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Visit 4: Elimination Diet for Fibromyalgia.pdf

August 28, 2023

Visit 4: Elimination Diet for Fibromyalgia.pdf


August 28, 2023


  1. The Elimination Diet: A Natural Approach to Managing Fibromyalgia Kim

    DeFazio, LVN, FMCHC Lauren McDaniel, CNC Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach
  2. What Is the Elimination Diet? • This short-term food plan

    is intended to help heal the gut and allow you to enjoy a wide variety of whole foods. • Replaces common food triggers with anti- inflammatory foods and phytonutrients to support immune health o Food reactions are frequently overlooked as contributing to long term health issues. o This protocol can help you identify food triggers.
  3. • Think of it as a tool used to identify

    and eat foods that help you feel your best. • Different methods of Elimination Diet – like the TIGER Protocol, Auto Immune Paleo etc. • Under this food plan, you would: o Remove common foods that may be causing symptoms (physical, mental and/or emotional that have not responded to conventional medical therapy) o Track symptoms and improvements over a set amount of time (at least 4 weeks) o Eating a wide variety of whole foods help ensure you get all essential nutrients you need to improve your health. What Is the Elimination Diet?
  4. Why Try the Elimination Diet? • Helps improve or eliminate

    chronic symptoms and begin on journey to overall better well-being! • Removes potential trigger foods, which can boost the immune system and support healing (get sick less often!) • Reduces food trigger symptoms like headaches, chronic sinus congestion, low energy, depression, mood swings, skin issues, joint aches, asthma, weight gain etc. • Decreases inflammation in the body with anti-inflammatory foods • Supports GI health and heals the gut
  5. Why Try the Elimination Diet? • Lowers overall toxic burden

    and increase liver’s ability to eliminate toxins more effectively • Promotes body awareness to food triggers and can help with ongoing lifestyle change • Stop “dieting” and “calorie counting” for weight loss • Can be a stepping stone to another food plan and help you support new habits to achieve your best health.
  6. Foods to Avoid o all gluten o dairy products including

    ghee o soy products o corn o eggs o harmful fats (hydrogenated oils, trans fats, margarine, vegetable seed oils) o Alcohol o Caffeine o All nuts and seeds. Coconut is okay. o All legumes except mung beans o Sugar and artificial sweeteners o Conventionally grown meat, poultry, eggs, or farm raised fish. o Nightshades (eggplant, tomato, bell peppers, chili peppers, white potatoes, tomatillos) ** if you do not purchase The Tiger Protocol can follow AIP elimination diet**
  7. What to eat  All grass fed, organic, pasture raised

    meats and free-range poultry  Wild caught oily fish, especially salmon, sardines, anchovies, and mackerel. (Try to have at least one serving of meat or fish daily)  Non starchy veggies (except corn). Aim for 9 servings per day.  At least one cup daily of lightly cooked cruciferous veggies to support healthy liver function (broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, bok choy etc.  All fresh fruits. Up to 2 servings of fruit per day. Avoid canned, dried, or processed.  Starchy root veggies such as sweet potatoes, beets, carrots if they are not processed. NO French fries or chips.  Healthy fats (EVOO, coconut oil, avo oil and avo).  Prebiotic foods such as all types of berries, asparagus, leeks, jicama, sweet potato, carrot, radish, mushrooms.  Fermented foods  Bone broth  Coconut  Spices  Broccoli sprouts – at least ½ cup daily  Organ Meats – especially liver  Cabbage juice. Try to consume at least one 8-ounce glass of cabbage juice twice daily  Mung beans  Gluten free grains. White or brown rice, quinoa, millet, GF Oats, amaranth, buckwheat and teff.  (optional) Kitcheri to help with detoxification  Sweetener options: Stevia without limit. Tablespoon or less of raw, unfiltered honey, unrefined maple syrup, xylitol, erythritol, and fruit based sweeteners like monk fruit extract  Beverage options: water, caffeine free herbal tea, and less than 8 oz daily of 100% fruit juice
  8. How to Start the Elimination Diet STEP 1 Pick start

    date, add to calendar and make plan for prep before this date STEP 2 Reduce caffeine 2 weeks before start date for easier transition STEP 3 See list of foods to remove – see chapter 5 in the TIGER Protocol Only eat only foods on list!
  9. How to Start the Elimination Diet STEP 4 Clean out

    kitchen STEP 5 Shop and plan out meals before first day STEP 6 Prep as many meals as possible ahead of time for quick grabbing STEP 7 Read ingredient labels - should be easier since this diet contains whole foods only!
  10. Elimination Diet Extra Tips • Cook at lower temps, steam,

    poach, use low heat stove top • Get rest! • Identify your personal barriers to complete plan and make plan to overcome
  11. How to Add in More Veggies • Enjoy veggie based

    dips (use veggies to dip in). • Buy frozen. • Buy prepackaged. • Enjoy smoothies. • Add to entrées. • Make one tray bakes. •Cook meals in bulk. • Enjoy soup. • Eat as a snack.
  12. • Reintroduce foods 1 at a time in 3-day intervals

    (after being off foods for at least 30 days but ideally up to 4 to 6 weeks especially if you are still having some symptoms) • Eat 2 to 3 average size portions of the food during the day • Single ingredient food on the same day o Almonds: roasted almonds; almond butter o Corn: popcorn, corn on the cob, polenta • If following TIGER Protocol see pgs. 107-112 for order of foods to reintroduce. How to Begin Reintroduction Phase
  13. • Track symptoms using food journal or App- Foody (food

    and symptoms) • If no reaction, keep food in diet and reintroduce second food on day 3 and 4 • If any food provokes symptoms, stop eating food immediately and wait until symptoms clear before reintroducing next food. Stay off this food completely for another 4 to 6 week before challenging it again • Try to avoid eating any food every single day https://foody.health/ How to Begin Reintroduction Phase
  14. • GI issues – Diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, stomach pain

    • Fatigue • Headache • Muscle or joint pain • Skin issues • Insomnia • Congestion, runny nose • Itching, flushing • Depression • Anxiety Possible Physical Reactions
  15. Where to get more information • Buy The Tiger Protocol

    book • The Tiger Protocol is a book by Dr. Akil Palanisamy that outlines a comprehensive approach to managing autoimmune disease, including an elimination diet. • Meet with a Health Coach one on one • A health coach is a guide and partner in helping you achieve your personal health goals through education, support, and goal setting. • Take the Elimination Diet class at IHH • IHH offers an elimination diet class that teaches participants how to follow the diet and how to identify food sensitivities. The class is held twice a month and cost $50. Call clinic to schedule. • Find AIP resources online • There are many resources available online for people who are following the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), a specific type of elimination diet. These resources can include websites, blogs, and cookbooks.