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TrollsTopia: To Hug A Snug-A-Lug Part 3

Jane Kim
March 19, 2022

TrollsTopia: To Hug A Snug-A-Lug Part 3

Jane Kim

March 19, 2022


  1. Dialog 43 LOWNOTE Honesty time, Trolls. NTR425 S1 RF Page

    12/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  2. Dialog 43 LOWNOTE Honesty time, Trolls. NTR425 S1 RF Page

    13/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  3. Dialog 43 LOWNOTE Honesty time, Trolls. NTR425 S1 RF Page

    14/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  4. Dialog 43 LOWNOTE Honesty time, Trolls. NTR425 S1 RF Page

    15/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  5. Dialog 43 LOWNOTE At this rate, we will never find

    that snug-a-lug before Ravenhug does. NTR425 S1 RF Page 17/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  6. Dialog 43 LOWNOTE We need a new method. NTR425 S1

    RF Page 19/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  7. Dialog 43 LOWNOTE (into hug watch) Lownote to bridge: Execute

    order S-N-G. NTR425 S1 RF Page 21/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  8. Dialog 43 LOWNOTE (into hug watch) Lownote to bridge: Execute

    order S-N-G. NTR425 S1 RF Page 22/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  9. Dialog 43 LOWNOTE (into hug watch) Lownote to bridge: Execute

    order S-N-G. NTR425 S1 RF Page 23/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  10. Dialog 43 LOWNOTE (into hug watch) Lownote to bridge: Execute

    order S-N-G. NTR425 S1 RF Page 24/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  11. Dialog 44 LOWNOTE You see, a sure-fire way to attract

    a snug-a-lug... is with another snug-a-lug. NTR425 S1 RF Page 27/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  12. Dialog 44 LOWNOTE You see, a sure-fire way to attract

    a snug-a-lug... is with another snug-a-lug. NTR425 S1 RF Page 28/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  13. Dialog 44 LOWNOTE You see, a sure-fire way to attract

    a snug-a-lug... is with another snug-a-lug. NTR425 S1 RF Page 29/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  14. Dialog 44 LOWNOTE You see, a sure-fire way to attract

    a snug-a-lug... is with another snug-a-lug. NTR425 S1 RF Page 30/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  15. Dialog 44 LOWNOTE You see, a sure-fire way to attract

    a snug-a-lug... is with another snug-a-lug. NTR425 S1 RF Page 31/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  16. Dialog 45 POPPY I forgot how cute they are! NTR425

    S1 RF Page 43/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  17. Dialog 45 POPPY I forgot how cute they are! NTR425

    S1 RF Page 44/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  18. Dialog 45 POPPY Somebody has to hold me back! NTR425

    S1 RF Page 45/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  19. Dialog 46 BRANCH On it! NTR425 S1 RF Page 51/852

    Property of Dreamworks Animation
  20. Dialog 46 BRANCH On it! NTR425 S1 RF Page 52/852

    Property of Dreamworks Animation
  21. Dialog 46 BRANCH On it! NTR425 S1 RF Page 53/852

    Property of Dreamworks Animation
  22. Dialog 46 BRANCH On it! ( NTR425 S1 RF Page

    54/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  23. Dialog 46 BRANCH (then) Okay, but somebody has to hold

    me back! NTR425 S1 RF Page 55/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  24. Dialog 46 BRANCH (then) Okay, but somebody has to hold

    me back! NTR425 S1 RF Page 56/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  25. Dialog 46 BRANCH (then) Okay, but somebody has to hold

    me back! NTR425 S1 RF Page 57/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  26. Dialog 46 BRANCH (then) Okay, but somebody has to hold

    me back! NTR425 S1 RF Page 58/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  27. Dialog 47 HOLLY (then) But somebody?s has to hold me

    back! NTR425 S1 RF Page 64/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  28. Dialog 47 HOLLY (then) But somebody?s has to hold me

