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ProxySQL : High Availability and High Performan...

February 01, 2014

ProxySQL : High Availability and High Performance Proxy for MySQL

This presentation was given by Rene Cannao, ProxySQL author and CEO, at FOSDEM 2014.

There are excellent Enterprise software which are able to scale out and boost performances of a cluster, but none open source. ProxySQL is a new proxy (currently under development) that aims to become the first open source proxy in the MySQL ecosystem able to provide HA and high performance with no changes in the application, using several built-in features and integration with clustering software.

Features under development are: - read/write split ; - queries caching ; - queries filtering and rewrite ; - logging ; - transparent reconnect ; - connection pooling ; - built-in key/value storage ; - integration with clustering solution like MHA for planned and/or automatic failover; - support for master-slave setups (MySQL replication) or multi-masters (NDB or Galera) .

The project is currently under active development, its source code and a mini how-to is available at https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql , and some initial benchmark are available at http://www.proxysql.com


February 01, 2014

More Decks by ProxySQL LLC


  1. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Rewrite queries Some applications generate bloated queries

    Unnecessary joins Wrong use of indexes Not optimized for all storage engines Can cause: excessive load, high latency, site outage
  2. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Cache frequent reads Possibly caching solutions: Caching

    in application or external caching Yet many applications don’t cache reads: Load and unnecessary latency
  3. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql MySQL Proxy Pros: • customizable • expandable

    • acceptable performance Cons: • CPU intensive • Not really reliable • Not maintained
  4. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql HAProxy Pros: • very stable • high

    performance • mature software Cons: • Layer 7 proxy for only HTTP • Doesn’t understand the MySQL Protocol • Layer 4 for other services
  5. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql ProxySQL Network proxy that sits transparently between

    the application and the database to solve: - on-the-fly rewrite of queries - caching reads outside the database server - load balancing - query routing and read/write split - High Availability
  6. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Hostgroups examples HG0: main write masters HG1:

    main read slaves HG2: reporting slaves HG3: ad-hoc queries slaves HG4: data warehouse write masters HG5: data warehouse read slaves HG6: remote site servers HG7: test servers
  7. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Support for heterogeneous setups Hostgroups have logical

    functionalities No replication relationship between hostgroups ProxySQL is not replication aware by design A query is routed to a single hostgroup
  8. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Queries cache Caching on the wire Internal

    key/value storage In memory only Pattern based Expired by timeout Roadmap : other criteria to expire cache entries distributed caching
  9. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Connections Pooling & Users Auth HG0 HG1

    APP1 ProxySQL Queries cache Query Processor APP2 APP3 Thread #1 Thread #2 Thread #3 Users Auth Connections Pooling
  10. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Connections Pooling & Users Auth Reduced the

    overhead of creating new connections, and are recycled when not in use Users login always possible One to many connections Auto-reconnect (unstable) Failover management (unstable)
  11. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Admin Interface HG0 HG1 APP ProxySQL Queries

    cache Query Processor APP APP Thread #1 Thread #2 Thread #3 Users Auth Connections Pooling Admin
  12. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Admin Interface Allows runtime configuration Exports internal

    statuses It uses MySQL protocol Configuration possible from any client/tool using MySQL API
  13. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Queries cache rules proxysql-admin> SELECT match_pattern ,

    negate_match_pattern neg , destination_hostgroup hs_id , cache_ttl ttl FROM query_rules WHERE replace_pattern IS NULL ORDER BY rule_id ; +---------------------+------+-------+------+ | match_pattern | neg | hs_id | ttl | +---------------------+------+-------+------+ | ^SELECT | 1 | 0 | -1 | | \s+FOR\s+UPDATE\s*$ | 0 | 0 | -1 | | .* | 0 | 1 | 30 | +---------------------+------+-------+------+
  14. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Queries rewrite rules proxysql-admin> SELECT match_pattern m,

    replace_pattern r , destination_hostgroup hs_id , cache_ttl ttl FROM query_rules WHERE replace_pattern IS NOT NULL\G m: ^SELECT(| DISTINCT) c FROM sbtest WHERE id BETWEEN (.*) AND (.*) ORDER BY c r: SELECT c FROM sbtest WHERE id BETWEEN \2 AND \3 hs_id: 1 ttl: 30
  15. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Basic design : 80/20 rule HG0 HG2

    HG1 ProxySQL APP APP ProxySQL Very low latency using Unix Domain Socket
  16. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql HG0 HG2 HG1 APP1 ProxySQL APP3 ProxySQL

    ProxySQL ProxySQL Complex Potential Setups APP2 ProxySQL ProxySQL HG0 HG0 HG0 HG1 ProxySQL ProxySQL
  17. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Location and multi-layer 80/20 rule Close to

    the application SQL caching like caching for HTTP, DNS, FTP High Availability easy to achieve Multi-layer caching Sharding
  18. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Hostgroup reconfiguration HG0 HG1 1 4 3

    ProxySQL APP 2 Remove host : all the connections to server2 are terminated 1 Add host : New connections to HG1 can use also server1
  19. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Failover : 2 phases task HG0 HG1

    1 4 3 ProxySQL APP 2 Connections to an empty hostgroup are put on hold 2 Connections to HG0 are resumed Connections to HG1 were never stopped 1) remove host 2) add host
  20. @proxysql http://proxysql.com https://github.com/renecannao/proxysql Distributed failover Multiple ProxySQL are available in

    a network Failover managed by an external process that: • remove host from each ProxySQL instance • add new host into each ProxySQL instance Manager is not part of ProxySQL. Ex: MHA https://code.google.com/p/mysql-master-ha/