to the management of Fibromyalgia. • 4 therapeutic directions organizes the 5’ R’s and 7 Seeds into a workable action plan, especially if you do ONE SMALL item from each group. • Top Down – Sleep, stress, and emotional regulation management techniques, MBCBT, journaling, counseling, cognitive training programs, biofeedback, meditation, observing nature, socializing, engaging in joyful activities. • Bottom Up – We all have 2 hearts, 1 in the chest and the 2nd is the entire body! Move daily any way you can. PACED, short interval graduated exercise, aquatic therapy, recumbent biking or pedal device, especially if dysautonomia w/ low BP, modified Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong . It is okay to take a short nap before you exercise and afterwards if needed. • Inside Out – Diet, nutritional supplements, prebiotics, probiotics, herbs, essential oils, cannabinoids, low dose Naltrexone, Psilocybin and medications Lyrica, Gabapentin, Amitriptyline, Cymbalta, Savella and Ketamine. New research on Mestinon for post exertional fatigue at Brigham Young University and Harvard. • Outside In – Neurostim, laser, red light, IR sauna, acupuncture, TMS, massage, somatic therapy, craniosacral, osteopathy, chiropractic, injections, surgeries. • Bundled Activities – Listen to music while dancing, walking outside, Tai Chi, Yoga, Qi Gong and more exercises that use all the directions by design. Exercise with friends and pets. Participating in support groups and volunteering.