    back! NTR425 S1 RF Page 65/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  29. Dialog 47 HOLLY (then) But somebody?s has to hold me

    back! NTR425 S1 RF Page 66/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  30. Dialog 47 HOLLY (then) But somebody?s has to hold me

    back! NTR425 S1 RF Page 67/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  31. Dialog 47 HOLLY (then) But somebody?s has to hold me

    back! NTR425 S1 RF Page 68/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  32. Dialog 47 HOLLY (looks to see nobody) NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 69/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  33. Dialog 47 HOLLY (looks to see nobody) NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 70/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  34. Dialog 47 HOLLY (looks to see nobody) NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 71/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  35. Dialog 48 LOWNOTE (super cool)Hey there. NTR425 S1 RF Page

    98/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  36. Dialog 48 LOWNOTE (super cool)Hey there. NTR425 S1 RF Page

    99/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  37. Dialog 48 LOWNOTE (super cool)Hey there. NTR425 S1 RF Page

    100/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  38. Dialog 48 LOWNOTE (super cool)Hey there. NTR425 S1 RF Page

    101/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  39. Dialog 49 LOWNOTE Sorry to unleash so much cool on

    you, but we have a job to do. NTR425 S1 RF Page 110/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  40. Dialog 49 LOWNOTE Sorry to unleash so much cool on

    you, but we have a job to do. NTR425 S1 RF Page 111/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  41. Dialog 49 LOWNOTE Sorry to unleash so much cool on

    you, but we have a job to do. NTR425 S1 RF Page 112/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  42. Dialog 49 LOWNOTE Okay lil snug... do your thing. NTR425

    S1 RF Page 114/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  43. Dialog 49 LOWNOTE Okay lil snug... do your thing. NTR425

    S1 RF Page 115/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  44. Dialog 49 LOWNOTE Okay lil snug... do your thing. NTR425

    S1 RF Page 116/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  45. Dialog 51 LOWNOTE Well done, Trolls! NTR425 S1 RF Page

    145/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  46. Dialog 51 LOWNOTE Well done, Trolls! NTR425 S1 RF Page

    146/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  47. Dialog 51 LOWNOTE Now to get this snug-a-lug and my

    snug-a-lug back to the-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 151/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  48. Dialog 51 LOWNOTE Now to get this snug-a-lug and my

    snug-a-lug back to the-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 152/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  49. Dialog 51 LOWNOTE Now to get this snug-a-lug and my

    snug-a-lug back to the-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 153/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  50. Dialog 51 LOWNOTE who?s watching my snug-a-lug? NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 156/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  51. Dialog 51 LOWNOTE who?s watching my snug-a-lug? NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 157/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  52. Dialog 53 DR. RAVENHUG Apologies, Lownote, but you played right

    into my hands. NTR425 S1 RF Page 184/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  53. Dialog 53 DR. RAVENHUG Apologies, Lownote, but you played right

    into my hands. NTR425 S1 RF Page 185/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  54. Dialog 53 DR. RAVENHUG Apologies, Lownote, but you played right

    into my hands. NTR425 S1 RF Page 186/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  55. Dialog 53 DR. RAVENHUG Apologies, Lownote, but you played right

    into my hands. NTR425 S1 RF Page 187/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  56. Dialog 53 DR. RAVENHUG I never intended to locate the

    rogue snug-a-lug. NTR425 S1 RF Page 189/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  57. Dialog 53 DR. RAVENHUG I simply used it to motivate

    you into to bringing your snug-a-lug out into the open. NTR425 S1 RF Page 191/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  58. Dialog 53 DR. RAVENHUG I simply used it to motivate

    you into to bringing your snug-a-lug out into the open. NTR425 S1 RF Page 192/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  59. Dialog 53 DR. RAVENHUG I simply used it to motivate

    you into to bringing your snug-a-lug out into the open. NTR425 S1 RF Page 193/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  60. Dialog 53 DR. RAVENHUG I simply used it to motivate

    you into to bringing your snug-a-lug out into the open. NTR425 S1 RF Page 194/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  61. Dialog 54 LOWNOTE Groovtavius! Put - the snug-a-lug - down.

