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GDSC Summer Hackathon Git / GitHub

September 16, 2024

GDSC Summer Hackathon Git / GitHub


September 16, 2024


  1. Git / GitHub Speaker: Shunsuke Kasuya GDSC Aizu (University of

    Aizu) 18:00 ~ 20:00 (早く終わる可能性高い) 開始までしばらくお待ちください 6:00 pm ~ 8:00 pm (probably finishing earlier) Stay tuned till we start! @kasukashu02
  2. Check ✅ • Open Terminal (Terminal → New Terminal) •

    Is Flutter installed successfully? ◦ Run “flutter doctor” ◦ If Flutter is checked, Flutter has been successfully installed. • Is Git command available? ◦ Run “git -v” ◦ If the version of Git is displayed, it has been successfully installed.
  3. Sign up for GitHub 1. Open this website (https://github.com/signup) 2.

    Sign up for GitHub by following the instructions 3. Send your username to your team channel in discord If you already have an account, skip 1 - 2 steps.
  4. Set up Git 1. Open Terminal (Terminal → New Terminal)

    2. Run the commands below git config --global user.name “username” git config --global user.email “[email protected]
  5. Set up Git 1. Open Terminal (Terminal → New Terminal)

    2. Run the commands below git config --global user.name “username” git config --global user.email “[email protected]” Checkpoint: Wait until everyone is finished
  6. Git • What is Git? ◦ Distributed Version Control System

    ◦ Useful for development with multiple people ◦ Record the changes as a version ▪ When, Who saved ▪ Snapshot of code ◦ Easily restore, merge the changes
  7. Branch • Git has branch function • Fork from specific

    version • Multiple people can work simultaneously
  8. Create a new flutter project • In VSCode, Ctrl(Command) +

    Shift + P • Enter “Flutter New” and select “Flutter: New Application” and “Application” • Select the save folder
  9. Create a new project • Access github.com/new • Enter repository

    name (e.g. git-learning) and create repository
  10. Create a new project • Copy and paste to VSCode

    terminal shown in GitHub website Checkpoint: Wait until everyone is finished
  11. Execute a flutter code • In VSCode, Ctrl + Shift

    + P • Enter “Flutter” and select “Flutter: Select Device” • Select “Chrome”
  12. FAQ