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Boot: Build tooling for Clojure(script)

Boot: Build tooling for Clojure(script)

Talk given at ClojureD in Berlin in January 2015.


January 24, 2015

More Decks by mklappstuhl

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  1. Hi

  2. <script type="text/hoplon"> (page "index.html" (:refer-clojure :exclude [nth]) ;; A lot

    more ClojureScript </script> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf8"> </head> <body> <!-- A lot more HTML --> </body> </html>
  3. 2.0

  4. HOW

  5. ;; build.boot (set-env! :source-paths #{"src"} :dependencies '[[pandeiro/boot-http "0.4.2"] ...]) (require

    '[pandeiro.boot-http :refer [serve]] ...) (deftask run [] (comp (serve) ; serve files (speak) ; audible notifications (watch) ; trigger new builds (cljs-repl) ; cljs REPL - hah! (reload) ; Figwheel style reloading (build)))
  6. ;; build.boot (set-env! :source-paths #{"src"} :dependencies '[[pandeiro/boot-http "0.4.2"] ...]) (require

    '[pandeiro.boot-http :refer [serve]] ...) (deftask build [] (comp (cljx) (cljs) (garden))) (deftask run [] (comp (serve) ; serve files (speak) ; audible notifications (watch) ; trigger new builds (cljs-repl) ; cljs REPL - hah! (reload) ; Figwheel style reloading (build)))
  7. TASK OPTIONS (boot (cljs :optimizations :advanced)) ; REPL CLI <>

    REPL SYMMETRY boot serve watch cljs -O advanced # SHELL (boot (serve) (watch) (cljs :optimizations :advanced)) ; REPL
  8. (ns boot-garden.core {:boot/export-tasks true} (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] [boot.core :as

    boot :refer [deftask]] [boot.pod :as pod] [boot.file :as file] [boot.util :as util])) (def initial (atom true)) (defn add-dep [env dep] (update-in env [:dependencies] (fnil conj []) dep)) (defn ns-tracker-pod [] (pod/make-pod (assoc-in (boot/get-env) [:dependencies] '[[ns-tracker "0.2.2"]]))) (defn garden-pool [] (pod/pod-pool (add-dep (boot/get-env) '[garden "1.2.5"]) :init (fn [pod] (pod/require-in pod 'garden.core)))) (deftask garden "compile garden" [o output-to PATH str "The output css file path relative to docroot." s styles-var SYM sym "The var containing garden rules" p pretty-print bool "Pretty print compiled CSS" v vendors [str] "Vendors to apply prefixed for" a auto-prefix [str] "Properties to auto-prefix with vendor-prefixes"] (let [output-path (or output-to "main.css") css-var styles-var ns-sym (symbol (namespace css-var)) tmp (boot/temp-dir!) out (io/file tmp output-path) src-paths (vec (boot/get-env :source-paths)) garden-pods (garden-pool) ns-pod (ns-tracker-pod)] (pod/with-eval-in ns-pod (require 'ns-tracker.core) (def cns (ns-tracker.core/ns-tracker ~src-paths))) (boot/with-pre-wrap fileset (when (or @initial (some #{ns-sym} (pod/with-eval-in ns-pod (cns)))) (let [c-pod (garden-pods :refresh)] (if @initial (reset! initial false)) (util/info "Compiling %s...\n" (.getName out)) (io/make-parents out) (pod/with-eval-in c-pod (require '~ns-sym) (garden.core/css {:output-to ~(.getPath out) :pretty-print ~pretty-print :vendors ~vendors :auto-prefix ~(set auto-prefix)} ~css-var)))) (-> fileset (boot/add-resource tmp) boot/commit!))))
  9. (ns boot-garden.core {:boot/export-tasks true} (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] [boot.core :as

    boot :refer [deftask]] [boot.pod :as pod] [boot.file :as file] [boot.util :as util]))
  10. ;; (ns boot-garden.core ;; {:boot/export-tasks true} ;; (:require [clojure.java.io :as

    io] ;; [boot.core :as boot :refer [deftask]] ;; [boot.pod :as pod] ;; [boot.file :as file] ;; [boot.util :as util])) (def initial (atom true))
  11. ;; ... ;; (def initial ;; (atom true)) (defn add-dep