    NTR425 S1 RF Page 205/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  62. Dialog 54 LOWNOTE Put - the snug-a-lug - down. NTR425

    S1 RF Page 210/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  63. Dialog 54 LOWNOTE Put - the snug-a-lug - down. NTR425

    S1 RF Page 211/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  64. Dialog 54 LOWNOTE Put - the snug-a-lug - down. NTR425

    S1 RF Page 212/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  65. Dialog 55 DR. RAVENHUG Fear not, old friend. NTR425 S1

    RF Page 215/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  66. Dialog 55 DR. RAVENHUG Fear not, old friend. NTR425 S1

    RF Page 216/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  67. Dialog 55 DR. RAVENHUG For I am about to fulfill

    our shared vision! NTR425 S1 RF Page 218/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  68. Dialog 55 DR. RAVENHUG For I am about to fulfill

    our shared vision! NTR425 S1 RF Page 219/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  69. Dialog 55 DR. RAVENHUG For I am about to fulfill

    our shared vision! NTR425 S1 RF Page 220/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  70. Dialog 55 DR. RAVENHUG Behold: the Snug-a-lug-a-Hug! NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 222/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  71. Dialog 55 DR. RAVENHUG Behold: the Snug-a-lug-a-Hug! NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 223/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  72. Dialog 55 DR. RAVENHUG Behold: the Snug-a-lug-a-Hug! NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 224/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  73. Dialog 55 DR. RAVENHUG Behold: the Snug-a-lug-a-Hug! NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 225/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  74. Dialog 55 DR. RAVENHUG Behold: the Snug-a-lug-a-Hug! NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 226/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  75. Dialog 55 DR. RAVENHUG Behold: the Snug-a-lug-a-Hug! NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 227/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  76. Dialog 55 DR. RAVENHUG Behold: the Snug-a-lug-a-Hug! NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 228/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  77. Dialog 56 LOWNOTE Your arm-- it?s too high on the

    left--! NTR425 S1 RF Page 232/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  78. Dialog 56 LOWNOTE Your arm-- it?s too high on the

    left--! NTR425 S1 RF Page 233/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  79. Dialog 57 DR. RAVENHUG The cuddliness! NTR425 S1 RF Page

    235/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  80. Dialog 57 DR. RAVENHUG The cuddliness! NTR425 S1 RF Page

    236/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  81. Dialog 57 DR. RAVENHUG Lownote-- it?s... beyond even our wildest

    dreams! NTR425 S1 RF Page 238/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  82. Dialog 57 DR. RAVENHUG Lownote-- it?s... beyond even our wildest

    dreams! ( NTR425 S1 RF Page 239/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  83. Dialog 57 DR. RAVENHUG Lownote-- it?s... beyond even our wildest

    dreams! ( NTR425 S1 RF Page 240/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  84. Dialog 57 DR. RAVENHUG (beat) Wait-- S-something?s wrong- NTR425 S1

    RF Page 245/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  85. Dialog 57 DR. RAVENHUG (beat) Wait-- S-something?s wrong- NTR425 S1

    RF Page 246/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  86. Dialog 57 DR. RAVENHUG (beat) Wait-- S-something?s wrong- NTR425 S1

    RF Page 247/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  87. Dialog 58 DR. RAVENHUG contain the snuggle-- NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 278/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  88. Dialog 58 DR. RAVENHUG contain the snuggle-- NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 279/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  89. Dialog 58 DR. RAVENHUG contain the snuggle-- NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 280/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  90. Dialog 58 DR. RAVENHUG contain the snuggle-- NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 281/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  91. Dialog 59 POPPY Wh-why isn?t it stopping?! NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 313/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  92. Dialog 59 POPPY Wh-why isn?t it stopping?! NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 314/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  93. Dialog 59 POPPY Wh-why isn?t it stopping?! NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 315/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  94. Dialog 59 POPPY Wh-why isn?t it stopping?! NTR425 S1 RF

