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Jessica's Big Little World, "Jessica's Restaura...

Georgia Henderson
April 03, 2024

Jessica's Big Little World, "Jessica's Restaurant" Pt. 2

Georgia Henderson

April 03, 2024


  1. Scene 115 Panel 2 Dialog STANLEIGH:Those are the last ones.

    JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 9/151
  2. Scene 115 Panel 4 Dialog STANLEIGH:Yup, just crumbs left. JBLW:

    1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 11/151
  3. Scene 119 Panel 1 Dialog JESSICA:OK DADDY! Order up! JBLW:

    1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 26/151
  4. Scene 119 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA:OK DADDY! Order up! JBLW:

    1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 27/151
  5. Scene 124 Panel 1 Dialog JESSICA (in SLO MO)NOOOOOOOOOOO JBLW:

    1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 46/151
  6. Scene 124 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA (in SLO MO)NOOOOOOOOOOO JBLW:

    1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 47/151
  7. Scene 124 Panel 3 Dialog JESSICA (in SLO MO)NOOOOOOOOOOO JBLW:

    1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 48/151
  8. Scene 125 Panel 2 Dialog STANLEIGH: Jessica are you okay?

    JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 50/151
  9. Scene 126 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA:But I cracked my last

    cracker!! JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 52/151
  10. Scene 127 Panel 3 Dialog JESSICAI dropped your order Daddy

    JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 56/151
  11. Scene 127 Panel 4 Dialog JESSICASorry I dropped your order

    Daddy JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 57/151
  12. Scene 127 Panel 5 Dialog DUANE: It's okay hon, it's

    just a couple of crackers. JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 58/151
  13. Scene 127 Panel 6 Dialog JESSICA:But those are our last

    ones! JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 59/151
  14. Scene 127 Panel 7 Dialog JESSICA: Now we're going to

    have to shut down the restaurant! JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 60/151
  15. Scene 127 Panel 8 Dialog STANLEIGH:Oh no! I'm going to

    have to find another job to play! JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 61/151
  16. Scene 127 Panel 9 Dialog DUANE: There there baby girl,

    this doesn't have to be the end of your restaurant! JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 62/151
  17. Scene 128 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE: You might be JBLW:

    1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 63/151
  18. Scene 128 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE: out of crackers, JBLW:

    1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 64/151
  19. Scene 129 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE: (OS)I'm sure you can

    come up JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 66/151
  20. Scene 129 Panel 2 Dialog DUANE: (OS)with something else to

    serve... JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 67/151
  21. Scene 131 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA:That's right! Like Chef Rosie

    and her Gumbo, I can use what I got! JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 73/151
  22. Scene 132 Panel 1 Dialog JESSICA:AND MAKE SOMETHING NEW! JBLW:

    1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 75/151
  23. Scene 132 Panel 3 Dialog DUANE:Wait, you're not actually going

    to try to make Gumbo, are you? JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 77/151
  24. Scene 132 Panel 4 Dialog JESSICA:NO Daddy, I'm going to

    make my OWN thing. JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 78/151
  25. Scene 132 Panel 5 Dialog DUANE: OK. Just checking. JBLW:

    1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 79/151
  26. Scene 132 Panel 6 Dialog DUANE:I'm getting good at these

    pep talks. JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 80/151
  27. Scene 133 Panel 1 Dialog ALTJessica: Okay gonna go wash

    my hands!!! JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 81/151
  28. Scene 134 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA:what do we got? A

    bowl of carrots? JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 86/151
  29. Scene 134 Panel 3 Dialog STANLEIGH:like, a whole jar of

    peanut butter? JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 87/151
  30. Scene 134 Panel 4 Dialog JESSICA: GASP we can dip

    the carrots... JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 88/151
  31. Scene 134 Panel 5 Dialog STANLEIGH: In the peanut butter!

    JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 89/151
  32. Scene 137 Panel 7 Dialog JESSICA:Nice work Chef Stanleigh! JBLW:

    1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 104/151
  33. Scene 137 Panel 9 Dialog JESSICA:Not yet. Hand me that

    bag of crackers. JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 106/151
  34. Scene 137 Panel 10 Dialog STANLEIGH:But there's nothing left except

    CRUMBS! JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 107/151
  35. Scene 137 Panel 11 Dialog STANLEIGH:But there's nothing left except

    CRUMBS! JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 108/151
  36. Scene 137 Panel 12 Dialog JESSICA:That's all I need. JBLW:

    1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 109/151
  37. Scene 137 Panel 15 Dialog JESSICA:That's all I need. JBLW:

    1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 112/151
  38. Scene 139 Panel 1 Dialog JESSICA:And for the final course

    this evening, JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 118/151
  39. Scene 139 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA: we have a spread

    of organic carrots JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 119/151
  40. Scene 139 Panel 3 Dialog JESSICA: with a chef special

    SUPER DOLLOP of Smooth Peanut Butter JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 120/151
  41. Scene 139 Panel 4 Dialog JESSICA:Toppedwith a HINT of Cracker

    crumbs.ALT: Spread of carrots, peanut butter and topped with cracker crumbs. JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 121/151
  42. Scene 139 Panel 5 Dialog JESSICA:Toppedwith a HINT of Cracker

    crumbs.ALT: Spread of carrots, peanut butter and topped with cracker crumbs. JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 122/151
  43. Scene 139 Panel 6 Dialog JESSICA:Toppedwith a HINT of Cracker

    crumbs.ALT: Spread of carrots, peanut butter and topped with cracker crumbs. JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 123/151
  44. Scene 142 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE: Excellent presentation and flavor!

    What a fun new food you came up with! JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 133/151
  45. Scene 142 Panel 3 Dialog JESSICA Can I try?STANLEIGH: Yeah

    can I try? JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 135/151
  46. Scene 142 Panel 4 Dialog DUANE:No way! This is too

    good to share! JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 136/151
  47. Scene 142 Panel 5 Dialog DUANE:No way! This is too

    good to share! JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 137/151
  48. Scene 142 Panel 6 Dialog DUANE:No way! This is too

    good to share! JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 138/151
  49. Scene 142 Panel 8 Dialog DUANE: Alright You've earned a

    taste. JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 140/151
  50. Scene 142 Panel 9 Dialog DUANE: Alright You've earned a

    taste. JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 141/151
  51. Scene 143 Panel 7 Dialog STANLEIGH:Nice job Chef Jessica! JBLW:

    1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 148/151
  52. Scene 143 Panel 8 Dialog JESSICA:Nice job Chef Stanleigh! JBLW:

    1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 149/151
  53. Scene 144 Panel 1 Dialog DUANE:Alright, alright, that's enough, let

    me get another piece! JBLW: 1106-012 "Jessica's Restaurant" Page 150/151