[email protected]. We’ll automa7cally pull job 7tle, company name, and applica7on date from the email. We then automa7cally create an applica7on record in StartWire.
automa7c updates on applica7ons from 7,000 employers. Now that we know where you’ve applied, we can tell which of your applica7ons can be monitored for updates.
company, you will be asked for the username & password you created when you applied. Sharing this informa7on allows StartWire to monitor your applica7on and provide updates. And don’t worry…. your passwords are completely encrypted (even our StartWire team can’t see them). Forgot your username and password? No problem. Click the company name in green and we will bring you to the password reminder page for that companies career site.
next to one of your applica7ons in StartWire, automa&c updates have NOT been enabled for this applica&on. Click the link and follow the instruc7ons to start geTng status updates on this applica7on.
your applica7ons, research shows keep your applica7ons organized speeds your job search. StartWire allows you to manually track your applica7ons and can even automate any state required work search repor7ng!