    Page 316/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  95. Dialog 60 LOWNOTE He did the hug wrong! Triggered some

    kind of super accelerated snug-a-lug-a-duplication! NTR425 S1 RF Page 317/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  96. Dialog 60 LOWNOTE He did the hug wrong! Triggered some

    kind of super accelerated snug-a-lug-a-duplication! NTR425 S1 RF Page 318/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  97. Dialog 60 LOWNOTE He did the hug wrong! Triggered some

    kind of super accelerated snug-a-lug-a-duplication! NTR425 S1 RF Page 319/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  98. Dialog 60 LOWNOTE He did the hug wrong! Triggered some

    kind of super accelerated snug-a-lug-a-duplication! NTR425 S1 RF Page 320/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  99. Dialog 60 LOWNOTE He did the hug wrong! Triggered some

    kind of super accelerated snug-a-lug-a-duplication! NTR425 S1 RF Page 321/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  100. Dialog 60 LOWNOTE He did the hug wrong! Triggered some

    kind of super accelerated snug-a-lug-a-duplication! NTR425 S1 RF Page 322/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  101. Dialog 60 LOWNOTE He did the hug wrong! Triggered some

    kind of super accelerated snug-a-lug-a-duplication! NTR425 S1 RF Page 323/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  102. Dialog 61 DR. RAVENHUG By all that?s funky! What have

    I done? NTR425 S1 RF Page 347/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  103. Dialog 61 DR. RAVENHUG By all that?s funky! What have

    I done? NTR425 S1 RF Page 348/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  104. Dialog 61 DR. RAVENHUG By all that?s funky! What have

    I done? NTR425 S1 RF Page 349/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  105. Dialog 61 DR. RAVENHUG By all that?s funky! What have

    I done? NTR425 S1 RF Page 350/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  106. Dialog 61 DR. RAVENHUG By all that?s funky! What have

    I done? NTR425 S1 RF Page 351/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  107. Dialog 61 DR. RAVENHUG By all that?s funky! What have

    I done? NTR425 S1 RF Page 352/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  108. Dialog 61 DR. RAVENHUG By all that?s funky! What have

    I done? NTR425 S1 RF Page 353/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  109. Dialog 61 DR. RAVENHUG By all that?s funky! What have

    I done? NTR425 S1 RF Page 354/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  110. Dialog 61 DR. RAVENHUG By all that?s funky! What have

    I done? NTR425 S1 RF Page 355/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  111. Dialog 61 DR. RAVENHUG By all that?s funky! What have

    I done? NTR425 S1 RF Page 356/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  112. Dialog 61 DR. RAVENHUG By all that?s funky! What have

    I done? NTR425 S1 RF Page 357/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  113. Dialog 61 DR. RAVENHUG By all that?s funky! What have

    I done? NTR425 S1 RF Page 358/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  114. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 405/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  115. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 406/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  116. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 407/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  117. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 408/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  118. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 409/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  119. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 410/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  120. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 411/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  121. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 412/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  122. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 413/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  123. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 414/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  124. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 416/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  125. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 417/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  126. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 418/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  127. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 419/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  128. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 420/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  129. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 421/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  130. Dialog 62 GUY DIAMOND Ooh good, you?re back! Look, the

    silly one came out fantastic-- NTR425 S1 RF Page 422/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  131. Dialog 64 BRANCH can?t you beam the snug-a-lugs onto The

