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Basejmp - Manufacturing and Distribution

Ganesh Paramasivam
October 03, 2024

Basejmp - Manufacturing and Distribution

Ganesh Paramasivam

October 03, 2024


  1. D I G I T A L A N D

  2. BASEJMP Basejmp is an AI-assisted platform for the rapid design,

    development and deployment of custom digital solutions to accomplish enterprise Digital and AI Transformation objectives
  3. WHEN DO YOU NEED BASEJMP ? You should use Basejmp

    when When you need to build web and mobile experiences for custom use-cases and workflows that interact with your existing core business systems When you need to extend your existing core business systems with new functionality When you want to build custom versions of your core business system for competitive differentiation. When you need to integrate and bridge multiple systems that you are using When you want to build data analytics and business intelligence systems that pull data from multiple systems
  4. WHAT IS BASEJMP ? Basejmp is a Digital and AI

    transformation platform that allows to rapidly build and deploy Full stack enterprise applications ( Both front-end and back-end ) Applications that are cloud-native (API driven, horizontally scalable, resilient, fault- tolerant ) Applications that can hosted on-premise or on cloud Extremely rapidly With minimal engineering resources Without limits - Everything possible with traditional development is possible with Basejmp Supported by AI - Program the behaviour using “English” as a programming language
  5. WHAT PROBLEM DOES IT SOLVE ? Developing full-stack cloud native

    applications for transformation initiatives Are technically complex (due to vast ever changing technology landscape) Needs hiring/skilling a multi-faceted team of scarcely available and expensive engineering resources (skilled in front-end, back-end, cloud, on-premise, databases etc.) Takes a long time to develop Are unpredictable in terms of both cost and schedule Difficult to evolve and adapt to changes Needs continuous investment to maintain
  6. SOLUTION When Basejmp is used to build cloud native applications

    Engineering resource needs are minimal - A single engineer sufficient to build applications end-to-end to start with Easy to ramp-up on using the system - No need to hire trained and certified specialists. The resulting app is by default horizontally scalable, resilient, infrastructure independent Predictability of time, cost and quality Easy to maintain and evolve
  7. “Basejmp platform simpli fi es solutions development by converting the

    full-stack application development approach from that of building an application from scratch to that of con fi guration and customisation of a pre- built universal full-stack application” HOW DOES BASEJMP SOLVE THIS
  8. BASEJMP PLATFORM Basejmp consists of •A multi-tenant Application Platform for

    both development and deployment. •Implements the concept of a universal Cloud Native Application • That is instantiated for a specific use-case • Made of Configurable and Customisable application building blocks •Customised using High-Productivity Dev tools • A powerful toolset to perform the above configuration and customisation The con fi guration and customisation transforms the instantiated universal application into a custom tailored application
  9. HOW DO YOU USE BASEJMP ? Instantiate a universal application

    and apply necessary configurations and customisations DEPLOY ROLL-OUT CONFIGURE CUSTOM APPLICATIONS

    COST OF OWNERSHIP Low maintenance across application lifecycle Deploy multiple applications as well as multiple instances of applications on the same platform. VERY-HIGH PRODUCTIVITY & FLEXIBILITY LEAN AS WELL AS AGILE Focus only on your core business domain. Develop and release applications faster. Be agile, nimble and adapt rapidly based on user feedback. Get more done with existing engineering resources/budget. Realise significant cost and lead-times savings. Avoid high costs and lead times of custom development and inflexibility of COTS.
  11. What are the limitations of using commercial off-the-shelf applications that

    meeds your application needs. COTS SAAS or ON-PREM APPS COTS (In) Flexibility COTS applications are common for all of the vendor's customers. Customising the solution to a specific need is not possible Data silos Each SaaS application used is a Data Silo. Special effort needed to aggregate data across silos. Integration Challenges Dependent on SaaS vendor if one system needs to be integrated with another system (SaaS or in-house ) BASJMP ALTERNATIVES What are the limitations of using other LowCode and No-Code systems either dedicated LC/NC systems or ERP features. OTHER LOW-CODE/ NO-CODE LC/NC Narrow Scope Most LC/NO systems have a narrow scope limiting flexibility - Front-end only, Back-end only, Workflow automation only etc. Specialized Talent Most LC/NC systems need the contracting or hiring of staff with a niche skill-set Long development time-lines While still shorter than custom development, developing with LC/ NC systems still is time-consuming What are the limitations of developing a custom application either by in-house development teams or dev agencies. TRADITIONAL DEVELOPMENT APPROACH DEV High Development Cost The cost of full-stack development is very high due to the complex nature of the activity needing scarce talent Long development time-lines Complex development activity results in long time-lines from conception to deployment High TCO Even after completion of development, long-term investment needed to enhance and address issues
  12. The universal application is tailored for a speci fi c

