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Rugrats the Reboot: "Susie's Story" Short
April 27, 2022
Rugrats the Reboot: "Susie's Story" Short
Short created for social media.
April 27, 2022
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Scene 1 Duration 03:06 Panel 1 Duration 03:06 Dialog SUSIE
I am going to read to you one of my favoritest bedtime stories. Notes DRIFT IN
Scene 2 Duration 01:22 Panel 1 Duration 00:15 Dialog SUSIE
It's called Snow White and the...
Scene 2 Duration 01:22 Panel 2 Duration 00:14 Dialog SUSIE
It's called Snow White and the...
Scene 2 Duration 01:22 Panel 3 Duration 00:17 Dialog SUSIE
It's called Snow White and the...
Scene 3 Duration 07:08 Panel 1 Duration 00:19 Dialog SUSIE
One, three...
Scene 3 Duration 07:08 Panel 2 Duration 00:21 Dialog SUSIE
One, three...
Scene 3 Duration 07:08 Panel 3 Duration 00:14 Dialog SUSIE
One, three...
Scene 3 Duration 07:08 Panel 4 Duration 00:14 Dialog SUSIE
One, three...
Scene 3 Duration 07:08 Panel 5 Duration 00:13 Dialog SUSIE
One, three...
Scene 3 Duration 07:08 Panel 6 Duration 00:20 Dialog SUSIE
One, three...
Scene 3 Duration 07:08 Panel 7 Duration 00:16 Dialog SUSIE
One, three...
Scene 3 Duration 07:08 Panel 8 Duration 00:15 Dialog SUSIE
One, three...
Scene 3 Duration 07:08 Panel 9 Duration 00:16 Dialog SUSIE
One, three...
Scene 3 Duration 07:08 Panel 10 Duration 00:15 Dialog SUSIE
Scene 3 Duration 07:08 Panel 11 Duration 00:13
Scene 4 Duration 04:12 Panel 1 Duration 00:18
Scene 4 Duration 04:12 Panel 2 Duration 00:15
Scene 4 Duration 04:12 Panel 3 Duration 00:18
Scene 4 Duration 04:12 Panel 4 Duration 00:19
Scene 4 Duration 04:12 Panel 5 Duration 00:15 Dialog CHUCKIE
Oh, good. Doors are what keep monsters away at night. Notes Phil cycle 1/2
Scene 4 Duration 04:12 Panel 6 Duration 00:23 Dialog CHUCKIE
Oh, good. Doors are what keep monsters away at night. Notes Phil cycle 2/2
Scene 5 Duration 02:03 Panel 1 Duration 02:03 Dialog SUSIE
Scene 6 Duration 03:15 Panel 1 Duration 00:10 Dialog SUSIE
there was a beautiful princess who lived in a room with five doors.
Scene 6 Duration 03:15 Panel 2 Duration 00:09 Dialog SUSIE
there was a beautiful princess who lived in a room with five doors.
Scene 6 Duration 03:15 Panel 3 Duration 00:11 Dialog SUSIE
there was a beautiful princess who lived in a room with five doors.
Scene 6 Duration 03:15 Panel 4 Duration 00:09 Dialog SUSIE
there was a beautiful princess who lived in a room with five doors.
Scene 6 Duration 03:15 Panel 5 Duration 00:12 Dialog SUSIE
there was a beautiful princess who lived in a room with five doors.
Scene 6 Duration 03:15 Panel 6 Duration 01:12 Dialog SUSIE
there was a beautiful princess who lived in a room with five doors.
Scene 6A Duration 01:16 Panel 1 Duration 00:12
Scene 6A Duration 01:16 Panel 2 Duration 01:04
Scene 6B Duration 02:21 Panel 1 Duration 00:13 Dialog SUSIE
But one day, the princess ate a wormy apple a witch gave her and it made the doors get very,
Scene 6B Duration 02:21 Panel 2 Duration 00:12 Dialog SUSIE
But one day, the princess ate a wormy apple a witch gave her and it made the doors get very,
Scene 6B Duration 02:21 Panel 3 Duration 00:20 Dialog SUSIE
But one day, the princess ate a wormy apple a witch gave her and it made the doors get very,
Scene 6B Duration 02:21 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog SUSIE
But one day, the princess ate a wormy apple a witch gave her and it made the doors get very,
Scene 7 Duration 03:08 Panel 1 Duration 00:22 Dialog SUSIE
very sleepy...
Scene 7 Duration 03:08 Panel 2 Duration 00:06 Dialog SUSIE
very sleepy...
Scene 7 Duration 03:08 Panel 3 Duration 00:23 Dialog SUSIE
very sleepy...
Scene 7 Duration 03:08 Panel 4 Duration 00:14 Dialog CHUCKIE
Scene 7 Duration 03:08 Panel 5 Duration 00:15 Dialog CHUCKIE
Scene 8 Duration 02:01 Panel 1 Duration 00:22 Dialog SUSIE
So they all closed shut:
Scene 8 Duration 02:01 Panel 2 Duration 00:11 Dialog SUSIE
Scene 8 Duration 02:01 Panel 3 Duration 00:16 Dialog SUSIE
Scene 9 Duration 04:06 Panel 1 Duration 00:19
Scene 9 Duration 04:06 Panel 2 Duration 00:18 Dialog CHUCKIE
This is not so nice...
