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[Draft] My tech career abroad

Felipe Ribeiro
April 20, 2021

[Draft] My tech career abroad

Felipe Ribeiro

April 20, 2021


  1. Who am I? » BSc. in Computer Science - UFCG

    » Senior Software Engineer at Netflix » Previously Staff Software Engineer at Spotify » I'm also a dad of two toddlers ! , and I love riding bicycles for fun " . ! @felipernb
  2. Education and early career » I graduated in 2009 at

    UFCG » Before graduating I was: » Working as a freelancer and consultant » Intern student at the Distributed Systems Lab at UFCG » Participating in open source projects » Speaking at tech conferences ! @felipernb
  3. My job » I worked as a front-end engineer on

    core features of the social network such as: » Feed » Photos » Messaging » And the UI for users who subscribed to Tuenti's mobile operator ! @felipernb
  4. Cultural characteristics » Direct communication - no filters and sometimes

    very confrontational » Most people don't speak English (tech companies are an exception) » Portuñol ≠ Spanish » Tuenti followed standard practices and processes among startups ! @felipernb
  5. My job » In almost 7 years at Spotify, I

    worked at: » Integration with social networks » Spotify Desktop App » Spotify Web Player » Spotify playback stack for Web, Chromecast, TVs and video game consoles » Spotify Connect ! @felipernb
  6. » In 2015 I was promoted to Staff Software Engineer

    and my responsibilities included: » leading cross-team projects such as big architectural decisions and standardization efforts » defining technical interview guidelines » leading initiatives to improve engineer effectiveness for Web developers ! @felipernb
  7. Cultural characteristics » Flat hierarchy » Consensus-based decision making process

    » Introvert culture » Freedom to experiment new things ! @felipernb
  8. My Job » As a Senior Software Engineer I work

    with: » The video player for Web browsers and Chromecast » The adaptive streaming engine for Web and TVs » What I do is not noticeable by users if it works well :) » I've worked on interactive titles such as Black Mirror: Bandersnatch ! @felipernb
  9. Cultural characteristics » Freedom & responsibility (Netflix mantra) » Netflix

    only hires experienced professionals » Quick decision making » High-stakes competition ! @felipernb