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Building a Reactive e-commerce platform - Sting

Gideon de Kok
January 29, 2018

Building a Reactive e-commerce platform - Sting

Gideon de Kok

January 29, 2018



  2. Complexity Productivity Working in a highly coupled system increases collaboration

    and productivity in initial phases Increased complexity from larger code base start to hinder progress Overall velocity reaches a potential stable but low point
  3. For systems with less complexity, the overhead required to get

    things running reduces initial productivity A true modular architecture with correct boundaries profits from localised complexity The complexity of a business will always impact productivity in the end but overhead is reduced significantly Complexity Productivity
  4. Complexity Productivity Working in a highly coupled system increases collaboration

    and productivity in initial phases Increased complexity from larger code base start to hinder progress Overall velocity reaches a potential stable but low point
  5. /

  6. Desire to build a platform which enables a multi-brand platform

    in a business flexibility enhancing environment
  7. Issues don’t come from software stacks, but the way they’re

    used to compose and develop our software (it’s a learning process…)
  8. We should not be focused on microservices, we should be

    focused on creating architectures which enable clarity, loose coupling and autonomy
  9. We not only need boundaries, We need an architectural pattern

    which enable autonomy within and over those boundaries
  10. It is not the things that matter (in early stages

    of design), it is the things that happen — Russ Miles
  11. package com.xebia.webshop.order.api sealed trait OrderEvent object OrderEvent { case class

    OrderCreated(orderId: String, orderLines: Seq[OrderLine], shippingInfo: ShippingInfo) extends OrderEvent case class OrderConfirmed(orderId: String) extends OrderEvent case class OrderPaid(orderId: String, orderLines: Seq[OrderLine], shippingInfo: ShippingInfo) extends OrderEvent object OrderCreated { implicit val format: Format[OrderCreated] = Json.format } object OrderConfirmed { implicit val format: Format[OrderConfirmed] = Json.format } object OrderPaid { implicit val format: Format[OrderPaid] = Json.format } implicit val format: Format[OrderEvent] = derived.flat.oformat((__ \ "type").format[String]) }
  12. package com.xebia.webshop.shipping.api sealed trait OrderEvent object OrderEvent { case class

    OrderPicked(orderId: String, pickedBy: Employee) extends OrderEvent case class OrderShipped(orderId: String, shippingReference: String) extends OrderEvent case class OrderDelivered(orderId: String, wasDeliveredAt: LocalDateTime) extends OrderEvent object OrderPicked { implicit val format: Format[OrderPicked] = Json.format } object OrderShipped { implicit val format: Format[OrderShipped] = Json.format } object OrderDelivered { implicit val format: Format[OrderDelivered] = Json.format } implicit val format: Format[OrderEvent] = derived.flat.oformat((__ \ "type").format[String]) }
  13. Lagom provides an opinionated way of building microservices that intentionally

    constrains what a developer can do and how they should do it.
  14. • Build your services using the concepts of Domain Driven

    Design • Services communicate on basis of contracts • Your event-log is the single point of truth, Event Source all your state* • Separate your writes from your reads / queries (CQRS) • Make your services stateful as a default** • Make your services elastic and resilient as a default
  15. • Persistent-ignorant design with support for multiple storage- engines out

    of the box • Default end-to-end support for message brokers • Able to run, test and continuously compile a complete microservice system on your local machine • Java / Scala support (and Kotlin if you bend it) • Spawns Cassandra & Kafka during local execution to get from idea to development after installation • Service locators & Circuit Breakers
  16. package com.xebia.webshop.order.api import akka.NotUsed import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.broker.Topic import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.transport._ import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.{Descriptor,

    Service, ServiceCall} trait OrderService extends Service { import Method._ import Service._ def orderEvents: Topic[OrderEvent] final override def descriptor = { named("order").withTopics( topic("order-OrderEvent", orderEvents) ) } }
  17. Order Paid Order Picked Whenever an Order is Paid Pick

    Order Add Payment Information Order Shipping
  18. trait POrderCommand object POrderCommand { case class CreateOrder(orderLines: Seq[POrderLine], info:

    PShippingInfo) extends POrderCommand with ReplyType[Done] case class AddPayment(reference: String) extends POrderCommand with ReplyType[Done] case object GetOrder extends POrderCommand with ReplyType[POrder] }
  19. trait POrderEvent extends AggregateEvent[POrderEvent] { override def aggregateTag: AggregateEventTagger[POrderEvent] =

    POrderEvent.Tag } object POrderEvent { val Tag = AggregateEventTag[POrderEvent] case class OrderCreated( orderLines: Seq[POrderLine], shippingInformation: PShippingInfo) extends POrderEvent case object OrderConfirmed extends POrderEvent case class OrderPaid(reference: String) extends POrderEvent }
  20. case class POrder(id: String, orderLines: Seq[POrderLine], shippingInfo: Option[PShippingInfo], paymentReference: Option[String],

    confirmed: Boolean) object POrder { case class PShippingInfo(address: String, zipcode: String, city: String, country: String) case class PSKU(id: String) case class POrderLine(sku: PSKU, amount: Int) }
  21. class OrderEntity extends PersistentEntity { override type Command = POrderCommand

