY/JP Toi-
Scene 24 Panel 4 Dialog KELSEY/JP -let!
Scene 24 Panel 5 Dialog KELSEY/JP Toi-
Scene 24 Panel 6 Dialog KELSEY/JP -let!
Scene 25 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Stoooooop!
Scene 25 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 26 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 26 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Stop!
Scene 26 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Don't you see the
potential this box has??
Scene 26 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG Don't you see the
potential this box has??
Scene 26 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG It's not often you
find carboard like this
Scene 27 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY What's the point of
a cool box if you can't play with it?
Scene 28 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Oh, we're going to
play with it alright.
Scene 28 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Just trust me. I'll
show you
Scene 29 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 29 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 30 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 30 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 30 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 30 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 30 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 30 Panel 6 Dialog
Scene 30 Panel 7 Dialog
Scene 30 Panel 8 Dialog
Scene 30 Panel 9 Dialog
Scene 31 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 31 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 32 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 32 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 33 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 33 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 34 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 34 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 34 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 34 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 34 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 34 Panel 6 Dialog
Scene 35 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 35 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 35 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 35 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 35 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG There!
Scene 35 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG What do you guys
Scene 36 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY It's a chair
Scene 36 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG It's a
Scene 36 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG RECLINER!
Scene 36 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG with
Scene 36 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG a cup holder!
Scene 37 Panel 1 Dialog JP Yeah but how are
we supposed to play with a chair?
Scene 37 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 37 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 37 Panel 4 Dialog JP Ooooh, yeah I gotcha
Scene 38 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG You guys don't look
like you wanna sit-
Scene 38 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 39 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 39 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 39 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 39 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 39 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 39 Panel 6 Dialog
Scene 39 Panel 7 Dialog
Scene 39 Panel 8 Dialog
Scene 39 Panel 9 Dialog
Scene 39 Panel 10 Dialog
Scene 39 Panel 11 Dialog
Scene 39 Panel 12 Dialog
Scene 39 Panel 13 Dialog
Scene 39 Panel 14 Dialog
Scene 40 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER Good job!
Scene 40 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER Good job, my friend!
Scene 40 Panel 3 Dialog CARTER Good job, my friend!
Scene 40 Panel 4 Dialog CARTER Good job, my friend!
Scene 41 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER I left this box
here to test your skills
Scene 41 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER And I must say,
you did not disappoint
Scene 41 Panel 3 Dialog CARTER May I have a
Scene 42 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Uh, sure
Scene 43 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER Much abliged
Scene 43 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 43 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 43 Panel 4 Dialog CARTER A recliner! Very nice
Scene 43 Panel 5 Dialog CARTER Oh!
Scene 44 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER Well Butter my biscuits!
Scene 44 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER Is this a cup
Scene 45 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Yes!
Scene 45 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Yes, it is
Scene 45 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY Who is this guy!?
Scene 46 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER My apologies!
Scene 46 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER The name's Carter Brown
Scene 46 Panel 3 Dialog CARTER The name's Carter Brown
Scene 47 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER (offscreen) Cardboard connoisseur!
Scene 48 Panel 1 Dialog JP Carnivore!?
Scene 48 Panel 2 Dialog KELSEY No
Scene 48 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY He said colosseum. Probably
gets boxes to fight to the death
Scene 48 Panel 4 Dialog JP That's illegal, ain't it?
Scene 49 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER I'm a creator of
Scene 49 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER contraptions,
Scene 49 Panel 3 Dialog CARTER large and small
Scene 50 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 50 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER i'll be frank
Scene 50 Panel 3 Dialog CARTER I've been watching you,
Scene 50 Panel 4 Dialog CARTER When you eat,
Scene 50 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 50 Panel 6 Dialog CARTER When you play,
Scene 50 Panel 7 Dialog CARTER And most importantly-
Scene 50 Panel 8 Dialog CARTER When you build
Scene 50 Panel 9 Dialog CARTER And I do believe
you have what it takes to help me with my greatest cardboard creation
Scene 50 Panel 10 Dialog CARTER yet!
Scene 51 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG What creation?
Scene 52 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 52 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 52 Panel 3 Dialog CARTER Welcome!
Scene 53 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER To New Cardboard city!
Scene 53 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 53 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Woah
Scene 53 Panel 4 Dialog KELSEY No way
Scene 53 Panel 5 Dialog JP Ahhh
Scene 54 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Look at the size
of this place!
