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April 26, 2023



April 26, 2023


  1. 2/40 早速ですが⾃⼰紹介 尾澤 公亮(おざわ こうすけ) NRIネットコム株式会社 基盤デザイン事業部 所属 妻⼀⼈、⼦⼀⼈、6⽉にもう⼀⼈追加予定 2016年

    NRIネットコム株式会社 ⼊社 AWSを中⼼として、 コンテナを⽤いた Web システムの設計・開発・運⽤ に従事 これ書きました→
  2. 6/40 > ➜ brew install --cask finch ~~~ 省略 ~~~

    ==> Downloading https://github.com/runfinch/finch/releases/download/v0.5.0/Finch-v0.5.0-x86_64.pkg ~~~ 省略 ~~~ ######################################################################## 100.0% ~~~ 省略 ~~~ 🍺 finch was successfully installed! > ※ v0.5.0は執筆時点での最新バージョン 何はともあれインストール
  3. 9/40 ➜ time finch vm init INFO[0000] binaries directory doesn't

    exist INFO[0000] Requesting root access to finish network dependency configuration INFO[0000] sudoers file not found: open /etc/sudoers.d/finch-lima: no such file or directory INFO[0009] Initializing and starting Finch virtual machine... INFO[0171] Finch virtual machine started successfully finch vm init 7.23s user 8.46s system 9% cpu 2:52.58 total finchを起動してみる
  4. 11/40 lima(VM) ├── bin ├── boot ├── dev ├── etc

    ├── home ├── mnt ├── media ├── opt ├── proc ├── root ├── sbin ├── srv ├── tmp ├── usr └── var host ├── Applications ├── Library ├── System ├── Users ├── Volumes ├── bin ├── dev ├── etc ├── home ├── opt ├── private ├── sbin ├── tmp ├── usr └── var $HOMEがマウントされてそう
  5. 12/40 lima(VM) ├── bin ├── boot ├── dev ├── etc

    ├── home ├── mnt ├── media ├── opt ├── proc ├── root ├── sbin ├── srv ├── tmp ├── usr └── var host ├── Applications ├── Library ├── System ├── Users ├── Volumes ├── bin ├── dev ├── etc ├── home ├── opt ├── private ├── sbin ├── tmp ├── usr └── var $HOMEがマウントされてそう
  6. 14/40 ➜ LIMA_HOME=/Applications/Finch/lima/data /Applications/Finch/lima/bin/limactl shell finch [k-ozawa@lima-finch /]$ [k-ozawa@lima-finch /]$

    uname -a Linux lima-finch 6.1.18-200.fc37.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sat Mar 11 16:09:14 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [k-ozawa@lima-finch /]$ [k-ozawa@lima-finch /]$ sudo su - [root@lima-finch ~]# 実際に⼊ってみた→lima VM