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Growth Hacking - how, what, why? | Anssi Rantanen

Software Finland ry
February 25, 2019

Growth Hacking - how, what, why? | Anssi Rantanen

Software Finland ry

February 25, 2019

More Decks by Software Finland ry


  1. 2-Day Growth Hacking Crash Course • Years of learning condensed

    into 2 days ◦ Behavioral psychology ◦ Landing pages that convert ◦ Conversion driven chatbots ◦ Building virality into your product or service ◦ 40+ tools, 25+ hands-on exercises ◦ And much more… • Price for one ticket: 1597€ (+alv) • Lifetime access to all our course material Next course: 17.-18.10. This week for Ohjelmistoyrittäjät: -10% alennus! Sign up by sending an e-mail to anssi@growthtribe.fi
  2. 3 AGENDA 1. Mindset 2. Tools & Tactics (e.g. 5

    second tests) 3. Process (ranking of ideas) 4. Skills Collect ideas as we go (let’s aim for 5-10!) Let’s keep it interactive
  3. Key insight! Why do they do this? They want to

    maximise the learning of what works and what doesn’t!
  4. MINDSET PROCESS PEOPLE TOOLS & TACTICS Behavioural Psychology Data +

    Testing Creative Thinking CANI = Constant and neverending improvement Tooling + Automation Scaling wins UX improvement Testing through empathy GROWTH
  5. Growth Marketing Transformation Pyramid MINDSET = (Organisational Change a.k.a “transformation,

    Leadership alignment) PROCESS = (Agile, Experimentation, Removing 9 Blockers) PEOPLE = (Team composition, Skills Training, Experiment design, strategy) TOOLS & TACTICS (Implementation, strategy, tools, best practices, implementation) MINDSET PROCESS PEOPLE TOOLS & TACTICS
  6. Our success at Amazon is a function of how many

    experiments we do per year, per month, per week, per day. Being wrong might hurt you a bit.. But being slow will kill you.
  7. Key insight! Why do they do this? They want to

    maximise the learning of what works and what doesn’t!
  8. The fastest companies seem to be winning WINNERS LOSERS In

    the last 15 years, 52% of the fortune 500 companies have disappeared. 1995 average life expectancy = 75 years 2015 average life expectancy = 15 years vs The world’s most innovative and fast growing businesses are running thousands of experiments annually. 1300 2000 7000 2000 1000 100k+
  9. 1 Person Drive targeted traffic New value proposition landing page

    Automated lifecycle New self service onboarding Experiment 6
  10. Growth Marketing Transformation Pyramid MINDSET = (Organisational Change a.k.a “transformation,

    Leadership alignment) PROCESS = (Agile, Experimentation, Removing 9 Blockers) PEOPLE = (Team composition, Skills Training, Experiment design, strategy) TOOLS & TACTICS (Implementation, strategy, tools, best practices, implementation) MINDSET PROCESS PEOPLE TOOLS & TACTICS
  11. Marketing Teams Growth Teams AWARENESS visit your website ACQUISITION sign

    up, find a product or read a piece of information ACTIVATION experience the value of our service for the first time RETENTION use our service daily, weekly or monthly REFERRALS invite others to our service REVENUE Pricing, cross-sell, upsell
  12. Awareness AWARENESS visit your website or product ACQUISITION sign up,

    find a product or read a piece of information ACTIVATION experience the value of our service for the first time RETENTION use our service daily, weekly or monthly REFERRALS invite others to our service REVENUE Pricing, cross-sell, upsell
  13. 33 IDEA TIME Come up with 1-2 ideas how you

    can use Linkedin to generate more leads/sales Viral posts Linked Helper Crystal Knows
  14. 37 IDEA TIME Come up with 1-2 ideas how you

    could use engineered marketing for coming up with leads!
  15. 41 IDEA TIME Come up with 1-2 ideas on how

    you could be assisting your leads on Google throughout their customer journey Can you combine this with tool-based marketing?
  16. Acqusition AWARENESS visit your website or product ACQUISITION sign up,

    find a product or read a piece of information ACTIVATION experience the value of our service for the first time RETENTION use our service daily, weekly or monthly REFERRALS invite others to our service REVENUE Pricing, cross-sell, upsell
  17. EXERCISE! 1. Go to usabilityhub.com 2. → Make an account.

    3. Go to usabilityhub.com/codes/claim And enter the code F9F51
  18. EXERCISE: CREATE A 5s TEST Instruction: Imagine you land on

    this page Instruction: Kuvittele että laskeudut tälle verkkosivulle Q1: What product or service does this website offer? Q2: What are the benefits of this product or service? Q1: Mitä tämä tuote tai palvelu tarjoaa? Q2: Mitkä ovat tämän tuotteen tai palvelun hyödyt?
  19. EXERCISE! Make a screenshot of a landing page and set

    up a 5-sec test 10 min STEPS 1. Instruction: Imagine you land on this page. 2. Question 1: What product or service does this page offer? 3. Question 2: Why is it better than competitors? What are the benefits of this product or service? 4. Save and Recruit Participants 5. Scroll down > Press “Place an order” 6. Choose “Custom order” from the dropdown menu and use 5 (10 credits) 7. Run it!
  20. Growing Digital Skills Gap Possible skills POSSIBLE SKILLS AVERAGE SKILLS

    Time Prototyping Funnel Marketing UX Analytics CRO A/B Testing Back-end Dev HTML, CSS, JS Machine Learning Deep Learning NLP SEO E-mail SEM Social Media
  21. Growth Marketing Transformation Pyramid MINDSET = (Organisational Change a.k.a “transformation,

    Leadership alignment) PROCESS = (Agile, Experimentation, Removing 9 Blockers) PEOPLE = (Team composition, Skills Training, Experiment design, strategy) TOOLS & TACTICS (Implementation, strategy, tools, best practices, implementation) MINDSET PROCESS PEOPLE TOOLS & TACTICS
  22. MINDSET = (Organisational Change a.k.a “transformation, Leadership alignment) PROCESS =

    (Agile, Experimentation, Removing 9 Blockers) PEOPLE = (Team composition, Skills Training, Experiment design, strategy) TOOLS & TACTICS (Implementation, strategy, tools, best practices, implementation) MINDSET PROCESS PEOPLE TOOLS & TACTICS Growth Marketing Transformation Pyramid
  23. “Instill an ability to test, pivot & iterate in a

    market, at velocity; we upskilled our teams using T-shaping. Creating a culture that’s fearless in executing, & learning through a Growth Mindset.” Skyscanner Important lessons
  24. Key insight! Remember! The fastest growing companies in the world

    maximise their learning! → It’s critical that you upskill yourself too!
  25. “ Reading tips Lean Analytics (our no 1 recommendation) Hacking

    Growth (for GH introduction) Influence (behavioral psychology) grow.ac/konsultointi
  26. 2-Day Growth Hacking Crash Course • Years of learning condensed

    into 2 days ◦ Behavioral psychology ◦ Landing pages that convert ◦ Conversion driven chatbots ◦ Building virality into your product or service ◦ 40+ tools, 25+ hands-on exercises ◦ And much more… • Price for one ticket: 1597€ (+alv) • Lifetime access to all our course material Next course: 17.-18.10. This week for Ohjelmistoyrittäjät: -10% alennus!