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Understanding & Developing Ember Addons

Understanding & Developing Ember Addons

Explaining how to develop the ember addons.

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Dilip Kushwaha

January 28, 2016

Other Decks in Programming


  1. What are Ember addons anyway ? A kind of ember

    app but used as library. addons can - be consumed by Ember apps - be wrapped over non-Ember javascript libraries - add preprocessors to the default registry, e.g. ember-cli-babel - be identified by keyword `ember-addon` in package.json
  2. Structure & Creation - to create `ember addon ember-cool-addon` -

    important files & folders - addon - app - blueprints - index.js - tests/dummy - config/ember-try.js - .travis.yml
  3. addon index.js explained - acts as addon entry point. -

    runs every time with parent app - hooks - isDevelopingAddon - helps while developing addon - included - import third party libraries. - locals - customising templates
  4. Addon blueprint - blueprint structure - blueprints/{blueprint-folders} - hooks -

    normalizeEntityName - rarely used. - beforeInstall - afterInstall - locals - blueprint types - default - others - running blueprint - `ember generate {blueprint-name}`
  5. Addon default blueprint - running blueprint - automatic - manual

    - default blueprint - runs automatically along with `ember install addon-name` - can be run manually in case of addon upgrades - `ember generate addon-name` - other blueprint for extra functionality, need to run manually - `ember install blueprint-name`
  6. Publishing addons on EmberObserver.com - package.json should have `keywords: [

    ‘ember-addon’]` - Publish it on npm and it gets automatically picked up by emberobserver in some time.