    Vibe Town spaceship NTR425 S1 RF Page 478/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  132. Dialog 65 LOWNOTE No. At their rate of duplication, they?d?d

    tear the ship apart. NTR425 S1 RF Page 480/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  133. Dialog 65 LOWNOTE No. At their rate of duplication, they?d?d

    tear the ship apart. NTR425 S1 RF Page 481/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  134. Dialog 65 LOWNOTE No. At their rate of duplication, they?d?d

    tear the ship apart. NTR425 S1 RF Page 482/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  135. Dialog 65 LOWNOTE No. At their rate of duplication, they?d?d

    tear the ship apart. NTR425 S1 RF Page 483/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  136. Dialog 65 LOWNOTE No. At their rate of duplication, they?d?d

    tear the ship apart. NTR425 S1 RF Page 484/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  137. Dialog 66 DR. RAVENHUG He?s right. NTR425 S1 RF Page

    486/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  138. Dialog 66 DR. RAVENHUG He?s right. NTR425 S1 RF Page

    487/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  139. Dialog 66 DR. RAVENHUG He?s right. NTR425 S1 RF Page

    488/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  140. Dialog 66 DR. RAVENHUG There?s only one hope. NTR425 S1

    RF Page 490/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  141. Dialog 66 DR. RAVENHUG (determined) I snuggled us into this

    mess. I?ll snuggle us out. NTR425 S1 RF Page 492/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  142. Dialog 67 HOLLY You mean, dive in that wave and

    re-try the Snug-a-lug-a-Hug?! NTR425 S1 RF Page 497/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  143. Dialog 67 HOLLY You mean, dive in that wave and

    re-try the Snug-a-lug-a-Hug?! NTR425 S1 RF Page 498/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  144. Dialog 67 HOLLY You mean, dive in that wave and

    re-try the Snug-a-lug-a-Hug?! NTR425 S1 RF Page 499/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  145. Dialog 67 HOLLY You mean, dive in that wave and

    re-try the Snug-a-lug-a-Hug?! NTR425 S1 RF Page 500/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  146. Dialog 67 HOLLY You mean, dive in that wave and

    re-try the Snug-a-lug-a-Hug?! NTR425 S1 RF Page 501/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  147. Dialog 67 HOLLY You mean, dive in that wave and

    re-try the Snug-a-lug-a-Hug?! NTR425 S1 RF Page 502/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  148. Dialog 67 HOLLY You mean, dive in that wave and

    re-try the Snug-a-lug-a-Hug?! NTR425 S1 RF Page 503/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  149. Dialog 67 HOLLY (then) Dang, that is fun to say.

    NTR425 S1 RF Page 504/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  150. Dialog 67 HOLLY (then) Dang, that is fun to say.

    NTR425 S1 RF Page 505/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  151. Dialog 68 DR. RAVENHUG If I can give Lownote?s pet

    a Snug-a-lug-a-Hug - and do it right this time - the duplicates disappear! NTR425 S1 RF Page 507/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  152. Dialog 68 DR. RAVENHUG If I can give Lownote?s pet

    a Snug-a-lug-a-Hug - and do it right this time - the duplicates disappear! NTR425 S1 RF Page 508/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  153. Dialog 68 DR. RAVENHUG If I can give Lownote?s pet

    a Snug-a-lug-a-Hug - and do it right this time - the duplicates disappear! NTR425 S1 RF Page 509/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  154. Dialog 68 DR. RAVENHUG If I can give Lownote?s pet

    a Snug-a-lug-a-Hug - and do it right this time - the duplicates disappear! NTR425 S1 RF Page 510/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  155. Dialog 68 DR. RAVENHUG If I can give Lownote?s pet

    a Snug-a-lug-a-Hug - and do it right this time - the duplicates disappear! NTR425 S1 RF Page 511/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  156. Dialog 68 DR. RAVENHUG If I can give Lownote?s pet

    a Snug-a-lug-a-Hug - and do it right this time - the duplicates disappear! NTR425 S1 RF Page 512/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  157. Dialog 68 DR. RAVENHUG If I can give Lownote?s pet

    a Snug-a-lug-a-Hug - and do it right this time - the duplicates disappear! NTR425 S1 RF Page 513/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  158. Dialog 68 DR. RAVENHUG If I can give Lownote?s pet

