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Flutter with riverpod and code structure

GDG Montreal
May 25, 2024

Flutter with riverpod and code structure

Explain my experience with riverpod and and discussing clean architecture and useful packages.

GDG Montreal

May 25, 2024

More Decks by GDG Montreal


  1. Tanmay Soni MACS @Concordia University | Flutter Developer @Common •

    4yr+ Software Developer (Flutter, React.js, Node.js, Java …) • https://www.linkedin.com/in/soni-tanmay/
  2. Agenda 1 2 3 4 5 6 Riverpod Introduction &

    Installation Riverpod Implementation Code Demo Code Structure Packages & Tools Q&A
  3. Why Riverpod? RiverPod => A Reactive Caching and Data-binding Framework

    • Declarative and Reactive Programming. • Handles a significant portion of your app's logic. • Built-in Error Handling and Caching. • Automatic Re-fetching
  4. How to Install • flutter pub add flutter_riverpod • flutter

    pub add riverpod_annotation • flutter pub add dev:riverpod_generator • flutter pub add dev:build_runner • flutter pub add dev:custom_lint • flutter pub add dev:riverpod_lint Alternatively, you can manually add the dependency to your application’s pubspec.yaml file
  5. Code Generation flutter pub run build_runner watch We need to

    run this to enable auto code generation. With this, every time we modify the riverpod-related code, it automatically generates it.
  6. Enabling riverpod_lint/custom_lint • Riverpod comes with an optional riverpod_lint package

    that provides lint rules to help you write better code, and provide custom refactoring options. • The package should already be installed if you followed the previous steps, but a separate step is necessary to enable it. To enable riverpod_lint, you need add an analysis_options.yaml placed next to your pubspec.yaml and include the following:
  7. Before we start making network requests, make sure that ProviderScope

    is added at the root of the application. Setting up ProviderScope
  8. • All providers must be annotated with @riverpod or @Riverpod().

    • The name of the annotated function determines how the provider will be interacted with. For a given function myFunction, a generated myFunctionProvider variable will be generated. • Must specify a "ref" as first parameter. Creating the provider (Functional Provider)
  9. • All notifiers must override the build method. This method

    is equivalent to the place where you would normally put your logic in a non-notifier provider. • When a @riverpod annotation is placed on a class, that class is called a "Notifier". The class must extend _$NotifierName, where NotifierName is class name. • Notifiers are responsible for exposing ways to modify the state of the provider. • Public methods on this class are accessible to consumers using ref.read(yourProvider.notifier).yourMethod(). Defining a Notifier (Class Provider)
  10. • A Consumer is a widget similar to Builder, but

    with the added benefit of offering us a "ref". • This enables our UI to read providers. • Widgets can listen to as many providers as they want. To do so, simply add more ref.watch calls. Consumer
  11. • Instead of writing a StatelessWidget/StatefulWidget returns a Consumer, we

    can define a ConsumerWidget/ConsumerStatefulWidget. ConsumerWidget / ConsumerStatefulWidget
  12. ref.watch(): Any widget that is listening to this provider will

    rebuild whenever the provider’s state changes. ref.listen(): Go-to for reacting to state changes with side effects, such as showing a SnackBar or logging. ref.read(): Typically used for accessing a provider’s current state without listening to it. Whenever possible, prefer using ref.watch over ref.listen or ref.read to implement a feature. This way, the application becomes reactive and declarative. But it is recommended to use ref.read when logic is performed in event handlers such as "onPressed". + + + How to read provider state?
  13. Packages • flutter_screenutil • go_router • flutter_gen • build_runner •

    flutter_localizations • freezed • icons_launcher • riverpod_generator • sqflite • dio