Scene 9 Duration 04:06 Panel 3 Duration 00:16 Dialog CHUCKIE
This is not so nice...
Scene 9 Duration 04:06 Panel 4 Duration 00:19 Dialog CHUCKIE
This is not so nice...
Scene 9 Duration 04:06 Panel 5 Duration 00:16 Dialog CHUCKIE
This is not so nice...
Scene 9 Duration 04:06 Panel 6 Duration 00:14 Dialog CHUCKIE
This is not so nice...
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 1 Duration 00:12 Dialog SUSIE
But Snow White needed a drink of water afore she went to sleep, Notes DRIFT IN
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 2 Duration 00:12 Dialog SUSIE
But Snow White needed a drink of water afore she went to sleep, Notes DRIFT IN
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 3 Duration 00:13 Dialog SUSIE
But Snow White needed a drink of water afore she went to sleep, Notes DRIFT IN
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 4 Duration 00:13 Dialog SUSIE
But Snow White needed a drink of water afore she went to sleep, Notes DRIFT IN
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 5 Duration 00:08 Dialog SUSIE
But Snow White needed a drink of water afore she went to sleep, Notes DRIFT IN
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 6 Duration 00:14 Dialog SUSIE
But Snow White needed a drink of water afore she went to sleep, Notes DRIFT IN
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 7 Duration 00:12 Dialog SUSIE
But Snow White needed a drink of water afore she went to sleep, Notes DRIFT IN
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 8 Duration 00:10 Dialog SUSIE
But Snow White needed a drink of water afore she went to sleep, Notes DRIFT IN
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 9 Duration 00:14 Dialog SUSIE
But Snow White needed a drink of water afore she went to sleep,
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 10 Duration 00:14 Dialog SUSIE
so she tried to open one of the doors.
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 11 Duration 00:08 Dialog SUSIE
so she tried to open one of the doors.
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 12 Duration 00:09 Dialog SUSIE
But it wouldn't open
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 13 Duration 00:10 Dialog SUSIE
But it wouldn't open
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 14 Duration 00:10 Dialog SUSIE
But it wouldn't open
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 15 Duration 00:10 Dialog SUSIE
So she huffed and she puffed ---
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 16 Duration 00:09 Dialog SUSIE
So she huffed and she puffed ---
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 17 Duration 00:12 Dialog SUSIE
So she huffed and she puffed ---
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 18 Duration 00:11 Dialog SUSIE
So she huffed and she puffed ---
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 19 Duration 00:08
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 20 Duration 00:07
Scene 10 Duration 09:12 Panel 21 Duration 00:12
Scene 11 Duration 01:04 Panel 1 Duration 00:15 Dialog SUSIE
But that didn't work.
Scene 11 Duration 01:04 Panel 2 Duration 00:13 Dialog SUSIE
So she cided to climb out the window Notes CROSS DISSOLVE TO NEXT SCENE
Scene 12 Duration 00:12 Panel 1 Duration 00:12 Dialog SUSIE
using her very own hair! Notes X-DISSOVLE ON
Scene 13 Duration 01:02 Panel 1 Duration 00:11
Scene 13 Duration 01:02 Panel 2 Duration 00:15
Scene 14 Duration 06:11 Panel 1 Duration 00:17 Dialog SUSIE
But just then - the five doors swinged open, and guess what was on the other side? Notes Reference
Scene 14 Duration 06:11 Panel 2 Duration 00:15 Dialog SUSIE
But just then - the five doors swinged open, and guess what was on the other side? Notes susie cycle 1/3 *Cycle through all 3 times, flipping faster each time
Scene 14 Duration 06:11 Panel 3 Duration 00:14 Dialog SUSIE
But just then - the five doors swinged open, and guess what was on the other side? Notes susie cycle 2/3
Scene 14 Duration 06:11 Panel 4 Duration 00:17 Dialog SUSIE
But just then - the five doors swinged open, Notes susie cycle 3/3
Scene 14 Duration 06:11 Panel 5 Duration 00:20 Dialog SUSIE
and guess what was on the other side?
Scene 14 Duration 06:11 Panel 6 Duration 00:16 Dialog SUSIE
and guess what was on the other side?
Scene 14 Duration 06:11 Panel 7 Duration 00:13
Scene 14 Duration 06:11 Panel 8 Duration 00:21 Notes DRIFT
Scene 14 Duration 06:11 Panel 9 Duration 00:22 Notes DRIFT
Scene 15 Duration 02:02 Panel 1 Duration 00:13 Dialog CHUCKIE
Please don't be monsters. Please don't be monsters. Notes Chuckie cycle 1/2
Scene 15 Duration 02:02 Panel 2 Duration 00:14 Dialog CHUCKIE
Please don't be monsters. Please don't be monsters. Notes Chuckie cycle 2/2
Scene 15 Duration 02:02 Panel 3 Duration 00:12 Dialog CHUCKIE
Please don't be monsters. Please don't be monsters.
