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Conversational AI Data Analyst - The New Era | ...

March 13, 2024

Conversational AI Data Analyst - The New Era | DataGPT

Conversational AI Data Analyst by DataGPT can connect to any data source and the AI onboarding agent and will automatically define and suggest the most relevant metrics and dimensions while guiding you through the setup process. Get up and running in minutes to start chatting with your data.


March 13, 2024


  1. There is an unseen intellectual divide rapidly growing in the

    world right now. As data becomes abundant, analyzing all of it becomes increasingly time-consuming and expensive. Those who can afford it have an intellectual advantage – more analysis equals more thorough, more rational decision making and objectively better results. We are on a mission to empower every person, in every role, across all industries to use data to make important decisions. About Us
  2. DataGPT is the First Conversational AI Data Analyst. Ask DataGPT

    any question and get analyst-grade answers in seconds. DataGPT unites the creative, comprehension-rich side of a large language model (LLM) with the logic and reasoning of advanced analytics techniques. This combination makes sophisticated analysis accessible to your entire organization without compromising accuracy and impact. What Is datagpt? L e t ’ s d e l v e d e e p e r
  3. Unlock 15% revenue growth with DataGPT Drive business outcomes and

    see an average quarterly ROI of 2,178%. For each user in your company, DataGPT serves as their personal AI data assistant. You may make quick, data-driven decisions and regularly optimise growth indicators with instant analysis and responses in plain English. Our clients see notable increases in income and decreases in costs, with an average quarterly ROI of 2,178%.
  4. new era of data analysis A c c e l

    e r a t e r e v e n u e g r o w t h Ask DataGPT any data-related question and DataGPT will interpret the question and respond with a comprehensive answer supported by relevant visualizations. S a v e t i m e & r e d u c e c o s t s M o s t a d v a n c e d d a t a c u l t u r e
  5. Nothing is overlooked in order to provide accurate findings when

    our core analytics engine does complex analysis on all of your data. This includes verifying each segment, spotting abnormalities, identifying outliers, delving into funnel analytics, and performing strong comparative analysis. DataGPT has the ability to establish a connection with any kind of data source, and as it guides you through the setup process, the AI onboarding agent will identify and recommend the metrics and dimensions that are most crucial. In only a few minutes, you can start interacting with your data. Core Analytics Engine AI Powered Onboarding Agent
  6. Use our Lightning Cache to end your days of waiting

    for responses. Analysing millions of data points in an instant, it increases query speeds 100 times faster than existing data warehouses while reducing expenses by up to 15 times. With a few clicks, every member of your team can freely analyse any portion of your data thanks to the Data Navigator. Examine the performance of your main metrics and keep going deeper to accurately find out what changed and why. Lightning Cache Data Navigator