Scene 54 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER Six stories of the
world's finest cardboard engineering.
Scene 54 Panel 3 Dialog CARTER It's my life's work
Scene 54 Panel 4 Dialog CARTER The inside's even batter
Scene 55 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER Of course, you can
only get in if you have the pass code
Scene 55 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER Seeing as I installed
a state of the art security system
Scene 56 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER Boop
Scene 56 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 56 Panel 3 Dialog CARTER Beep
Scene 56 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 56 Panel 5 Dialog CARTER Doot
Scene 56 Panel 6 Dialog CARTER Ernn
Scene 56 Panel 7 Dialog CARTER Ernn
Scene 56 Panel 8 Dialog CARTER Hehehe, this is embarrassing.
Put in the wrong code
Scene 57 Panel 1 Dialog JP I always make mine
my birthday
Scene 58 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER Well ain't that delightfully
simple of you
Scene 58 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER I'll try one more
Scene 58 Panel 3 Dialog CARTER Boop
Scene 58 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 58 Panel 5 Dialog CARTER Beep
Scene 58 Panel 6 Dialog
Scene 58 Panel 7 Dialog CARTER Deet
Scene 58 Panel 8 Dialog CARTER Bwaaa
Scene 59 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 59 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 59 Panel 3 Dialog CARTER Ah, here we go!
Scene 59 Panel 4 Dialog JP Impressive
Scene 60 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER Follow me
Scene 60 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 60 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG So how did you
get all of these boxes?
Scene 61 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER Mah pappy does a
lot of online shopping.
Scene 61 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER He might have a
Scene 62 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER I figure I can
show this here room first.
Scene 62 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER For kids who enioy
distractions of the videologic variety,
Scene 62 Panel 3 Dialog CARTER they may partake in
Scene 62 Panel 4 Dialog CARTER arcade quarters
Scene 63 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER Delivery Kong,
Scene 63 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER Super Street Boxer 2
Scene 63 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 64 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER Limited space invaders
Scene 65 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER (offscreen) And my personal
Scene 65 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER Missus Pack-Min
Scene 65 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Amazing
Scene 65 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 66 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY <playful walla>
Scene 66 Panel 2 Dialog KELSEY <playful walla>
Scene 66 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY Oooh!
Scene 66 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG The screen cut off!
What happened?
Scene 66 Panel 5 Dialog KELSEY Nothing
Scene 67 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER And if you're tired
from all that gamin',
Scene 67 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER we have some ultra
comfortable beds
Scene 67 Panel 3 Dialog CARTER we have some ultra
comfortable beds
Scene 68 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER that I designed myself
Scene 68 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER Feel free to try
it out
Scene 68 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Okay
Scene 68 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 68 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG Wow, surprisingly comfy for
Scene 68 Panel 6 Dialog CARTER Packing peanuts line the
bed's interior. There's also a nifty lever you should pull near the head rest
Scene 68 Panel 7 Dialog CRAIG Huh?
Scene 69 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 69 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 69 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Woah!! Is that--?
Scene 70 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER Yes-
Scene 70 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER A cup holder!
Scene 70 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 70 Panel 4 Dialog JP Kelsey, you should try
jumping on this
Scene 70 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 70 Panel 6 Dialog JP It's pretty-
Scene 70 Panel 7 Dialog
Scene 70 Panel 8 Dialog JP Oops
Scene 70 Panel 9 Dialog
Scene 71 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 71 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 71 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 72 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 72 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER Here at New Cardboard
City, I believe in the physical well being of every kid.
Scene 72 Panel 3 Dialog CARTER So I've installed a
Scene 72 Panel 4 Dialog CARTER A jungle gym!
Scene 72 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG I like the aesthetic-
Scene 72 Panel 6 Dialog
Scene 73 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 73 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 73 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 73 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 73 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 74 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 74 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 74 Panel 3 Dialog JP Woah!
Scene 74 Panel 4 Dialog JP Ooof
Scene 74 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 75 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 75 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 75 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 76 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Uggh
Scene 76 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Seriously, guys!
Scene 77 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY HEY, It's a punching
Scene 77 Panel 2 Dialog KELSEY So
Scene 77 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY I punched it
Scene 77 Panel 4 Dialog JP And im just a
clumsy clementine (ALT) And my actions shouldn't surprise you
Scene 78 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER Everything okay over here?
Scene 78 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Carter, I'm really sorry
about all the damage
Scene 78 Panel 3 Dialog CARTER Don't worry, I built
this place to withstand even more. Check this out.
