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Fostering the next gen of open science with R

Karthik Ram
December 18, 2013

Fostering the next gen of open science with R

My talk at the American Geophysical Union meeting in SF, December 2013.

Karthik Ram

December 18, 2013

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  1. Instructions for preparation of the Biographical Sketch have been revised

    to rename the "Publications" section to "Products" and amend terminology and instructions accordingly. This change makes clear that products may include, but are not limited to, publications, data sets, software, patents, and copyrights. Funders:
  2. glm(y ~ -1 + a + c + z +

    a:z, data = mydata, maxit = 30) This is reproducible, repeatable and can serve as a analytic workflow
  3. Our mission is to develop tools (mostly around R) to

    access scientific data repositories, full-text of articles, and science metrics.
  4. dryaddat <- download_url("10255/dryad.1759") ! dat <- dryad_getfile(dryaddat) ! eml_write(dat =

    dat, meta, title = "Landings Data", description = description, creator = "Karthik Ram <karthik@ropensci.org>", file = "landings.xml") ! ! eml_publish("landings.xml", description = description, categories = "Ecology", tags = "fisheries", destination = "figshare", visibility = "public")