    override type Event = POrderEvent override type State = POrder override def initialState = POrder(this.entityId, Seq.empty, None, None, false) override def behavior: Behavior = Actions() .onCommand[POrderCommand.CreateOrder, Done] { case (POrderCommand.CreateOrder(orderLines, shippingInfo), ctx, state) => { ctx.thenPersist(POrderEvent.OrderCreated(orderLines, shippingInfo)) { evt => ctx.reply(Done) } } }.onCommand[POrderCommand.AddPayment, Done] { case (POrderCommand.AddPayment(reference), ctx, state) => { ctx.thenPersistAll(POrderEvent.OrderPaid(reference), POrderEvent.OrderConfirmed) { () => ctx.reply(Done) } } }.onReadOnlyCommand[GetOrder.type, POrder] { case (GetOrder, ctx, state) => ctx.reply(state) }.onEvent { case (POrderEvent.OrderCreated(lines, shippingInfo), state) => state.copy(orderLines = lines, shippingInfo = Some(shippingInfo)) case (POrderEvent.OrderPaid(reference), state) => state.copy(paymentReference = Some(reference)) case (POrderEvent.OrderConfirmed, state) => state.copy(confirmed = true) } }
  22. Read Model ItemAdded ItemRemoved ItemAdded ItemChanged ItemAdded ItemRemoved ItemAdded ItemChanged

    ItemAdded ItemRemoved ItemAdded ItemChanged Repository ID: A ID: B ID: C
  23. Read Model ItemAdded ItemRemoved ItemAdded ItemChanged ItemAdded ItemRemoved ItemAdded ItemChanged

    ItemAdded ItemRemoved ItemAdded ItemChanged Repository SEQ: 12 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 SEQ: 0 ID: A ID: B ID: C
  24. Read Model ItemAdded ItemRemoved ItemAdded ItemChanged ItemAdded ItemRemoved ItemAdded ItemChanged

    ItemAdded ItemRemoved ItemAdded ItemChanged Repository SEQ: 12 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 SEQ: 12 ID: A ID: B ID: C
  25. class OrderServiceImpl(persistentEntityRegistry: PersistentEntityRegistry)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends OrderService { override def

    confirmOrder(orderId: String): ServiceCall[ConfirmOrderRequest, NotUsed] = ServiceCall { req => persistentEntityRegistry.refFor[OrderEntity](orderId).ask(POrderCommand.AddPayment(req.paymentReference)).map(_ => NotUsed) } override def orderEvents = TopicProducer.singleStreamWithOffset { offset => persistentEntityRegistry.eventStream(POrderEvent.Tag, offset).filter(e => /* Filter some of the internal events to isolate some of the entities internal logic */ e.event.isInstanceOf[POrderEvent.OrderCreated] || e.event == POrderEvent.OrderPaid ).mapAsync(1) { event => event.event match { case POrderEvent.OrderCreated(orderLines, shippingInfo) => val message = api.OrderEvent.OrderCreated(event.entityId, orderLines.map(x => api.Order.OrderLine(api.Order.SKU(x.sku.id), x.amount)), ShippingInfo(shippingInfo.address, shippingInfo.zipcode, shippingInfo.city, shippingInfo.country)) Future.successful((message, event.offset)) case x: POrderEvent.OrderPaid => persistentEntityRegistry.refFor[OrderEntity](event.entityId).ask(POrderCommand.GetOrder).map { x => val shippingInfo = x.shippingInfo.getOrElse(throw new Exception("Shipping info is expected to be set when the order is confirmed")) val message = api.OrderEvent.OrderPaid( orderId = event.entityId, orderLines = x.orderLines.map(x => api.Order.OrderLine(api.Order.SKU(x.sku.id), x.amount)), shippingInfo = api.Order.ShippingInfo(shippingInfo.address, shippingInfo.zipcode, shippingInfo.city, shippingInfo.country) ) (message, event.offset) } } } } }
  26. class OrderServiceSubscriber(persistentEntityRegistry: PersistentEntityRegistry, orderService: OrderService) { orderService.orderEvents.subscribe.atLeastOnce(Flow[OrderEvent].mapAsync(1) { case x:

    OrderPaid => entityRef(x.orderId) .ask(ShipOrder(x.orderId, PAddress(x.shippingInfo.address, x.shippingInfo.city, x.shippingInfo.address, x.shippingInfo.zipcode) )) case other => Future.successful(Done) }) private def entityRef(orderId: UUID) = persistentEntityRegistry.refFor[POrder](orderId.toString) }
  27. As long as the events are readable on a topic,

    the origin is of less importance
  28. Message Broker Basket Shipping Order Product Stock Hybris Service Gateway

    Domain Events Product UpdateProduct ProductUpdated / StockChanged Anti Corruption Layer / Data Pumps
  29. Message Broker Domain Events Anti Corruption Layer / Data Pumps

    API Gateway CORE SHOPPING Product Event Command Basket Command Event
  30. Message Broker Domain Events Anti Corruption Layer / Data Pumps

    API Gateway CORE SHOPPING CHECK-OUT SELF-SERVICE Product Event Payment Command Event Shipping Command Event Order Command Event Command Basket Command Event
  31. Events-first delivers on a better way of modelling businesses in

    technology, better suiting an environment of incremental learning
  32. Q&A


    cbenjamins@xebia.com GIDEON DE KOK MANAGER – XEBIA SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT gdekok@xebia.com /