    a Snug-a-lug-a-Hug - and do it right this time - the duplicates disappear! NTR425 S1 RF Page 514/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  159. Dialog 68 DR. RAVENHUG If I can give Lownote?s pet

    a Snug-a-lug-a-Hug - and do it right this time - the duplicates disappear! NTR425 S1 RF Page 515/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  160. Dialog 68 DR. RAVENHUG If I can give Lownote?s pet

    a Snug-a-lug-a-Hug - and do it right this time - the duplicates disappear! NTR425 S1 RF Page 516/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  161. Dialog 68 DR. RAVENHUG If I can give Lownote?s pet

    a Snug-a-lug-a-Hug - and do it right this time - the duplicates disappear! NTR425 S1 RF Page 517/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  162. Dialog 69 LOWNOTE No, Ravenhug, it?s too dangerous. NTR425 S1

    RF Page 524/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  163. Dialog 69 LOWNOTE No, Ravenhug, it?s too dangerous. NTR425 S1

    RF Page 525/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  164. Dialog 69 LOWNOTE No, Ravenhug, it?s too dangerous. NTR425 S1

    RF Page 526/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  165. Dialog 69 LOWNOTE No, Ravenhug, it?s too dangerous. NTR425 S1

    RF Page 527/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  166. Dialog 69 LOWNOTE There are millions of snug-a-lugs; there?s no

    way you could identify which one is my pet. (turns to wave, determined) Only I can. NTR425 S1 RF Page 528/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  167. Dialog 69 LOWNOTE There are millions of snug-a-lugs; there?s no

    way you could identify which one is my pet. (turns to wave, determined) Only I can. NTR425 S1 RF Page 529/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  168. Dialog 70 TROLLS No, Lownote...!/ Don?t do it...!/ It?s too

    risky...! NTR425 S1 RF Page 530/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  169. Dialog 70 TROLLS No, Lownote...!/ Don?t do it...!/ It?s too

    risky...! NTR425 S1 RF Page 531/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  170. Dialog 70 TROLLS No, Lownote...!/ Don?t do it...!/ It?s too

    risky...! NTR425 S1 RF Page 532/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  171. Dialog 70 TROLLS No, Lownote...!/ Don?t do it...!/ It?s too

    risky...! NTR425 S1 RF Page 533/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  172. Dialog 70 TROLLS No, Lownote...!/ Don?t do it...!/ It?s too

    risky...! NTR425 S1 RF Page 534/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  173. Dialog 70 TROLLS No, Lownote...!/ Don?t do it...!/ It?s too

    risky...! NTR425 S1 RF Page 535/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  174. Dialog 70 TROLLS No, Lownote...!/ Don?t do it...!/ It?s too

    risky...! NTR425 S1 RF Page 536/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  175. Dialog 70 TROLLS No, Lownote...!/ Don?t do it...!/ It?s too

    risky...! NTR425 S1 RF Page 537/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  176. Dialog 70 TROLLS No, Lownote...!/ Don?t do it...!/ It?s too

    risky...! NTR425 S1 RF Page 538/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  177. Dialog 71 LOWNOTE Sorry, friends. It?s the only way. If

    I don?t make it back... think funky of me. NTR425 S1 RF Page 539/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  178. Dialog 71 LOWNOTE Sorry, friends. It?s the only way. If

    I don?t make it back... think funky of me. NTR425 S1 RF Page 540/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  179. Dialog 71 LOWNOTE Sorry, friends. It?s the only way. If

    I don?t make it back... think funky of me. NTR425 S1 RF Page 541/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  180. Dialog 71 LOWNOTE Sorry, friends. It?s the only way. If

    I don?t make it back... think funky of me. NTR425 S1 RF Page 542/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  181. Dialog 71 LOWNOTE Sorry, friends. It?s the only way. If

