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GDSC Summer Hackathon Getting started with Flutter

September 17, 2024

GDSC Summer Hackathon Getting started with Flutter


September 17, 2024


  1. Agenda Speaker: Yujiro Kisu GDSC Tokyo Metropolitan University @yuyu_lab_tmu •

    What is Flutter? ◦ What is widget? • Basic app setting • Lecture • Break (10 min.) • Add detail designs (More if we have time)
  2. Flutter • What is Flutter? ◦ Tool for UI development

    (SDK) ◦ Uses Dart language ◦ Made by Google ◦ Multi-platform framework • Uses in this event ◦ Framework for an app ◦ Experience robust/quick app development ◦ Requirement in this hackathon
  3. What is widget? • Unit for app UI • There

    are different types/functionalities • Customizable one by one • Widget can be nested in another widget nested in another widget nested in an.. • Widgets can send information to each other
  4. Join at slido.com #1712352 ⓘ Click Present with Slido or

    install our Chrome extension to display joining instructions for participants while presenting. https://app.sli.do/event/cTMXFAX8S7Jt3notKhBeD6
  5. Flutter ‘environment’ setting • Name of the app • Flutter

    version • Locations of ◦ Assets ◦ Fonts ◦ Dependencies pubspec.yaml ⬅copy code from here More info: Change it to yours!
  6. Flutter main ‘canvas’ • Main entry of a Flutter app

    • Write code here (this workshop) lib/main.dart ⬅copy code from here
  7. Import each package/file to use in ‘main.dart’ This is called

    when ‘main.dart’ is executed ‘runApp()’ runs ‘MyApp()’ Explanations 🚚
  8. Let its super class (‘template’) know MyApp()’s identification Explanations Create

    a widget with a context MyApp MyHomePage MyApp MyHomePage
  9. ElevatedButton( onPressed: () { appState.getNext(); }, child: Text('Next'), ), Copy

    code from here ⬇ and where should we put?? Checkpoint: Wait until everyone is finished
  10. void getNext() { current = WordPair.random(); notifyListeners(); } } Checkpoint:

    Wait until everyone is finished Copy code from here ⬇ and where should we put?? MyAppState
  11. Checkpoint: Wait until everyone is finished @override Widget build(BuildContext context)

    { final theme = Theme.of(context); // ← Add this. return Card( color: theme.colorScheme.primary, // ← And also this. child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20), child: Text(pair.asLowerCase), ), ); }
  12. Checkpoint: Wait until everyone is finished @override Widget build(BuildContext context)

    { final theme = Theme.of(context); // ↓ Add this. final style = theme.textTheme.displayMedium!.copyWith( color: theme.colorScheme.onPrimary, ); return Card( color: theme.colorScheme.primary, child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20), // ↓ Change this line. child: Text(pair.asLowerCase, style: style), ), ); }