Scene 79 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 79 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 79 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 79 Panel 4 Dialog CARTER Packing tubes, for support
Scene 79 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG Ooooh
Scene 79 Panel 6 Dialog CARTER Yup, this place can
support its own weight,
Scene 79 Panel 7 Dialog CARTER So it definitely can
withstand a few broken boxes
Scene 79 Panel 8 Dialog
Scene 79 Panel 9 Dialog
Scene 79 Panel 10 Dialog
Scene 79 Panel 11 Dialog
Scene 80 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 1 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 1 Panel 2 Dialog KELSEY You're going down, monster!
Scene 1 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY You're going down, monster!
Scene 1 Panel 4 Dialog KELSEY Aaah!!
Scene 2 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY <Yell walla>
Scene 2 Panel 2 Dialog KELSEY <Yell walla>
Scene 2 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY <effort walla>
Scene 2 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 2 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 2 Panel 6 Dialog
Scene 2 Panel 7 Dialog JP I don't know what
my plan was!
Scene 2 Panel 8 Dialog
Scene 2 Panel 9 Dialog KELSEY JP!
Scene 2 Panel 10 Dialog JP Save yourselllllf
Scene 2 Panel 11 Dialog
Scene 3 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 3 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 3 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Carter!
Scene 3 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG this has to stop!
Scene 4 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG My friends are down
Scene 5 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER They deserve this! They
couldn't appreciate my genius!
Scene 5 Panel 2 Dialog CARTER Now they'll revere it!
Scene 6 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Grrr!
Scene 6 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG No, no, no!
Scene 7 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG I should've just gone
and played with Kelsey and JP!
Scene 7 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Even if it meant
wrecking stuff-
Scene 7 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG It's better than-
Scene 8 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 8 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Wait..
Scene 8 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 9 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG These hands were made
for building
Scene 9 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG But maybe
Scene 10 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Maybe they're not my
hands right now!
Scene 10 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Maybe they're the paws
of a cat who's unsatisfied with its home!
Scene 10 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Meoww!
Scene 10 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 10 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 10 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG Hissss
Scene 10 Panel 7 Dialog CRAIG Hissss
Scene 10 Panel 8 Dialog
Scene 10 Panel 9 Dialog
Scene 10 Panel 10 Dialog
Scene 10 Panel 11 Dialog
Scene 11 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 11 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 11 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 11 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 11 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG I'm an unhinged cat
Scene 12 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 12 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 12 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 12 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 12 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG This toy-
Scene 12 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG Sucks!
Scene 12 Panel 7 Dialog
Scene 12 Panel 8 Dialog CRAIG Where's my-
Scene 12 Panel 9 Dialog CRAIG Food!?
Scene 12 Panel 10 Dialog
Scene 12 Panel 11 Dialog
Scene 13 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Did you need this
Scene 13 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 13 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 13 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 13 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 13 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG Cuz it's mine now!
Scene 13 Panel 7 Dialog
Scene 14 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 14 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Is this important??
Scene 14 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG More important than-
Scene 14 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG: petting me!?
Scene 14 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 14 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG Yaaargh!!
Scene 14 Panel 7 Dialog
Scene 14 Panel 8 Dialog
Scene 15 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 15 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 15 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 15 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 16 Panel 1 Dialog CARTER What's going on!?!?
Scene 17 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Feel the wrath of
Scene 17 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG blade!-
Scene 17 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 17 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 18 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Said Craig in a
british accent!
Scene 18 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG As he dealt the
decisive blow
Scene 18 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG He knew that meow
was the purrfect
Scene 18 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG time to settle this!
Scene 19 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 19 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Sorry, dad!
Scene 19 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 19 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 19 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 20 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 20 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 20 Panel 3 Dialog
Scene 20 Panel 4 Dialog
Scene 20 Panel 5 Dialog
Scene 21 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY Craig!
Scene 21 Panel 2 Dialog
Scene 21 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG You guys! you're okay!
Scene 22 Panel 1 Dialog
Scene 22 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG: Listen, I'm sorry about
Scene 22 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG: I realized that I
like building stuff.
Scene 22 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG: But it's no fun
without you guys.
Scene 23 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY I'm sorry too.
Scene 23 Panel 2 Dialog KELSEY I don't think you
waste your time building cool things like this.
Scene 23 Panel 3 Dialog JP Yeah! you didn't tell
us you were building a giant robot!!
Scene 24 Panel 1 Dialog