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EU - Digital Agenda

October 11, 2012

EU - Digital Agenda


October 11, 2012


  1. 2 Finland - the backbone of Internet MySQL, SSH, IRC,

    Linux, Nokia - all come from Finland. All built by men - in one of the most gender-equal countries of world. Wednesday, October 10, 12
  2. 4 Al Gore taught me to code. In 2001. Massive

    amounts of unharnessed teenage girl energy and creativity. Wednesday, October 10, 12
  3. 5 Hands-on, minds on. 7 events - hundreds of girls,

    hundreds of volunteers. Ramping up for a full open-source teaching stack. “Learning to program teaches you how to think. Computer science is a liberal art.” – Steve Jobs Coding is not lonely or mathematical. More like learning a new language and writing something that affects millions. Much like literacy. Wednesday, October 10, 12
  4. Hands on, minds on. We’re building an international community of

    volunteers with an open source stack of coding curriculum to teach technology. We want to give girls confidence and a global network in technology. Wednesday, October 10, 12
  5. 7 Why focus on code literacy? The ability both to

    read and to write in the foundational languages of the digital age and, in doing so, fundamentally transforms their perspective from that of user to maker, consumer to creative. Wednesday, October 10, 12
  6. Europe & competitiveness “The best minds of my generation are

    thinking about how to make people click ads.” – Jeff Hammerbacher, Early Facebook Employee Wednesday, October 10, 12
  7. 12 And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole

    world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it. ― Roald Dahl Thanks! [email protected] Wednesday, October 10, 12