    I don?t make it back... think funky of me. NTR425 S1 RF Page 543/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  182. Dialog 71 LOWNOTE Sorry, friends. It?s the only way. If

    I don?t make it back... think funky of me. NTR425 S1 RF Page 544/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  183. Dialog 71 LOWNOTE Sorry, friends. It?s the only way. If

    I don?t make it back... think funky of me. NTR425 S1 RF Page 545/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  184. Dialog 71 LOWNOTE Sorry, friends. It?s the only way. If

    I don?t make it back... think funky of me. NTR425 S1 RF Page 546/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  185. Dialog 71 LOWNOTE Sorry, friends. It?s the only way. If

    I don?t make it back... think funky of me. NTR425 S1 RF Page 547/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  186. Dialog 72 POPPY I always said that if TrollsTopia were

    ever destroyed, I?d want it to be under the unyielding torrent of something cuddly... NTR425 S1 RF Page 690/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  187. Dialog 72 POPPY I always said that if TrollsTopia were

    ever destroyed, I?d want it to be under the unyielding torrent of something cuddly... NTR425 S1 RF Page 691/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  188. Dialog 72 POPPY I always said that if TrollsTopia were

    ever destroyed, I?d want it to be under the unyielding torrent of something cuddly... NTR425 S1 RF Page 692/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  189. Dialog 72 POPPY I always said that if TrollsTopia were

    ever destroyed, I?d want it to be under the unyielding torrent of something cuddly... NTR425 S1 RF Page 693/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  190. Dialog 72 POPPY I always said that if TrollsTopia were

    ever destroyed, I?d want it to be under the unyielding torrent of something cuddly... NTR425 S1 RF Page 694/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  191. Dialog 73 BRANCH (to other Trolls) That?s true, she really

    has said that before. NTR425 S1 RF Page 696/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  192. Dialog 73 BRANCH (to other Trolls) That?s true, she really

    has said that before. NTR425 S1 RF Page 697/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  193. Dialog 73 BRANCH (to other Trolls) That?s true, she really

    has said that before. NTR425 S1 RF Page 698/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  194. Dialog 73 BRANCH (to other Trolls) That?s true, she really

    has said that before. NTR425 S1 RF Page 699/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  195. Dialog 73 BRANCH (to other Trolls) That?s true, she really

    has said that before. NTR425 S1 RF Page 700/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  196. Dialog 74 DR. RAVENHUG (in awe) He... did it. NTR425

    S1 RF Page 748/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  197. Dialog 74 DR. RAVENHUG (in awe) He... did it. NTR425

    S1 RF Page 749/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  198. Dialog 74 DR. RAVENHUG (in awe) He... did it. NTR425

    S1 RF Page 750/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  199. Dialog 74 DR. RAVENHUG (in awe) He... did it. NTR425

    S1 RF Page 751/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  200. Dialog 75 DR. RAVENHUG I?m- I?m so sorry for all

    the trouble I caused, Lownote. Can you ever forgive me? NTR425 S1 RF Page 785/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  201. Dialog 75 DR. RAVENHUG I?m- I?m so sorry for all

    the trouble I caused, Lownote. Can you ever forgive me? NTR425 S1 RF Page 786/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  202. Dialog 75 DR. RAVENHUG I?m- I?m so sorry for all

    the trouble I caused, Lownote. Can you ever forgive me? NTR425 S1 RF Page 787/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  203. Dialog 75 DR. RAVENHUG I?m- I?m so sorry for all

    the trouble I caused, Lownote. Can you ever forgive me? NTR425 S1 RF Page 788/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  204. Dialog 75 DR. RAVENHUG I?m- I?m so sorry for all

    the trouble I caused, Lownote. Can you ever forgive me? NTR425 S1 RF Page 789/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  205. Dialog 75 DR. RAVENHUG I?m- I?m so sorry for all

    the trouble I caused, Lownote. Can you ever forgive me? NTR425 S1 RF Page 790/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  206. Dialog 75 DR. RAVENHUG I?m- I?m so sorry for all

    the trouble I caused, Lownote. Can you ever forgive me? NTR425 S1 RF Page 791/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  207. Dialog 76 LOWNOTE Rest assured, Groovtavius, NTR425 S1 RF Page