    [env dep] (update-in env [:dependencies] (fnil conj []) dep)) (defn ns-tracker-pod [] (pod/make-pod (assoc-in (boot/get-env) [:dependencies] '[[ns-tracker "0.2.2"]]))) (defn garden-pool [] (pod/pod-pool (add-dep (boot/get-env) '[garden "1.2.5"]) :init (fn [pod] (pod/require-in pod 'garden.core))))
  12. ;; ... ;; (defn garden-pool [] ;; (pod/pod-pool (add-dep (boot/get-env)

    '[garden "1.2.5"]) ;; :init (fn [pod] (pod/require-in pod 'garden.core)))) (deftask garden "compile garden" [o output-to PATH str "The output css file path relative to docroot." s styles-var SYM sym "The var containing garden rules" p pretty-print bool "Pretty print compiled CSS" v vendors [str] "Vendors to apply prefixed for" a auto-prefix [str] "Properties to auto-prefix with vendor-prefixes"]
  13. ;; ... ;; (deftask garden ;; "compile garden" ;; [o

    output-to PATH str "The output css file path relative to docroot." ;; s styles-var SYM sym "The var containing garden rules" ;; p pretty-print bool "Pretty print compiled CSS" ;; v vendors [str] "Vendors to apply prefixed for" ;; a auto-prefix [str] "Properties to auto-prefix with vendor-prefixes"] (let [output-path (or output-to "main.css") ns-sym (symbol (namespace styles-var)) tmp (boot/temp-dir!) out (io/file tmp output-path) src-paths (vec (boot/get-env :source-paths)) garden-pods (garden-pool) ns-pod (ns-tracker-pod)]
  14. ;; ... ;; (let [output-path (or output-to "main.css") ;; ns-sym

    (symbol (namespace styles-var)) ;; tmp (boot/temp-dir!) ;; out (io/file tmp output-path) ;; src-paths (vec (boot/get-env :source-paths)) ;; garden-pods (garden-pool) ;; ns-pod (ns-tracker-pod)] (pod/with-eval-in ns-pod (require 'ns-tracker.core) (def cns (ns-tracker.core/ns-tracker ~src-paths)))
  15. ;; ... ;; (pod/with-eval-in ns-pod ;; (require 'ns-tracker.core) ;; (def

    cns (ns-tracker.core/ns-tracker ~src-paths))) (boot/with-pre-wrap fileset (when (or @initial (some #{ns-sym} (pod/with-eval-in ns-pod (cns)))) (let [c-pod (garden-pods :refresh)] (if @initial (reset! initial false)) (util/info "Compiling %s...\n" (.getName out)) (io/make-parents out)
  16. ;; ... ;; (boot/with-pre-wrap fileset ;; (when (or @initial (some

    #{ns-sym} (pod/with-eval-in ns-pod (cns)))) ;; (let [c-pod (garden-pods :refresh)] ;; (if @initial (reset! initial false)) ;; (util/info "Compiling %s...\n" (.getName out)) ;; (io/make-parents out) (pod/with-eval-in c-pod (require '~ns-sym) (garden.core/css {:output-to ~(.getPath out) :pretty-print ~pretty-print :vendors ~vendors :auto-prefix ~(set auto-prefix)} ~css-var));))
  17. ;; ... ;; (boot/with-pre-wrap fileset ;; (when (or @initial (some

    #{ns-sym} (pod/with-eval-in ns-pod (cns)))) ;; (let [c-pod (garden-pods :refresh)] ;; (if @initial (reset! initial false)) ;; (util/info "Compiling %s...\n" (.getName out)) ;; (io/make-parents out) ;; (pod/with-eval-in c-pod ;; (require '~ns-sym) ;; (garden.core/css {:output-to ~(.getPath out) ;; :pretty-print ~pretty-print ;; :vendors ~vendors ;; :auto-prefix ~(set auto-prefix)} ~css-var));)) (-> fileset (boot/add-resource tmp) boot/commit!);)))