- Recap: converting RDF/JSON-LD data into HTML/RDFa
- show PHP source code: .phps, media type `application/x-httpd-php-source`
- Heredoc and Syntax-Highlighting
- a11y issues with color contrast and disappeared with the start of SNW
- caption changed to h1 (CSS Naked Day)
- multiple table bodies (Sudoku) https://codepen.io/gunnarbittersmann/pen/mdqYdWv
- Firefox bug: `caption { position: sticky }` https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1472602 - https://forum.selfhtml.org/self/2022/feb/21/sticky-caption-im-firefox/1796484#m1796484
- strange Firefox rendering bug https://forum.selfhtml.org/self/2022/mar/06/strange-rendering-bug-im-firefox/1796988#m1796988
- sticky header
- throttling, debouncing https://bencentra.com/code/2015/02/27/optimizing-window-resize.html
- ResizeObserver
- IntersectionObserver
- `head { display: block }`
For links to ressources, see https://noti.st/gunnarbittersmann/E4rfwf/til-where-no-one-has-gone-before-part-2