    use-case by con fi guring and customising the di ff erent application building blocks supported by it. Basejmp provides di ff erent application blocks for the di ff erent parts of the application. APPLICATION BUILDING BLOCKS
  13. BASEJMP BUILDING BLOCKS DATABASE Database Blocks allow the creation of

    the data model of the application. This includes a row store and column store database as well as the setup of tables and columns in these databases. CUSTOM LOGIC Custom business logic can be implemented via serverless Lambda functions that are executed in a sand-boxed Deno runtime. SQL-REST The SQL-REST object allow the ability to expose a SQL query as a REST API. The SQL query is executed in case of a request to the API and the response returned as JSON. HOSTING Hosting Block allow the functionality of static serving of content that can be uploaded manually or synced via GitHub

    blocks allows the setup of routes that describe what functionality is exposed at what domain fqdn’s and paths as well as the access control rules of who is allowed to access a certain route The authentication and access control block enables the authentication of users as well as setting up of access control rules of what a user is and not allowed. The front-end blocks allow the creation of the user interface. The user interface is composed of Component blocks containing widgets from the UI Library, Reducer blocks that manipulate state, Thunk blocks that perform side-e ff ects and Custom-Code that add custom functionality
  15. CONTAINER BLOCK The container block allows to • Instantiate any

    of the thousands of containers available in docker hub or other docker registries • Create storage (Block and Filesystem) for these containers • Create services for these containers that are accessible from the API Gateway block
  16. BLOCKS BROWSER & EDITOR The blocks browser master-detail browser is

    the main interface through which all the blocks can be browsed and controlled.
  17. VISUAL UI EDITOR The UI Editor Provides a Drag and

    Drop editor to build Front-end UI components from a library of commonly needed widgets.
  18. The AI Assisted UI Logic editor allows the development of

    front-end UI logic by providing instructions in English AI ASSISTED UI LOGIC EDITOR
  19. TRADITIONAL UI LOGIC EDITOR The traditional UI Logic editor allows

    the development of UI Front-end logic via traditional coding in the browser
  20. AI ASSISTED LAMBDA EDITOR The AI Assisted Lambda Editor allows

    for the development of lambda functions using English instructions
  21. DATABASE BROWSER Database Browser provides an interface to perform ad-hoc

    SQL queries to check database schema and test SQL queries during development
  22. API TESTER API Tester allows testing of API’s created by

    allowing for making requests with different kinds of headers and payloads.
  23. SQL API TESTER SQL API Tester allows testing of SQL

    API templates by checking the rendered templates against various input arguments
  24. The web based console is complemented by an interactive CLI

    tool that allows to achieve via command-line everything that can be achieved via the web console. INTERACTIVE CLI
  25. Declarative YAML based con fi guration allows automation of app

    creation as well as version control of created apps. DECLARATIVE

    N C E D E S I G N The reference design of a Manufacturing and Distribution System provides the Basejmp vision of a architecture and various components needed for a modern manufacturing distribution management system
  27. REFERENCE DESIGN The reference design of a manufacturing and distribution

    system captures the architecture of an IT system that Is an integrated system to manage the end-to-end operations of an manufacturing and distribution organization from supply to delivery Leverages latest technology advancements where applicable ( AI , IOT, Cloud, Data Analytics and Intelligence ) Provides a guidance to evaluate the current state of a system and create a roadmap for improvement
  28. WHERE DOES BASEJMP FIT IN THIS ? With respect to

    the reference design, Basejmp can be Used to implement just one of the modules in the design Used to implement many of the modules in the design Used to implement the complete system E2E iteratively Used to incrementally migrate from a legacy system to this system
  29. CONVERSATIONAL, WEB, MOBILE ACCESS The conversation, web and mobile access

    modules enables multi-modal interaction by customers, employees and partners. Examples of use-cases enabled by these systems • Text based access via WhatsApp/Telegram or Web Chatbot • Voice based access by calling-in. • Catalog query and search • Orders Management - Create, Modify, Delete, Status of order • Inventory query by partners for automated order placement SYSTEM OF EXPERIENCE
  30. SYSTEM OF EXPERIENCE CUSTOM APPLICATIONS Custom applications enable customized work-