Scene 15 Duration 02:02 Panel 4 Duration 00:11 Dialog CHUCKIE
Please don't be monsters. Please don't be monsters.
Scene 16 Duration 07:21 Panel 1 Duration 00:16 Dialog SUSIE
Three sweet little piggies! They all had sippy cups of water.
Scene 16 Duration 07:21 Panel 2 Duration 00:15 Dialog SUSIE
Three sweet little piggies! They all had sippy cups of water.
Scene 16 Duration 07:21 Panel 3 Duration 00:13 Dialog SUSIE
Three sweet little piggies! They all had sippy cups of water.
Scene 16 Duration 07:21 Panel 4 Duration 00:15 Dialog SUSIE
Three sweet little piggies! They all had sippy cups of water.
Scene 16 Duration 07:21 Panel 5 Duration 00:14 Dialog SUSIE
Three sweet little piggies! They all had sippy cups of water.
Scene 16 Duration 07:21 Panel 6 Duration 00:14
Scene 16 Duration 07:21 Panel 7 Duration 00:13 Dialog SUSIE
So Snow White came back to bed and the doors all closed and everyone slept happily ever after!
Scene 16 Duration 07:21 Panel 8 Duration 00:09 Dialog SUSIE
So Snow White came back to bed and the doors all closed and everyone slept happily ever after!
Scene 16 Duration 07:21 Panel 9 Duration 00:15 Dialog SUSIE
So Snow White came back to bed and the doors all closed and everyone slept happily ever after!
Scene 16 Duration 07:21 Panel 10 Duration 00:17 Dialog SUSIE
So Snow White came back to bed and the doors all closed and everyone slept happily ever after!
Scene 16 Duration 07:21 Panel 11 Duration 00:11 Dialog SUSIE
So Snow White came back to bed and the doors all closed and everyone slept happily ever after!
Scene 16 Duration 07:21 Panel 12 Duration 00:10 Dialog SUSIE
So Snow White came back to bed and the doors all closed and everyone slept happily ever after!
Scene 16 Duration 07:21 Panel 13 Duration 00:10 Dialog SUSIE
So Snow White came back to bed and the doors all closed and everyone slept happily ever after!
Scene 16 Duration 07:21 Panel 14 Duration 00:10 Dialog SUSIE
So Snow White came back to bed and the doors all closed and everyone slept happily ever after!
Scene 16 Duration 07:21 Panel 15 Duration 00:07 Dialog SUSIE
So Snow White came back to bed and the doors all closed and everyone slept happily ever after!
Scene 16A Duration 01:15 Panel 1 Duration 00:09
Scene 16A Duration 01:15 Panel 2 Duration 00:11
Scene 16A Duration 01:15 Panel 3 Duration 00:19
Scene 17 Duration 01:09 Panel 1 Duration 00:18 Dialog SUSIE
The end!
Scene 17 Duration 01:09 Panel 2 Duration 00:15
Scene 17A Duration 06:02 Panel 1 Duration 00:17
Scene 17A Duration 06:02 Panel 2 Duration 00:18
Scene 17A Duration 06:02 Panel 3 Duration 00:15
Scene 17A Duration 06:02 Panel 4 Duration 00:23
Scene 17A Duration 06:02 Panel 5 Duration 00:13
Scene 17A Duration 06:02 Panel 6 Duration 00:11
Scene 17A Duration 06:02 Panel 7 Duration 00:18
Scene 17A Duration 06:02 Panel 8 Duration 00:18
Scene 17A Duration 06:02 Panel 9 Duration 00:13
Scene 18 Duration 07:07 Panel 1 Duration 00:13
Scene 18 Duration 07:07 Panel 2 Duration 00:09
Scene 18 Duration 07:07 Panel 3 Duration 00:09
Scene 18 Duration 07:07 Panel 4 Duration 00:12
Scene 18 Duration 07:07 Panel 5 Duration 00:10
Scene 18 Duration 07:07 Panel 6 Duration 00:07
Scene 18 Duration 07:07 Panel 7 Duration 00:09
Scene 18 Duration 07:07 Panel 8 Duration 00:12
Scene 18 Duration 07:07 Panel 9 Duration 00:12
Scene 18 Duration 07:07 Panel 10 Duration 00:10
Scene 18 Duration 07:07 Panel 11 Duration 00:11
Scene 18 Duration 07:07 Panel 12 Duration 01:06
Scene 18 Duration 07:07 Panel 13 Duration 00:16
Scene 18 Duration 07:07 Panel 14 Duration 00:15
Scene 19 Duration 03:09 Panel 1 Duration 00:22
Scene 19 Duration 03:09 Panel 2 Duration 00:21
Scene 19 Duration 03:09 Panel 3 Duration 00:21
Scene 19 Duration 03:09 Panel 4 Duration 00:17 Dialog PHIL
Did I miss the good part?