    795/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  208. Dialog 76 LOWNOTE Rest assured, Groovtavius, NTR425 S1 RF Page

    796/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  209. Dialog 76 LOWNOTE Rest assured, Groovtavius, NTR425 S1 RF Page

    797/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  210. Dialog 76 LOWNOTE having finally hugged my snug-a-lug, NTR425 S1

    RF Page 798/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  211. Dialog 76 LOWNOTE having finally hugged my snug-a-lug, NTR425 S1

    RF Page 799/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  212. Dialog 76 LOWNOTE having finally hugged my snug-a-lug, NTR425 S1

    RF Page 800/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  213. Dialog 76 LOWNOTE having finally hugged my snug-a-lug, NTR425 S1

    RF Page 801/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  214. Dialog 76 LOWNOTE I now understand what drove you to

    such extremes lo these many years. NTR425 S1 RF Page 802/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  215. Dialog 76 LOWNOTE I now understand what drove you to

    such extremes lo these many years. NTR425 S1 RF Page 803/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  216. Dialog 76 LOWNOTE Not that I?m saying it was worth

    nearly causing the end of the world but... NTR425 S1 RF Page 805/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  217. Dialog 76 LOWNOTE Not that I?m saying it was worth

    nearly causing the end of the world but... NTR425 S1 RF Page 806/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  218. Dialog 76 LOWNOTE Not that I?m saying it was worth

    nearly causing the end of the world but... NTR425 S1 RF Page 807/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  219. Dialog 76 LOWNOTE it was close. NTR425 S1 RF Page

    808/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  220. Dialog 76 LOWNOTE (warm) Old friend. NTR425 S1 RF Page

    810/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  221. Dialog 77 LOWNOTE Besides, one thing?s for sure: After all

    we?ve seen today, no Troll will ever risk hugging a snug-a-lug ever again. NTR425 S1 RF Page 815/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  222. Dialog 77 LOWNOTE Besides, one thing?s for sure: After all

    we?ve seen today, no Troll will ever risk hugging a snug-a-lug ever again. NTR425 S1 RF Page 816/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  223. Dialog 77 LOWNOTE Besides, one thing?s for sure: After all

    we?ve seen today, no Troll will ever risk hugging a snug-a-lug ever again. NTR425 S1 RF Page 817/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  224. Dialog 77 LOWNOTE Besides, one thing?s for sure: After all

    we?ve seen today, no Troll will ever risk hugging a snug-a-lug ever again. NTR425 S1 RF Page 818/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  225. Dialog 77 LOWNOTE Besides, one thing?s for sure: After all

    we?ve seen today, no Troll will ever risk hugging a snug-a-lug ever again. NTR425 S1 RF Page 819/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  226. Dialog 77 LOWNOTE Besides, one thing?s for sure: After all

    we?ve seen today, no Troll will ever risk hugging a snug-a-lug ever again. NTR425 S1 RF Page 820/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  227. Dialog 77 LOWNOTE Besides, one thing?s for sure: After all

    we?ve seen today, no Troll will ever risk hugging a snug-a-lug ever again. NTR425 S1 RF Page 821/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  228. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 830/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  229. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 831/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  230. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 832/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  231. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 833/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  232. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 834/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  233. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 835/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  234. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 836/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  235. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 837/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  236. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 838/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  237. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 839/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  238. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 840/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  239. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 841/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  240. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 845/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  241. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 846/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  242. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 847/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  243. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 848/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  244. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 849/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  245. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 850/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation
  246. Dialog 78 POPPY I-- I?m so sorry!! I think I

    hugged it wrong!! NTR425 S1 RF Page 851/852 Property of Dreamworks Animation