How to recognise that the user has just uninstalled your app
Presented during 2015 barcamp session.
Hacking Android to get a notification when your app is being uninstalled. Mixing JNI and native C code to do something that was never meant to be done ;-)
child process use inotify to watch a file 3. Watcher is woken up on file deletion. Start another native process 4. The last process run the ‘am’ (ActivityManager) command to run intent.
by Gradle. # For customization when using a Version Control System, please read the sdk.dir=/Users/alek/android-sdk ndk.dir=/Users/alek/android-ndk-r10e
{ pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_create(&thread, &attr, &observer_thread, NULL); } App not blocked but native code stopped when stopping app for uninstalling
code? Will this totally break the > Activity lifecycle model in Android? Don't do this. Just don't. -- Dianne Hackborn Android framework engineer