    fl ows or custom user-interface to perform and manage daily activities by interfacing with the core business systems. Some examples of applications are. • Application for approval of inventory re-order. • Handling inbound receipt of supplies or products in warehouses • Picking and packing sequence allocation to warehouse sta ff • Delivery application to manage deliveries and maintain proof of delivery • Apps to manage product returns
  31. SYSTEM OF EXPERIENCE INDUSTRIAL IOT Industrial IOT modules provide a

    mechanism for Sensors, Actuators, Manufacturing Equipment, SCADA, Quality monitory, Environment monitoring systems to communicate with core business systems. Some of the use- cases enabled are • Monitor equipment health and predict failure • Monitor production process in real time • Alerts for potential safety hazards • Collecting data on production processes
  32. SYSTEM OF EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT REPORTING Management reporting modules provide a

    “Single-pane-of-glass” reporting of the status of the overall system by combining data and information from multiple sources into a single comprehensive view. Some examples of reports and dashboards provided are • Inventory status and usage over time. • Real-time production counts, status and target • Logistics and transportation tracking • Sustainability metrics

    These modules manage the master data of the business and the systems that manage transactions of these master data items • Product Information ( PIM, DAM) and Orders • Customer Information • Supplier Management and Procurement • Material Management and Inventory • Employee Information
  34. SYSTEM OF RECORD MANUFACTURING These modules manage the processes to

    de fi ne, plan, execute, manage and verify the execution of manufacturing • Demand Planning, Production Planning • Production Schedule and Manufacturing Execution • Quality Management • Maintenance • Environment, Health and Safety

    processes to de fi ne, plan, execute, manage and verify the logistics and distribution of fi nished goods • Warehouse Management • Transportation Management • Fleet and Freight management • Yard management • ESG Compliance management
  36. ANALYTICAL SYSTEM The analytical system collects, stores, processes and serves

    the result of data and information analytics from the rest of the systems. This can be used for • Predicting future demand of the product to optimise production and inventory • Optimize inventory stock level and cost • Forecast equipment failure • Quality control • Optimize routes and logistics • Price optimisation • Monitor customer satisfaction levels SYSTEM OF INSIGHT
  37. SYSTEM OF MONITORING LOGGING & MONITORING The logging and monitoring

    system collects and analyses logs in real-time from both the IT systems as well as equipment for • Determining issues in running IT systems and alerting sta ff • Detecting and tracking potential security incidents and response • Production e ff i ciency and quality control dashboards
  38. SYSTEM OF INTEGRATION INTEGRATION SYSTEM The integration system is used

    to manage and monitor integration pipelines ( with multiple processing stages ) to push and pull data between various systems used in the business. These are used for • Automate work fl ows between di ff erent systems • Eliminate manual data entry between systems • Ensure data consistency and accuracy across multiple systems • Adapt and expand operations without constraints of disjointed information systems
  39. BASEJMP ARCHITECTURE DETAILS Elastic Horizontal Scalability - All Basejmp services

    are micro services packaged as Docker containers that can be scaled up and down on demand Resilient and Fault Tolerance - Kubernetes distribution used for orchestration of micro-services High Performance and Stability - All micro-services in Rust - Performance, Security, Stability Deployment Flexibility - Solution designed to be implemented across various infra configurations (Tested for - Bare-metal, VMWare ESXi, AWS EC2, OVHCloud Bare-Metal, OVH Managed Kubernetes etc.)
  40. BASEJMP ARCHITECTURE DETAILS Export and Import of applications - Developed

    applications can be exported to a yaml file and version-controlled. Declarative application configuration - Apply exported yaml file back to running deployment for applying incremental changes Multiple accounts and multiple application support - Can support multiple accounts and multiple applications within each account for better management
  41. Proven and Scalable components used for application blocks - Rook

    Ceph for storage Citus for Transactional Database, Clickhouse for Analytical Database Keycloak for authentication, CASBIN for authorisation NGINX for static hosting, deno for powering lambda functions Docker to run containers QEMU-KVM for launching Virtual Machines (coming soon) React, PrimeReact and Redux for UI components BASEJMP ARCHITECTURE DETAILS
  42. ENGAGEMENT MODELS Basejmp provides the solution only. Customer uses in-house

    development team to develop applications themselves. Basejmp provides necessary training and guidance during development. PLATFORM WITH TRAINING Basejmp provides the solution and additionally works with the customer to develop applications as per the customer’s requirement. FULL APPLICATION DELIVERY PRODUCT & TRAINING TURNKEY SOLUTIONS